Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы,
Әйтеке би кенті №249 мектеп - лицейдің
ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Сүйеубаева Жулдызай
Day: Thursday
Grade: 4 “A”
The theme of lesson: “Seasons”
The aims of the lesson:
To develop pupil’s reading and speaking habits and to enlarge pupil’s knowledge about seasons.
Teaching Methods: Explaning, reading, listening, speaking, writing, answer the questions
The type of the lesson: New lesson
Kind of the lesson: Master grammar of lesson.
Teacher: Suieubayeva Zhuldyzay
Visual aids: An interactive board, a board
Procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment.
a) Greeting
b) checks up the attendance of students
c) makes a good atmosphere
d) Checking up the home task (Puzzle time.)
Now we’ll repeat ordinal numerals. You can see the words. I ‘ll point to the letter and you’ll name it.
1. ski
2. ride a bike
3. water ski
4. skate
5. room
6. run
7. swim
This is the theme of our lesson. Today we’ll speak about the seasons of the year. we’ll learn to describe of different seasons. Besides we’ll speak about the weather of different seasons.
Phonetic drill.
I want you to remember the poem about seasons. So, will read poem.
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white,
Spring is green,
Summer is bright.
Answer the questions
What seasons do you know?
What season is it now?
New words
Season [‘si: zn] жыл мезгілі
Winter [‘wintә] қыс
Spring [spriŋ] көктем
Summer [‘sΛmә] жаз
Autumn [‘o: tәm] күз
Task 1.
What season is it?
It is autumn. It is winter. It is spring. It is summer.
- What is the weather like in autumn? Let’s describe the seasons.
What do you think?
1. It is autumn. Autumn is yellow.
In autumn the leaves are red and yellow. It is cool season.
2. Winter is the white. The trees are white with
snow. There is a lot of snow. It is very cold season.
3. Spring is green. The trees are green. It is beautiful and warm season.
4. Summer is bright season. The trees are green. It’s hot and we can swim in the river.
Task 2
Say what season comes after ….
Example After autumn comes winter.
Task 3.
Say what you like to do in…
Example: I like to sledge in winter.
I like to swim in summer.
I like to rain in autumn.
I like to go for a walk in spring
Task 4.
Say what season you like best and why. To draw your favourite season.
1) I like best summer season, because I like swim.(go for a walk)
2) I like best winter season, because I like to play hockey.(sledge, skating, skiing)
3) I like best spring season, because I like flowers.
4) I like best autumn season, because I like fruits
Giving the home task
Толық нұсқасын жүктеу
Әйтеке би кенті №249 мектеп - лицейдің
ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Сүйеубаева Жулдызай
Day: Thursday
Grade: 4 “A”
The theme of lesson: “Seasons”
The aims of the lesson:
To develop pupil’s reading and speaking habits and to enlarge pupil’s knowledge about seasons.
Teaching Methods: Explaning, reading, listening, speaking, writing, answer the questions
The type of the lesson: New lesson
Kind of the lesson: Master grammar of lesson.
Teacher: Suieubayeva Zhuldyzay
Visual aids: An interactive board, a board
Procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment.
a) Greeting
b) checks up the attendance of students
c) makes a good atmosphere
d) Checking up the home task (Puzzle time.)
Now we’ll repeat ordinal numerals. You can see the words. I ‘ll point to the letter and you’ll name it.
1. ski
2. ride a bike
3. water ski
4. skate
5. room
6. run
7. swim
This is the theme of our lesson. Today we’ll speak about the seasons of the year. we’ll learn to describe of different seasons. Besides we’ll speak about the weather of different seasons.
Phonetic drill.
I want you to remember the poem about seasons. So, will read poem.
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white,
Spring is green,
Summer is bright.
Answer the questions
What seasons do you know?
What season is it now?
New words
Season [‘si: zn] жыл мезгілі
Winter [‘wintә] қыс
Spring [spriŋ] көктем
Summer [‘sΛmә] жаз
Autumn [‘o: tәm] күз
Task 1.
What season is it?
It is autumn. It is winter. It is spring. It is summer.
- What is the weather like in autumn? Let’s describe the seasons.
What do you think?
1. It is autumn. Autumn is yellow.
In autumn the leaves are red and yellow. It is cool season.
2. Winter is the white. The trees are white with
snow. There is a lot of snow. It is very cold season.
3. Spring is green. The trees are green. It is beautiful and warm season.
4. Summer is bright season. The trees are green. It’s hot and we can swim in the river.
Task 2
Say what season comes after ….
Example After autumn comes winter.
Task 3.
Say what you like to do in…
Example: I like to sledge in winter.
I like to swim in summer.
I like to rain in autumn.
I like to go for a walk in spring
Task 4.
Say what season you like best and why. To draw your favourite season.
1) I like best summer season, because I like swim.(go for a walk)
2) I like best winter season, because I like to play hockey.(sledge, skating, skiing)
3) I like best spring season, because I like flowers.
4) I like best autumn season, because I like fruits
Giving the home task
Толық нұсқасын жүктеу

At the shop
educational to enrich pupil’s knowledge, to enlarge their interest in learning foreign languages and to introduce the pupils with new words and give them more information

There is /There are оралымы. Animals
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Әйтеке би кенті, №249 мектеп - лицейдің Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Сүйеубаева Жұлдызай

Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Бекарыстан би ауылы, №24 мектептің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Жүнусова Гүлзат
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