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Primary Education

21 наурыз 2014, Жұма
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Lesson Plan
Lesson Theme: Primary Education

Grade Level; 8
Materials for the lesson: Active board, cards.
Objectives of the lesson: SWBAT practice using the new words to the theme: “Primary Education”, read the text, speak about Primary Education in Kazakhstan.
Lesson Phase
Procedure Interaction type Time
1. Introduction 1) Greeting: T>CL 2 min
Good morning, students!
Who is on duty?
What date is it today?
What’s the weather like today?
What season is it now?
Students are informed of the objectives of the
Warm up
2) Warming up. ----------------- Group 3 min
Odd one word out
Examples: Canada ------------ China
Great Britain ------------ Pakistan
New Zealand ------------ Germany
The USA ------------ Japan
Russia ------------- Turkey

3) Working with new words. S=S 10 min
Let’s play the game: “ Bang - Bung”
For this game you should be divided into two
groups. Come up to the blackboard. Students
stand on a line. They stand opposite. Teacher
say one word in Kazakh students should say
it in English and shoot your opposite student
with the word: “ bang - bung”. Who says the
word first and shoots, that student wins.

Presentation Let’s read the text: “My Primary School”.
T→S1, S2 10 min
Students read the text one by one.
Then students play:”Jeopardy game”.
They divided into two teams. For this game they
Have 5 tasks.: answer the questions, fill
in the prepositions, complete the
sentence, say in English and make up
Group 1, 15
Group 2 min
For each tasks they have 6 sentences
For each answer they will get points from 100
to 600 points.
Let’s start our game: throw the dice from
each team comes one student. The student
with highest number will get the right to start
the game. First team choose the task and point
Answer the questions:
1. What age did Aidar start school at? (100)
2. When did he go to secondary school? (200)
3. How many years of study do primary and secondary schools comprise? (300)
4. How many years of study are compulsory in our Republic? (400)
5. What subjects does the primary school curriculum unclude?(500)
6. When does the school year begin and end? (600)
Fill in the prepositions:
1. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. (100)
2. I started school at the age of seven (200)
. 3 Nine years of classes are compulsory. (300)
4. Our school year usually begins on the.(400)
first of September
5. On the first of September we get
acquainted with our teachers.(500)
6. Primary and secondary schools
together comprise eleven years of study.
3 Task
Complete the sentences:
1. After four years of primary school I went to secondary school. (100)
2. Primary and secondary schools together
comprise eleven years of study.(200)
3. The Primary school curriculum includes
such subjects as Kazakh, Maths, Russian.(300)
4. Our school year begins on the first of
September and ends in May. It lasts 9 months (400)
5. On the first of September we get acquainted with our teachers. (500)
6. Nine years of classes are compulsory in our republic. (600)
Say in English:
1. Мен мектепке жеті жасымда бардым. 100.
2. Ол он бір жылдық орта мектеп болатын. 200.
3. Біздің республикамызда 9 жылдық білім
Міндетті. 300.
4. Бізде оқу қыркүйектің 1 - інде
басталып, мамыр айында
аяқталады. 400.
5. Оқу мерзімі 9 айға созылады. 500.
2. Бастауыш мектепте қазақ тілі, математика, орыс тілі, сурет, дене тәрбиесі пәндері оқытылады. 600.
Make up sentences
1. Ordinary (100)
2. Primary (200)
3. Secondary (300)
4. Compulsary (500)
5. Curriculum (600)
Marking: Let’s time count your points.
I’ll give you marks. Which team has the most points that team wins the game. Our congratulations.

1) learn new words.
2) Exercise 2 - 3
6 555
  • 0
0 дауыс

Schools in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan
Schools in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan
The theme: Schools in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan
Comparing the educational system in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan
Comparing the educational system in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan
Атырау облысы, Құрманғазы ауданы, Ақкөл орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Жумагазиева Альфия
Educationn In Great Britain
Educationn In Great Britain
Атырау қаласы, Ф. Оңғарсынова атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын пәні мұғалімі Абилтаева Гүлхат
My primary school
My primary school
Маңғыстау облысы, Қарақия ауданы, Жетібай кенті, № 4 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Аулетова Лайла Сағидоллақызы
Reading and speaking about primary education
Reading and speaking about primary education
Қызылорда облысы, Қармақшы ауданы, А. Жанпейісов атындағы №105 мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Құттыбаева Нұргүл Жеңісбекқызы
A really busy day
A really busy day
Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар ауданы ГКС - 12 орта мектебі ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Тілеумағанбетова Ә. С
Пікірлер (0)
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.