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Fast Food Restaurants

01 ақпан 2014, Сенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Form: 7
Subject: English
Date: October, 8th
Theme: Fast Food Restaurants
Aims: 1. to speak about theme using information from the text;
2. to develop reading and speaking skills; to talk with your partner;
3. to make interest to the foreign arts and expect their traditions;
The form of the lesson: stage and game lesson.:
The type of the lesson: to introduce the material.
Methods: explaining and video.
Visions: cads, placards, notebook, video films, tables, diagrams;
Other subjects: Kazakh and Russian languages;
Literature: a. textbook by T. Ayapova
b. N. G. Bruises ''Приглашаем к столу '' p. 27. 1997
c. ''English for everybody'' 4 2007.
The form of the lesson: pairs - work, group - work.

The procedure of the lesson:
I. Brainstorming
II. Presentation
a. new lexical words
b. reading the material
c. work on the text
III. Practice
a. role play ''At the restaurants''
b. video - rollick ''Fast Food Restaurants in the Aktobe''
c. galleries
IV. Product
V. Motivization
VI. Home work.

I. Greetings
- Good afternoon, children
- How are you?
- Now, boys and girls, we have guests in your lesson, as you see. Lets begin our lesson.

II. Brainstorming
1) I have just come from ''Super market''. I have buy a lot of foods. Who can help me devide foods into two basket/ The first is ''Fruits'', the second one is ''Vegetables''.
2. Odd - one - out: slide - 1
a. bacon, turkey, sausage, ham.
b. cabbage, tomato, apple, carrot.
c. lemonade, tea, coffee, sugar.
d. butter, oil, cheese, milk.

III. Presentation “ Fast Food Restaurants “ (slide - 2)
1. The new lexical words:
hamburger, cheeseburger, pie, milkshake, coke, cheap, expensive (slide - 3)
2. Read and translate the text.
3. Find in the text and read: (slide - 4)
a. What people eat at FFR?
b. How people eat the meal at FFR?
c. Why FFR - s are popular?

4. - What is FFR - s?
- Do we have such restaurants in our town?
- Where is it?

Video - rollick ''FFR - s in Aktobe. ''

IV. Practice
1. Role play ''At the restaurants''
- Hello.
- Hello. Let's go to the restaurants.
- OK.
Waiter: Good afternoon.
Boys: Good afternoon.
Waiter: Would you like.... / Would you like to drink....
Boys: Yes, please. / No, thanks.
It's our ordinary restaurant. What's the difference between the ordinary restaurant and FFR - s?

c) Galleries (slide - 5)
1. You eat with your …
2. You throw the bags, boxer.
3. These restaurants are...
1. You eat with a... and...
2. A... brings your food on a plate.
3. These restaurants are...
c) Group work:
Divide the pupils into two groups.
The first: Ordinary restaurants.
The second: FFR - s.
( work with the placards, to draw their opinions )

IV. Product
You are taken a lot of information about FFR - s. Try to write a little essay about it.
V. Motivization.
VI. Homework. (slide - 6)
1) make up a dialogue.
2) reading the text.

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