Three Art
The theme: Step Three Art Grade: 9
The aims of the lesson: • Focus on the different functions of the Past Perfect;
• To give practice in expressing opinion and giving reasons;
• Individual and group feedback.
1. Warm up 4 min
2. Team work “Reading for gist” 10 min
3. Pair work “Complete with the correct word” 8 min
4. Individual work “Rewrite sentences” 8 min
5. Individual work “Make complete sentence” 10 min
6. Expressions 5 min
The expected result:
They will know the different functions of the Past Perfect;
They will be able to express opinion and giving reasons;
They will be able to work individually and in group.
The main idea - Create “Grammar database” based on Past Perfect Active and Passive;
- Expectation: completely understand different functions and ways of using Past Perfect tense.
- Working out: understanding the implication of a task and selecting material to suit it.
- Scanning the text for gist and do the tasks according to it
Assessment 1. Two stars and a wish
2. Respond/Learning logs
3. Learning logs
4. Individual whiteboard
Homework Ex6p49
I. Organization moment
a. Greeting
b. Warm - up
c. Work in one group
d. Check up their homework
II. Main part
Step 1: Team work “Reading for gist”
*Read and answer the question: What’s the text about?
Art gives people the ideas that life could be more beautiful, bigger and better. In the 21 century everyone can enjoy art, and we don’t have to go to museums or art galleries to find it. Art is everywhere - on the streets, in the cinemas, on TV. It can last for three minutes - e. g. pop record or for many years - a painting or a photograph. It can be made by anyone for everyone.
*Read and complete the sentences below.
A — I think it’s terrible to paint pictures on walls.
В — I think it’s fun!
A — But most of them are not very good and make the streets look dirty!
В — But I think it’s good to see what people do. To me it makes the streets more interesting!
What do you think?
I agree with____________________ My parents agree with ______________________
A — Do you call this pop music “art”?
В — Yes, and millions of people love it.
A — That doesn’t mean it’s good.
В — Well, I think if many people like something it’s good.
What do you think?
I agree with____________________ My parents agree with ______________________
Assessment: Two stars and a wish
Step 2: Pair work “Complete with the correct word”
*Put the correct word from the following list in each space below: on, at, to, by, of, about.
a) I often go discos and parties.
b) We stayed a cheap hotel.
c) She sunbathes the beach.
d) I’m very keen music.
e) I spend a lot of time concerts.
f) I often go concerts.
g) 1 le stays his aunt’s.
h) I le wants to learn _________ other countries.
i) I 'm very fond ____________ the open air.
j) We stopped _________________campsite.
k) They prefer to be close ___________ nature.
1) I’m going there ______ plane.
Assessment: Respond/Learning logs
Step 3: Individual work “Rewrite sentences”
*Write each pair of sentences in your notebook, one sentence using the Past Perfect and because.
1. They ran out of food. Paul had a party the night before.
They ran out of food because Paul had had a party the night before.
2. The class was empty. Everybody went home early.
3. She found the book. Marat told them where it was.
4. We got up early. My aunt told us she was coming to see us at ten.
5. He had an argument with Mary. She didn’t send him the money.
6. She couldn’t go to the canteen. She left her pocket - money at home.
Assessment: Learning logs
Step 4: Individual work “Make complete sentence”
* Matching. Make sentences from the chart.
The theme: Step Three Art Grade: 9
The aims of the lesson: • Focus on the different functions of the Past Perfect;
• To give practice in expressing opinion and giving reasons;
• Individual and group feedback.
1. Warm up 4 min
2. Team work “Reading for gist” 10 min
3. Pair work “Complete with the correct word” 8 min
4. Individual work “Rewrite sentences” 8 min
5. Individual work “Make complete sentence” 10 min
6. Expressions 5 min
The expected result:
They will know the different functions of the Past Perfect;
They will be able to express opinion and giving reasons;
They will be able to work individually and in group.
The main idea - Create “Grammar database” based on Past Perfect Active and Passive;
- Expectation: completely understand different functions and ways of using Past Perfect tense.
- Working out: understanding the implication of a task and selecting material to suit it.
- Scanning the text for gist and do the tasks according to it
Assessment 1. Two stars and a wish
2. Respond/Learning logs
3. Learning logs
4. Individual whiteboard
Homework Ex6p49
I. Organization moment
a. Greeting
b. Warm - up
c. Work in one group
d. Check up their homework
II. Main part
Step 1: Team work “Reading for gist”
*Read and answer the question: What’s the text about?
Art gives people the ideas that life could be more beautiful, bigger and better. In the 21 century everyone can enjoy art, and we don’t have to go to museums or art galleries to find it. Art is everywhere - on the streets, in the cinemas, on TV. It can last for three minutes - e. g. pop record or for many years - a painting or a photograph. It can be made by anyone for everyone.
*Read and complete the sentences below.
A — I think it’s terrible to paint pictures on walls.
В — I think it’s fun!
A — But most of them are not very good and make the streets look dirty!
В — But I think it’s good to see what people do. To me it makes the streets more interesting!
What do you think?
I agree with____________________ My parents agree with ______________________
A — Do you call this pop music “art”?
В — Yes, and millions of people love it.
A — That doesn’t mean it’s good.
В — Well, I think if many people like something it’s good.
What do you think?
I agree with____________________ My parents agree with ______________________
Assessment: Two stars and a wish
Step 2: Pair work “Complete with the correct word”
*Put the correct word from the following list in each space below: on, at, to, by, of, about.
a) I often go discos and parties.
b) We stayed a cheap hotel.
c) She sunbathes the beach.
d) I’m very keen music.
e) I spend a lot of time concerts.
f) I often go concerts.
g) 1 le stays his aunt’s.
h) I le wants to learn _________ other countries.
i) I 'm very fond ____________ the open air.
j) We stopped _________________campsite.
k) They prefer to be close ___________ nature.
1) I’m going there ______ plane.
Assessment: Respond/Learning logs
Step 3: Individual work “Rewrite sentences”
*Write each pair of sentences in your notebook, one sentence using the Past Perfect and because.
1. They ran out of food. Paul had a party the night before.
They ran out of food because Paul had had a party the night before.
2. The class was empty. Everybody went home early.
3. She found the book. Marat told them where it was.
4. We got up early. My aunt told us she was coming to see us at ten.
5. He had an argument with Mary. She didn’t send him the money.
6. She couldn’t go to the canteen. She left her pocket - money at home.
Assessment: Learning logs
Step 4: Individual work “Make complete sentence”
* Matching. Make sentences from the chart.
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Past simple
Learning objectives (s) that this lesson is contributing to 8. C6 organise and present information clearly to others

Our friends
to introduce new grammar; to teach to practice vocabulary in the usage of it, to think using English language and to understand and to solve the main idea of the task; understanding of educational texts.

The Past Perfect Tense (Аяқталған өткен шақ)
Let’s begin our lesson. Our new theme is “The Past Perfect Tense”. We are going to speak about Past Perfect Tense. We are going to act out dialogues, do the exercises, ask the answer the questions in order to enrich your vocabulary and develop

Short content of the lesson “Education of Kazakhstan”
to introduce students to the new words on the new lexical material; to enrich students’ knowledge concerning the theme, to teach to give general understanding of the new text using the different forms of the work on the text; to teach to define the

Technical progress
The aims of the lesson: • To know and use the terms that are useful for analysing language: role of techniques in Modern life;

Sequences of tenses
Ақтөбе облысы, Ақтөбе қаласы №34 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Баймбетова Лаззат Едиловна
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