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Museums in Kazakhstan

24 сәуір 2013, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Form 8
Theme: Museums in Kazakhstan
Objectives: SWBAT use Present Perfect Continuous Tense, make a presentation and talk about the Museums of Kazakhstan.
Type of lesson: new
Materials: textbook, cards, interactive board
Educational: to explain the usage of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense and have some information about the Museums of Kazakhstan
Developing: to develop memory, attention, reading, speaking, pronunciation, give oral presentation

1. Organization moment.
a) greeting b) checking up the attendance
T: Today our lesson is devoted to the Museums of KZ. But first we are going to learn the Present Perfect Continuous Tense. We'll do a lot of work at the lesson. I want you to speak English a lot and learn as much as possible from this lesson.
2. Presentation of grammar
We use the Present Perfect Continuous for:
• actions and situations that started in the past and still continue at the moment of speaking.
өткен шақта басталған оқиғаның, іс - әрекеттің әлі де жалғасып жатқандығып білдіреді.
• temporary actions and situations in the recent past.
өткен шақта басталған оқиғаның сөйлеу алдында ғана біткендігін көрсетеді.

+ S+ have/has+ been + V+ing
? Have /Has +S + been + V+ing
? Wh + have/has + S + been +V+ing

Short answers
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
- S + have/has not + been + V+ing
Time expressions:
for an hour (бір сағат бойы)
for a long time (ұзақ уақыт бойы)
since yesterday (кешеден бері)
since 5 o'clock (сағат 5 тен бастап)
just ( жаңа ғана)
recently (жақында )
lately ( жуырда)
all day (күні бойы)
all morning (таңертеңгілік уақыт бойы)
? How long … ( Қанша уақыттан бері...)
? Since when … ( Қашаннан бастап... )

3. Grammar Practice
T: We’ve had some information about the Present Perfect Continuous. Now let’s practise.
Ex. 1. Read and translate
1) I have been reading this text for 20 minutes.
2) He has been living in Aktobe for 21 years.
3) They have been learning English since the 5th form.
4) How long has Erlan been living in Astana?
5) Since when has he been working at the museum?

Ex. 2. Write the sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous using these phrases:
clean the kitchen, play football, make a chocolate cake, go to National Gallery, watch TV.

Ex. 3. Complete these sentences
1) My friend is learning German. He … … … (learn) for 5 weeks.
2) It’s raining. It … … … (rain) since morning.
3) My friend is watching TV. She … … … (watch) TV for an hour.
4) How long … you … … (wait) for your mum?
5) This crossword is difficult. I … … … (do) it for 40 minutes.
6) I love tennis. I … … … (play) tennis since I was 10.

4. Presentation of Museums Kazakhstan.
1. The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2. The A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts
3. The State Museum of National Musical Instruments
4. The State Book Museum
5. Almaty regional museum of historic - regional studies named after M. Tynyshpaev
6. The Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
5. Conclusion & Evaluation
T: So we have just visited the Museums of Kazakhstan. I hope the topic was interesting for you. You were very active, attentive and bright. You’ll have the following marks …
6. Giving the homework & Ending the lesson
T: Write down your homework! Ex. 2 p. 88. The lesson is over. See you later.

Ағылшын тілінен арнаулы курс бағдарламасы
Ағылшын тілінен арнаулы курс бағдарламасы
ПРАКТИКАЛЫҚ ГРАММАТИКА Ағылшын тілінен арнаулы курс бағдарламасы 11 класқа арналған
The Past Perfect Tense (Аяқталған өткен шақ)
The Past Perfect Tense (Аяқталған өткен шақ)
Let’s begin our lesson. Our new theme is “The Past Perfect Tense”. We are going to speak about Past Perfect Tense. We are going to act out dialogues, do the exercises, ask the answer the questions in order to enrich your vocabulary and develop
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің факультатив жоспары
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің факультатив жоспары
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің факультатив жоспары
Short content of the lesson “Education of Kazakhstan”
Short content of the lesson “Education of Kazakhstan”
to introduce students to the new words on the new lexical material; to enrich students’ knowledge concerning the theme, to teach to give general understanding of the new text using the different forms of the work on the text; to teach to define the
I want to visit Washington D. C. The Present Perfect Tense
I want to visit Washington D. C. The Present Perfect Tense
Let’s begin our lesson. Today we shall speak about grammar, The Present Perfect Tense, do exercises, speak, ask and answer the questions. First of all, come to me, take the colors blue and red, then divide into two groups. Who takes the color red
Present Continuous tense
Present Continuous tense
Маңғыстау облысы, Мұнайлы ауданы, № 11 жалпы білім беру орта мектебінің мұғалімі Уймаганбетова Жания Муратовна
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Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.