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Going to Britain

01 қазан 2012, Дүйсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Керимбердиев Жарылқасын
№24 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Әйтеке би кенті

Subject: English
Class: 7B
Theme: Going to Britain
The aims

A) To introduce pupils with sights Great Britain .
Revision modal verbs can, could, must should
And use this verbs in the exercises.
B) To develop pupils speaking habits and self working skills. To develop their knowledge about the other countries.
C) To educate pupils to love the beauty of England and capital London be proud of the beauty of their native town and care for their culture.

The type of the lesson: Mixed
The kind of the lesson: New lesson

Organization moment.
-Good morning pupils!
-Good morning teacher!
-Who is absent today?
-All are present.
- Who can speak about spring?
Spring is a beautiful season. It begins in March and ends in May.So March April and May are spring months. Birds come back form warm lands and build their nests.
- Find the other words!
A wolf, a fox, a rose, a rabbit, a monkey.
- Find the right letter! Tu0ips, Snow0rop0, hom0, flow0r, t0acher.

Checking up home task
Pg 124 exercise 13 read the modal verbs
- What is this? Is this his head? Is this his ear? (eye, leg, mouth, hair, arm ,finger, lip, face, back, foot )
- What kind of illnesses do you know?
Headache, backache, a cold, insomnia, toothache, the flu, sore throat .
Public transport:
Private transport:
Find the letter! Hel-cop-er, s-ip, tr-in, b-s, pl-ne, ta-i, moto-ike.
Please looking the blackboard !

New lesson
-Today theme of our lesson «Going to Britain» today we will read speak about the England and other countries.
My native language Kazakh. Is Kazakh my native language? What is my language? Native-туған, fluently-жылдам, circulation- айналымда, dairy- сүтті.
- Which languages are spoken in these countries?
Kazakhstan Kazakh, England English, Russia Russian , Kirgizstan Kirgiz.
- The people from these countries are famous for Bourikas, beer, kvass, silk , apple, flower, food etc.
- We are going on holiday to different countries. But we can’t go there without money. Do you know different countries money.
Tenge, som, frank, dollar, pound, yen , sum .
- If you have much money , we can go to France, to Britain. But we should know much about the country where we are going to. Children listen! (картамен жұмыс).
- This is a map of Great Britain , Great Britain is in the Atlantic Ocean . Great Britain is an island country . The full name of the county is the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The short name is the UK. The UK consists of 4 parts. They are England ,Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Lets name the capitals of the parts.
1 The capital of Wales is Cardiff.
2. The capital of Scotland is Edinburg.
3. The capital of England is London.
4. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Exercise 7 Read and translate.

Abilai: My native language is Kazakh.I can speak Russian, English fluently. I can’t speak French, Italian at all.
I can read and translate Uigur. I can understand Uzbek, Kirgiz.

Exercise 9 Find the modal verbs.
I want to know English well. I must work hard.
Oh, it’s later than I thought. I must hurry now.
You have to wear glasses, granny.
I have to go to the dentist today. I have a toothache.
We have plenty of time. We needn’t hurry.
We have some bread at home. You needn’t buy any bread.
sh ch
shop coach
should each
British teach
show chip
sure change
Consolidate lesson

- Which languages are spoken in these countries?
- Can you speak English?
- Can you speak Russian?
- - What is your native language?
- What are the Russian famous for?
- What are the English famous for?
What money is in circulation in Kazakhstan?
Find the countries!
Pound- som- tenge-
Rupee- sum- dollar-
Peseta- yen- ruble-
The home task

Write and translate text about the ‘Hotel’7
Answer the questions.
Exercise 10,11
Good bye pupils!
Good bye teacher!

My pet
My pet
to teach new words related to animals. To develop student’s listening, reading, speaking skills.
To introduce pupils’ with sights of Astana and London. To enrich the pupils’ knowledge of new words, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech. To educate pupils’ to love the beauty of London and be proud of the beauty of their native town
Where’s Great Britain?
Where’s Great Britain?
Атырау қаласы, Атырау селосы Ф. Оңғарсынова атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Абилтаева Гүлхат
Kazakhstan and London
Kazakhstan and London
Маңғыстау облысы, Маңғыстау ауданы, Шетпе лицейінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Аманиязова Жанар Болатқызы
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Бекарыстан би ауылы, №24 мектептің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Жүнусова Гүлзат
Sport in Britain
Sport in Britain
To enrich pupils’ knowledge about sport in Britain; to evoke their interest in sport. Revision modal verbs can, could, must should and use this verbs in the exercises.
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