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Friendship between the countries

15 сәуір 2017, Сенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Theme of the lesson: «Friendship between the countries»
Form 10
Aims of the lesson:
To improve pupils knowledge about different countries,
Help them to study their history, culture, customs and traditions and respect them.
To develop the pupils speech habits on this theme.
Educational moment: to do everything possible to keep world peace, to strengthen friendship among all the pupils and notions.
Equipment: maps, state symbols. Portraits of great men, sights of cities, pictures, crosswords etc.
The procedure of the lesson.
1. the beginning of the lesson.
a) greeting,
b) report,
c) to make up the English atmosphere.
Children! lets begin our lesson. The theme of the lesson is «The friendship between the countries». We are going to speak about the history, culture. Traditions and great men of these countries. (Kazakhstan, Great Britain and Russian)
I want to give a word.
I am very glad to see you. You know that there are many people living on our planet. Every of them has right to be happy. So, people must try to do their best to be healthy and happy.
Please, tell me in what country do you live?
We live in Kazakhstan.
What is the capital of your country?
Our country celebrated the holiday of the first year of its independence. 10 years. According to the independence, our national symbols are very known to every country.

P2. Ұланымын елімнің,
Болам жігіт зор әлі
Қазақстан жалауын
Көтеремін жоғары.
P3. Көк туым көтерілді бағым жанып,
Елтаңбам төрде әлемге танылды анық.
Шырқадым Әнұранды бар дауыспен
Арманым – Ата заңым қабылданып.
Исполняется государственный гимн Республики.

P3. now, boys and girls look at the blackboard. Let’s introduce with the geographical situations of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan is a great republic which is bordered by Russia, China, Kirgizia, Uzbekistan, Turkmeninia, the Captain sea. The population is over 16 million people.

P4. әйнегі күн, шатыры аспан,
Кең дала төсі толқыған егін.
Көлдері көкке күмістер шашқан
Қазақстан Республикам менің.

P5. Абай туған, Сәкен туған,
Құрметте досым, қазақ жерін.
Қамбаға жылда мол астық құйған
Қазақстан Республикам менің.
Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Irish and the North Seas and the English Channel. Population about 59 million. As we know Great Britain consists of 4 parts. They are: Scotland, its Capital of Edinburg, England its capital is London, Wales, Cardiff is its capital and Northern Ireland, its capital is Belfast.

P6. young people everywhere,
Come from all around,
Every race and creed,
Black, white and brown,
Come to raise our voice,
All our many friends they can hear.

P7. we are the builders,
We build the future.
The future world lies in our hands,
We swing our hammers, we use our weapons
Against our foes in every land, in every land
Russia is formed 25 of October 1917. It has 17, 075 thousand km population - 126, 6 mln

P8. с детства видеть не привычно,
Как без ссор и без обид
Уживаются отлично
Люди разные на вид.

P9. где каждый друг – другу сестра и брат,
Пусть общими будут – навеки, навеки.
И небо, и море, и торы, и реки,
И снег и тюльпаны.
Пусть будут все дети
Навеки друзьями.

P10. верный друг – всего ценней
Много у меня друзей:
В Кабарде,
На Украине,
В Будапеште и в Берлине
Есть в Тбилиси,
Есть в Париже,
Тот – подальше
Тот – поближе.

P11. this is our national flag. (1 ученик выходит с флагом) the national flag of Kazakhstan (blue colour) expresses peace and calm. Shanyrak is the basis of the Arms. It is the heart of the Arms.

P12. жарасқан байрақтың мәні бар,
Көк аспан, күн, қырансәні бар.
Көк байрақ ашық көк кеңісім,
Алтын күнбелгісі жеңістің.
The national flag of Great Britain is called Union Jack. It consists of 3 crosses of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick. The lion «the King of beats has been used as a symbol of national strength of the British monarchy. The national symbol of England is red rose.»

P1. I want to fight for what is right.
Against disease, against despair,
Against star hunger everywhere.
I want to love, I want to mate,
No atom bomb annihilate my shining world.
The national flag of Russia consists of three colours: white, red and blue.
P2. есть белые дети, есть чёрные дети.
Есть жёлтые дети на нашей планете,
Вся наша Земля – как большой сад.

