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Our planet – the Earth

30 қаңтар 2015, Жұма
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
IІІ quarter Grade: 8 Subject: English
The theme: Our planet – the Earth
The aims of the lesson
• To review about the Earth and its problems;
• To teach them to make sentences about the ways of protection the Earth;
• To teach them to work in groups.
The expected result
 Students will review about the Earth and its problems;
 Students will be able to make sentences about the ways of protection the Earth;
 Students will be able to work in groups.
The main idea They will be warmed up. They will read the poem about the Earth and discuss it. They will complete association and make sentences about the ways of protection the Earth.
Steppes Warm up
Individual work “Reading and speaking”
Team work “Think and feedback”
Individual work “Environmental quiz”
Individual work “Test”
Individual work “Conclusion”
Assessment They will be assessed with traffic light cards according to their pronunciations
Assess with two stars and a wish
Assess with using correct answers and trafic light cards
Assess with traffic light cards
Homework Review grammar rules and vocabulary

Teacher’s notes about the lesson (what will teacher and students do during the lesson?)

I. Introduction
a. Warm - up
The teacher (shows an apple): This our Earth. The teacher (cut the apple into quarters): Three quarters of the Earth’s surface is water and only one – quarter is land. The teacher cuts one quarter: Only one half of the land is habitable. The other half is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice caps. Less than one per cent of the Earth’s water is fresh and drinkable. The population of the Earth become larger every year, but the Earth doesn’t become larger. That’s why should take care of the Earth, save it clean and nice.
 Dividing the class into groups (two groups)
(they will be divided by using cards)

II. Individual work “Reading and speaking”
- They will read the following poem one by one.
- They will discuss the main idea of the poem
- They will be assessed with traffic light cards according to their pronunciations
“Kids for Saving Earth Promise”.
The Earth is my home.
I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful.
I will love the land, the air, the water and all living creatures.
I will be a defender of my planet, united with friends.
I will save the Earth.
United with friends, I promise to keep it,
United with friends, I’ll love the land,
United with friends, I’ll be a defender,
I will save the Earth.
I will save the Earth.

III. Team work “Think and feedback”
- Read the text (own. pair. team)
- Complete the diagram about the Earth.
- Assess with two stars and a wish

IV. Individual work “Environmental quiz”
- Complete the following sentences with using appropriate word, which you should find from mixed letters.
- Assess with using correct answers and trafic light cards
1. The gradual warming up the Earth is called________ warming. (alogbl)
2. Acid ________ destroys trees and kills fish in lakes. (ianr)
3. Many factories dump dangerous ______ straight into the sea. (michecals)
4. Burning things releases _______ dioxide into the atmosphere. (boncar)
5. Huge areas of tropical rain ________ are disappearing every year. (orestf)
6. The exhaust fumes from cars and lorries cause serious ________ in many cities around the world. (llutionpo)

V. Individual work “Test”
- do the following test. Check with correct answers and assess with traffic light cards themselves.
1. They are leaving many trees alone to give shade and _____ for animals.
A. animal
B. food
C shelter
2. It just means ________ at one time.
A. you can cut all the trees.
B. you only cut a few sick trees
C. only so many trees can be cut.
3. The streams should not fill with __________ and the animals should not be destroyed.
A. fish
B. silt
C. water
4. The trees, animals and water _____ on each other.
A. climb
B. depend
C. live

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