Know our country (Біздің елді білесіз бе?)
Theme: Know our country
Class: 9
Objectives: 1. Up bringing patriotism to the mother land.
2. To teach them new words, grammar material.
3. To arise their interest
Aim:- To practice listening skills.
- To develop pupils skills and habits in communication.
- Visual aids: Computer, disk interactive board.
Kinds of lesson: Mixed lesson.
Types of the lesson: Grammatical, phonetic, connecting with custom, geography, native language.
1. Greeting.
Good afternoon dear guests and pupils.
I am glad to see you.
The plan of the lesson.
2. Checking up the home task ex: 4, p80
3. New lesson. Let’s begin our lesson.
Today we will speak about our Country.
Text: Kazakhstan is known as crown jewel of Central Asia. It is one of the most scenic countries in the world. It covers an area of 2, 717, 300 sg kilometers making it the largest country in Central Asia.
2. Activity
1. Now that you have read the passage, complete the sentence below by clicking on the correct answer guestions - 1 - 10
1. The meaning of “population” is the number of -******* living in a state town or country.
a) vehicles
b) building
c) people
2. Kazakhstan is rich in natural resoursers!
This sentence means that Kazakhstan has ******- an abudance of natural resources.
3. How big is Kazakhstan?
******- 2, 717, 300sg kilometers
1. The best word to describe “declared”is announced
2. When did KZ gain its “independence?”*****1991.
3. KZ is rich in natural resourses such as***** tungsten, aluminium and uranium,*****lead.
4. KZ is the ****** biggest country in the world *****ninth
5. KZ is one of the world’s top oil producing countries/******True,
6. The meaning of “extremely” is******very
7. The meaning of”stunning” is *****”beautiful”.
3. Activity2.
This is the map of KZ. Do you know the various tourist destinations of the country? Click and drag the names, and place them in the correct location.
1. Korgalzhyn
2. Ridder
3. Katonkaragai
4. Karkaraly
5. Alakol
6. Zhabagly
7. Lepsinsk
8. Ugam
4. Activity 3
Think of another word of the same meaning as the phrase or word below. Enter your word by clicking on the letters.
Questions 1 - 10
1. Biggest******largest
2. Something that happened a while ago - Recent
3. To do some thing without being told to do******Initiative
4. Beautiful*******Stunning
5. The amount of space*****Area
6. A useful and valuable product for country or organization*****Resources
7. Speak highly******Boast
8. The number of people*******Population
9. Make known*******Declared
10. Beautiful natural surroundings*******Science
5. Vocabulary
Do you know what items in the picture are?
1. Spider
2. Squirrel
3. Peak
4. Mountain
5. Trail
6. Windbreaker
7. Trekker
8. Cave
9. Oar
10. Canoe
11. Lake
12. Angler
13. Hammock
14. Sleeping bag
15. Horse
16. Saddle
17. Tent
18. Kerosene lamp
6. Phpto album
1. This is a Church
2. This is a House of Parliament
3. This is a Square
4. This is Medeu
5. This is a Park
6. This is a Mountain
7. Grammar. Modal Verbs.
What are the modal verbs?
Modal verbs are known as helping verbs - they have no tense, but they have a meaning. Examples of modals: Can, must, may, should, could
Read the follow sentences:
1. You may use the computer now.
2. This means permission is given.
3. Mary can go on holiday with her friends.
4. This means it is possible for Mary to go.
5. Sue must complete her home work before she goes out.
6. This means Sue has a duty to finish it.
7. Should not means strong advice not to do something.
8. Can not - means an action that is not possible.
9. Need is not means there is no obligation to do something.
You should not disobey your parents.
She can not come to the party.
You need not do this work now.
8. Test.
Read the passage and answer the questions.
Mary has a new pet. It is a cat. Mary bought her cat to school today. She wanted to show her to the class. Her cat’s name is Ginger. Ginger is abeautiful cat with golden brown fur and big blue eyes. Her tail is long and bushy. It is very active and likes to jump to the cupboards. All her friends like to play with Ginger.
1. Whose pet is it? Mary’s
2. Why does Mary bring Ginger to school? She wants to show Ginger to her class.
3. Who is Ginger? A cat.
4Ginger has a blue eyes.
9. Conclusion: To my opinion I achieve my aim of the lesson. Pupils were active at the lesson. They knew a lot of new information about our country.
10. Home task: To write 10 sentences about your pets.
Class: 9
Objectives: 1. Up bringing patriotism to the mother land.
2. To teach them new words, grammar material.
3. To arise their interest
Aim:- To practice listening skills.
- To develop pupils skills and habits in communication.
- Visual aids: Computer, disk interactive board.
Kinds of lesson: Mixed lesson.
Types of the lesson: Grammatical, phonetic, connecting with custom, geography, native language.
