Are you green person
Маңғыстау облысы, Мұнайлы ауданы,
№11 жалпы білім беру орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Нуржанова Райхан Аллабердиевна
Open lesson
Ағылшын тілі 7 сынып
Тақырыбы: Are you green person
Мақсаты: *Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта отырып гүлдер туралы сөйлеуге үйрету
*Табиғатты сүюге тәрбиелеу
*Сөйлеу тілін дамыту
Сабақ әдісі: СТО технологиясы
Көрнекіліктері: Компьютер, интерактивті тақта, слайдтар, суреттер.
I. Organization moment.
a) Амандасу
b) үй тапсырмасын тексеру
Teacher: My dear friends, I am very pleased to greet you. Looking at the board you’ve just learned the theme of the lesson: ‘'Are you green person. ’’
Slide 1
We have gathered today to talk about flowers in the world. Our lesson is unusual because we’ll work with computer.
But first of all you should answer my question:
*Do you have plants at home?
* Do you know that green leaves are very beneficial to your health?
* Do you know that living plants can actually improve the air we breathe?
II. The main part of the lesson.
Listen new words:
a) [‘benefit] – benefit - пайда, b) [bεni’fi∫əl]- beneficial - пайдалы, c) [pə’lu: tənt]- pollutant - ластау, d) [indo:]- indoor – үйде өсетін, e) [im’pru: v]- improve - жақсарту, f) [‘filtə] – filter - сүзгі, g) [‘ælədзi]- allergy - аллергия, h) [pri’vent] – prevent - жол бермеу, i) [bri: ð]- breath - тыныс алу, j) [‘ækt∫uəli]- actually - шындығында
Now, please, speak about flowers.
I like flowers that are bright
I like flowers that are white
I like flowers with a nice smell
That blossom [‘blosәm] in gardens so well
Students: Oh, yes, that flower is called Rose!
To continue the formation of skills in monologue and dialogue speech. Students describe the picture.
Teacher: Now look at the board and read emblem of country
The red rose became the emblem of England after the War of the Roses (1455 - 1485) which was the war of the dynasties for the English throne.
The daffodil is Welshmen` s national emblem.
The thistle, the national emblem of Scotland was chosen as such because it saved the country from the enemy.
The shamrock, the emblem of the Irish is proudly worn on St. Patrick` s Day, March 17.
When do you usually plant flowers?
Where do you usually plant flowers?
What’s your favourite flower?
Why is it your favourite flower?
Do you have a pot flower at home?
Do you water it
IV. Home task: Write about favourite flower.
V. The ending of the lesson.
№11 жалпы білім беру орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Нуржанова Райхан Аллабердиевна
Open lesson
Ағылшын тілі 7 сынып
Тақырыбы: Are you green person
Мақсаты: *Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта отырып гүлдер туралы сөйлеуге үйрету
*Табиғатты сүюге тәрбиелеу
*Сөйлеу тілін дамыту
Сабақ әдісі: СТО технологиясы
Көрнекіліктері: Компьютер, интерактивті тақта, слайдтар, суреттер.
I. Organization moment.
a) Амандасу
b) үй тапсырмасын тексеру
Teacher: My dear friends, I am very pleased to greet you. Looking at the board you’ve just learned the theme of the lesson: ‘'Are you green person. ’’
Slide 1
We have gathered today to talk about flowers in the world. Our lesson is unusual because we’ll work with computer.
But first of all you should answer my question:
*Do you have plants at home?
* Do you know that green leaves are very beneficial to your health?
* Do you know that living plants can actually improve the air we breathe?
II. The main part of the lesson.
Listen new words:
a) [‘benefit] – benefit - пайда, b) [bεni’fi∫əl]- beneficial - пайдалы, c) [pə’lu: tənt]- pollutant - ластау, d) [indo:]- indoor – үйде өсетін, e) [im’pru: v]- improve - жақсарту, f) [‘filtə] – filter - сүзгі, g) [‘ælədзi]- allergy - аллергия, h) [pri’vent] – prevent - жол бермеу, i) [bri: ð]- breath - тыныс алу, j) [‘ækt∫uəli]- actually - шындығында
Now, please, speak about flowers.
I like flowers that are bright
I like flowers that are white
I like flowers with a nice smell
That blossom [‘blosәm] in gardens so well
Students: Oh, yes, that flower is called Rose!
To continue the formation of skills in monologue and dialogue speech. Students describe the picture.
Teacher: Now look at the board and read emblem of country
The red rose became the emblem of England after the War of the Roses (1455 - 1485) which was the war of the dynasties for the English throne.
The daffodil is Welshmen` s national emblem.
The thistle, the national emblem of Scotland was chosen as such because it saved the country from the enemy.
The shamrock, the emblem of the Irish is proudly worn on St. Patrick` s Day, March 17.
When do you usually plant flowers?
Where do you usually plant flowers?
What’s your favourite flower?
Why is it your favourite flower?
Do you have a pot flower at home?
Do you water it
IV. Home task: Write about favourite flower.
V. The ending of the lesson.

Living plants
teach the words - tulip, snowdrop, rose, dandelion, daisy, a pot flower, to plant, to smell, a smell, a scent, indoor plants;

This is the theme of our lesson. Today we’ll speak about the seasons of the year. we’ll learn to describe of different seasons. Besides we’ll speak about the weather of different seasons.

What colour is your cat?
Атырау қаласы, Дамбы селосы Амангелді атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Сұлтанова Қарлығаш Өтегенқызы

Петропавл қаласы Қалалық классикалық гимназияның ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Жанабергенова Х. И

Coulours spelling
Маңғыстау облысы, Маңғыстау ауданы, Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Куатова Гүлжайна
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