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What's the traffic lights says?

14 қараша 2015, Сенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Атырау облысы, Қызылқоға ауданы, Миялы селосы,
№1 мектеп - гимназиясы ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Мустанова Марал Булатовна

Theme: What’s the traffic lights says?
Aims: To revise the knowledge of the theme, practice pupil’s expressions according to the theme;
To develop pupil’s abilities in oral speech and teach to read the poems expressively;
Visual aids: pictures and slides
The procedure:
Leader: Dear teachers and students welcome to our party which is called “What’s the traffic lights says?” According to the plan of talented pupil’s week, our today’s party is devoted to the traffic rules and signs.
The motto of our party: Good – better - best
May you never rest
Until your good is better
And your better best!
We hope you will enjoy it and hope that all of you are fond of poetry, that you are read a lot and can write poems. Let` s listen to our students
Pupil1 Not to lose your hands or feet
Don’t play games in the street
When you cross a thoroughfare
Be attentive, walk with care
Look, my friends, with all you might
To your left, then to your right
Pupil2 If your walk or you ride
By the traffic rules abide
Driver, walker, learn by rote
Traffic signs and the highway code
Pupil 3 When a light of green you see
Traffic’s open to you and me
When the traffic light is red
Stop! You mustn’t go ahead
Pupil 4 Clinging onto a moving car
Two reckless lads had travelled far
“How brave I am!” one boy began
This is not bravely, my man,
It is the feat of hooligan!
Pupil 5 I always Think when I play
I have no arms to give away.
I have no legs that I can spare
To keep them all, I must take care.
Pupil 6 Stop, look and listen
Before you cross the street
Use your eyes,
Use your ears,
Use your head
Then use your feet Song “Playing Ball”
Pupil 7 Jolly schooldays have begun
Time for work and time for fun
Traffic lights we must obey
When we cross the streets each day
Pupil 8 At the kerb, before I cross
I stop my walking feet
And look both ways: to left and right
Before I cross the street
Pupil 9 And in case cars running quietly
Might come as a surprise,
I don’t just listen with my ears
But look with both my eyes.
Pupil 10 First find a safe spot to cross, then stop
Stand on the pavement near the kerb
Look all round for traffic and listen
If traffic is coming, let it pass
Look around again
When there is no traffic near, Walk
Use the Zebra - crossing if there is one
Questions and Answers about Some Signs and Traffic Rules
1 Where must pedestrians walk in the street?
- Pedestrians must walk on the pavement
2 What side of the pavement must pedestrians walk on?
- On the right side of the pavement
3 Where must pedestrians cross the street?
- At the “Crossing” or “Zebra - crossing”
4 Who is allowed to ride a bicycle in the street?
- No person under 14
5 How should a line of children walk along the street?
- Should go in pairs and should be accompanied by grown - up people
Song “My Bonnie”
Leader: Our next stage is competition. I’ll give you some questions try to answer
The first stage is “Who is Clever?”
1 What colour are the crocodile?
2 What is the biggest animal?
3 What is the capital of Canada?
5 Wha works at school?
6 How old are you?
7 Who is the Prime minister of Great Britain at present?
8 How many oceans are there in our planet?
9 Where is Kazakhstan situated?
10 The most popular sport in England?
11 Who wrote the novel “ Abai Zholy”?
12 At what age do people vote in Kazakhstan?
13 What kind of buses are in London?
14 The longest river in England?
15 “Romeo and Juliet” was written by …
Leader: The second stage “Imagination” act the next sentences
1 I am sleeping
2 I am swimming
3 I am reading
4 I am dancing
5 I am listening to music
6 I am running
7 I am writing
Leader: And the last stage “Who is the Best”? In this stage I will read 10 questions and all answer will start with letter A or B. Is everything clear for you? Now let’s begin.
Letter A
1 The name of the fruit - Apple
2The name of the month – April
3 The capital of Kazakhstan – Astana
4 The name of the school subject – Algebra
5 The first letter of the Alphabet – A
6 What cannot we live without – Air
7 One of the oceans – Atlantic
8 A story in the newspaper – Article
9 The famous Kazakh writer – Abai
10 It is harmful for our health – Alcohol
Letter B
1 A little child – Baby
2 The name of the fruit – Banana
3 The antonym to the word “good”- Bad
4 An object in the classroom – Blackboard
5 The capital of Germany – Berlin
6 The name of the school subject - Biology
7 A lake in Kazakhstan – Balhash
8 The room where we sleep – Bedroom
9 An important day for all of us which happens once every year – Birhday
10 A colour – Black
Leader: Dear pupils, thank you for your work. The competition is over. Dear guests, our party has come to the end. A lot of thanks for your attention. We thank all students for participation. Let’s end our party with song.
Song “If you Happy”

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