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Time off (11-сынып)

19 наурыз 2013, Сейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The Theme of the lesson: “Time off” 11 - сынып

Мақсаты: 1) оқушылардың оқу, тыңдау, жазу дағдыларын дамыту мақсатында әр түрлі жаттығулар жасату, тілдік дағдыларын дамыту;
2) оқушылардың танымдық белсенділігін арттыру, тілге деген қызығушылығын арттыру, дамыту;
3) оқушыларды ұйымшылдыққа, жауапкершілікке, шапшаңдыққа, адамгершілік қасиеттерді бойына сіңіруге, Отанды сүюге тәрбиелеу, жеке тұлға қалыптастыру;
Көрнекіліктері: суреттер, карточкалар, интерактивті тақта, ноутбук, наушниктер

The plan of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
Good morning, children!
Sit down, please!
Today we’ll have an
unusual lesson. Some teachers and guests have come to see your knowledge. I see today all pupils are present, that’s OK!
It’s time to begin our lesson. Pupils, look at the blackboard, there are some sentences. Let’s read them.

‘”If you trust yourself, you’ll know how to live”
“If what you do isn’t working you will try something else”
“Until you value yourself, you will not value your time”
“If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have”
They are the quotations of our today’s lesson. We’ll prove them at our lesson.

II. The main part of the lesson.
Do you understand the meanings of them, can you translate them. That’s right, we’ll continue our lesson. What grammar do you see in these sentences? (Conditional sentences, first Conditional) let’s revise it.
a) Rules of first Conditional if present simple -> Future simple
b) Now let’s do the exercise on the whiteboard and on your notebooks.
c) Can you give me some examples using first Conditional
- What will you do if your lessons are over?
- What will you do if you have enough time?
- If I have free time, I’ll listen to music. Pupils, thank you for your examples.
Free time, time off, leisure, spare time, Past time - they are synonyms. And the theme of our today’s lesson is “Time off”. What other actives do you know in time off?

And now let’s do exercise 4 on page 124. We’ll divide these activities into two groups.

Lazy Energetic
Playing chess
Watching TV Football

Now, let’s work on the text?
“Are you a Coach potato?
a) Listening to the text and reading it
b) Vocabulary: coach potato []
c) Definitions of coach potato
d) Answering the questions
1. Why didn’t people have much free time?
2. Did people in Britain invent football, rugby and cricket?
3. What other activities did people take up?
4. What do some people think the most exciting is nowadays?
5. Is this the twentieth century coach potato?
6. Are you a coach potato?
- Now, let’s speak about your hobbies, activities in your free time?
P1. I can’t say I do anything too exciting in my free time. I mean, I don’t have any real hobbies. But I spend a lot of on Facebook. I log on every afternoon after school. Some of my classmates are on Facebook. We send virtual gifts to one another, we exchange music videos and we chat. It’s good to stay in contact with the friends you already have.
P2. I sometimes watch TV in the evening, especially music channels, I don’t watch mother’s hobby. But I don’t have any special hobbies like other people. I do some tests on physics in my free time. It is my choosing subject.
P3. In my free time I write poems, because I’m going to be a journalist.
P4. I don’t have time for any hobbies. After the lessons I’ll rest and do my homework
P5. I can’t understand it when people of my age say they don’t have time for any hobbies. I think they are just lazy! I have a lot of things to do besides school. In the afternoon I go to some extra classes and I’m fond of reading.
P6. In my free time I go in for sport.
I like playing basketball and volleyball
P7. Exercise on notebook (listening and doing) about free time in summer.
Pupils, thank you for your opinions about free time, now let’s make up some dialogues about time off.

P1 - P2
P2 - P1
Now, pupils our lesson is going to be over!
Today at the lesson we have spoken about time off. Why is it important?
(Time out, free time, desire, spoke time, past time)
Time off is important because we mustn’t waste them. You must spend your time off doing useful things. You are going to pass national test. Until you value yourself, you will not value your time
III. Conclusion
Giving marks
Giving home work
The lesson is over!
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Planning my time
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