1. Greeting.
Good afternoon dear guests and pupils.
I am glad to see you.
The plan of the lesson.
2. Checking up the home task ex: 4, p80
3. New lesson. Let’s begin our lesson.
Today we will speak about our Country.
Text: Kazakhstan is known as crown jewel of Central Asia. It is one of the most scenic countries in the world. It covers an area of 2, 717, 300 sg kilometers making it the largest country in Central Asia.
2. Activity
1. Now that you have read the passage, complete the sentence below by clicking on the correct answer guestions - 1 - 10
1. The meaning of “population” is the number of -******* living in a state town or country.
a) vehicles
b) building
c) people
2. Kazakhstan is rich in natural resoursers!
This sentence means that Kazakhstan has ******- an abudance of natural resources.
3. How big is Kazakhstan?
******- 2, 717, 300sg kilometers
1. The best word to describe “declared”is announced
2. When did KZ gain its “independence?”*****1991.
3. KZ is rich in natural resourses such as***** tungsten, aluminium and uranium,*****lead.
4. KZ is the ****** biggest country in the world *****ninth
5. KZ is one of the world’s top oil producing countries/******True,
6. The meaning of “extremely” is******very
7. The meaning of”stunning” is *****”beautiful”.
3. Activity2.
This is the map of KZ. Do you know the various tourist destinations of the country? Click and drag the names, and place them in the correct location.
1. Korgalzhyn
2. Ridder
3. Katonkaragai
4. Karkaraly
5. Alakol
6. Zhabagly
7. Lepsinsk
8. Ugam
4. Activity 3
Think of another word of the same meaning as the phrase or word below. Enter your word by clicking on the letters.
Questions 1 - 10
1. Biggest******largest
2. Something that happened a while ago - Recent
3. To do some thing without being told to do******Initiative
4. Beautiful*******Stunning
5. The amount of space*****Area
6. A useful and valuable product for country or organization*****Resources
7. Speak highly******Boast
8. The number of people*******Population
9. Make known*******Declared
10. Beautiful natural surroundings*******Science
5. Vocabulary
Do you know what items in the picture are?
1. Spider
2. Squirrel
3. Peak
4. Mountain
5. Trail
6. Windbreaker
7. Trekker
8. Cave
9. Oar
10. Canoe
11. Lake
12. Angler
13. Hammock
14. Sleeping bag
15. Horse
16. Saddle
17. Tent
18. Kerosene lamp
6. Phpto album
1. This is a Church
2. This is a House of Parliament
3. This is a Square
4. This is Medeu
5. This is a Park
6. This is a Mountain
7. Grammar. Modal Verbs.
What are the modal verbs?
Modal verbs are known as helping verbs - they have no tense, but they have a meaning. Examples of modals: Can, must, may, should, could
Read the follow sentences:
1. You may use the computer now.
2. This means permission is given.
3. Mary can go on holiday with her friends.
4. This means it is possible for Mary to go.
5. Sue must complete her home work before she goes out.
6. This means Sue has a duty to finish it.
7. Should not means strong advice not to do something.
8. Can not - means an action that is not possible.
9. Need is not means there is no obligation to do something.
You should not disobey your parents.
She can not come to the party.
You need not do this work now.
8. Test.
Read the passage and answer the questions.
Mary has a new pet. It is a cat. Mary bought her cat to school today. She wanted to show her to the class. Her cat’s name is Ginger. Ginger is abeautiful cat with golden brown fur and big blue eyes. Her tail is long and bushy. It is very active and likes to jump to the cupboards. All her friends like to play with Ginger.
1. Whose pet is it? Mary’s
2. Why does Mary bring Ginger to school? She wants to show Ginger to her class.
3. Who is Ginger? A cat.
4Ginger has a blue eyes.
9. Conclusion: To my opinion I achieve my aim of the lesson. Pupils were active at the lesson. They knew a lot of new information about our country.
10. Home task: To write 10 sentences about your pets.

The Past Perfect Tense (Аяқталған өткен шақ)
Let’s begin our lesson. Our new theme is “The Past Perfect Tense”. We are going to speak about Past Perfect Tense. We are going to act out dialogues, do the exercises, ask the answer the questions in order to enrich your vocabulary and develop

The USA and Kazakhstan
Атырау қаласы, Амангелді атындағы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Есқалиева Бахытжамал Бақтиярқызы

Kazakhstan is my motherland
Қызылорда облысы, №189 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Ниетбаева Айдана

Planning my time
The plan of the lesson Theme: Planning my time Form: 6 The aims of the lesson: Educational: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage students in different tasks and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
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