3. разгадываем загадки.
(3 загадки на английском языке, 3 на русском и на казахском языках).
P3. Let’s introduce with the customs of these countries. Kazakh people have many interesting traditions like «Bessike salu» - when baby is born in the family, it is great holiday. Relatives, friends celebrate this event. (about «Tusau kesu», national foods, besmarmak, kuurdak, zhent, etc., drinks: kumus, shubat.)

5. инсценировка.
When a child is 9 – 11 months, it is necessary to do «Tusau keser». When the child begins to take the first, his (her) parents shall spend «Tusau keser» holiday. This is a traditional custom and joy. The parents fix one day, invite the guests. The person, who goes very quickly, smart is chosen for «Tusau keser», sings this song:
Қаз қаз балам, қаз балам,
Қадам бассаң, мәз болам
Қаз қаз балам, қаз балам
Тақымыңды жаз балам
Күрмеуіңді шешейінн,
Түсауыңды кесейік,
Қадамыңа қарайық,
Басқаныңды санайық,
Қаз қаз балам жүре ғой.
British people have different traditions. They don’t work on Saturday and Sunday, love Countryside. On the New Year the first Foot must be a man, who carries food, drink and coal. (about national food and drinks)
Russia – (about Masleniza, Valentine Day, paskha and national food and drinks)
I went a little girl
Who came from another land
I couldn’t speak her language,
But I took her by the han.

1. Characterizing people.
In Kazakhstan live over 120 nationalities. They live in friendship and peace. Kazakh people are friendly, kind and hospitable. State language is Kazakh, but people speak in Russian.

P4. туған тілде сыры терең жаным бар,
Туған тілде әнім менен сәнім бар.
Туған тілім тіл болудан қалса егер
Жүрегімді суырып ақ алыңдар.
The English are very polite and well – mannered, realistic and careful.

P5. Up into the cherry tree
Who should climb but little me?
I held the trunk with both my hands
And looked abroad on foreign lands.
Russian are very serious, emotional and kind. They speak in Russian.

P6. Как прекрасен и велик,
Русский, близкий нам язык!
Я на нём, как на родном,
Разговаривать привык.
2. Great men.
Kazakhstan: Abai, Zhambul, Kurmangazy etc.,

P7. өнер, білім, бар жұрттар
Тастан сарай салғызды
Айшылық алыс жерлерден
Көзді ашып жұмғанша
Жылдам хабар алғызды.
Ы Алтынсарин
Өзің үшін үйренсең
Жамандықтан жиренсең,
Біреу үшін үйренсең,
Білгеніннің бәрі тұл.
Great Britain: Shakespeare, Byron, Dickens, etc.

P8. The earth and ocean seem
To sleep in one anothers arms, and dream
Of waves, flowers, clouds, woods
Rocks, and all that we
Read in their smiles, and call reality.

P9. Then the white clouds with the seas
We ll dance together by all means,
Even silver fish will sing, with gay
Smiles shining.
It was a very little things.
Now the rivers waters sing:
Well, and friendship, as arule, begins with smiling.
Russia: Pushkin, Tolstoi, Esenin etc

P10. на сотни эстрад бросает меня
На тысячу глаз молодёжи.
Как разны земли моей племена,
И разен язык и одёжи!
О Казахстан! Страна родная!
Совсем иным ты стал при нас!
Что ты когда – то жил страдая,
Нам трудно верится сейчас.
8. мақал мәтелдер;
1. Әр елдің салты басқа, иттері қара қасқа.
Give English and Russian equivalents.
(so many countries, so many customs. Сколько стран, столько обычаев.)
2. east or west home is best.
3. art is long, life is short.
10. today we celebrate the Republics Day - 25 of October.

P11. Мен қазақпын қаныммен сүйемін мен,
Бақ орнатам осынау кең далаға
Мұрагермін, оған да иемін мен.

P12. Бір ата бір ананың түлегіміз
Бір болсын қайда жүрсек тілегіміз.
Бірлік барда, тірлік бар деген бабамыз
Бірлік деп, бірге соқсын жүрегіміз

P13. давайте, люди,
Беречь планету –
Во всей Вселенной
Похожей нету,
На всех одна
Что будем делать
Без нас одна.

P14. Friendship is a thing for two.
Three or four, even more
Like a song that made to sing
Friendship is doing thing.
9. кластер рисуем

10. тест
11. оценивание.
12 домашняя работа. Составление диалога.

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