Where’s Great Britain?
Form: 5
Theme: Where’s Great Britain?
Aim of the teaching: Explain the new materials. Reading texts. Writing. Working with pronunciation. Learning new words. Talking about the weather.
Type of the lesson: New lesson
Equipments: active board, disk, video
I Organization
- Good afternoon, pupils!
- Good afternoon, teacher!
- Who is on duty today?
- I’m
- Who is absent?
II. Check - up the home task
- What was your home task?
- Exercise 12
III New lesson
1. Warm - up.
How’s the weather? Do you know?
Don’t ask me! I don’t know
Is it raining? Is it snowing?
I can’t see. C’mon, let’ go!
New words:
Hot - ыссы
warm - жылы
cool - салқын
cold - суық
freezing - тоңазу
winter - қыс
summer - жаз
spring - көктем
autumn - күз
Answer the questions
Do you know Great Britain?
How is the weather there?
Is it raining constantly?
What is the capital of Great Britain?
Video about the Great Britain.
Ex 2
Great Britain is in the Atlantic ocean. The countries in this part of the world are cold in winter, but Great Britain has a warm climate. Warm ocean water keeps the British isles warm and green.
There are four countries in Great Britain. Scotland, Wales and England are on one island. Ireland is on another island across the Irish Sea.
True or false?
A/ Great Britain is in the Atlantic Ocean.
b/ Great Britain has a warm climate.
c/ This water keeps the British Isles warm
d/ There are 3 countries in the GB
Ex4 Listen and practice.
Asel: It’s hot today! What‘s the temperature?
Jennifer: I think it’s almost 90 degrees /F/
Asel: I’m so hot! I’m dying!
Ex5. Talk to you partner.
What‘s the temperature today?
It’s / hot, warm, cool, cold/. It’s … degrees.
IV Grammar
Жалпы сұрақтар. Yes/ No questions
Is he from Kazakhstan? Yes, he is
Is she from Kazakhstan? Yes, she is
Is it from Kazakhstan? Yes, it is.
Are you from Great Britain? No, I’ m not
Are we from Great Britain? Yes, we are
Are they from Great Britain? No, they are not.
Ex6 Talk to your partner about Kazakhstan. Answer.
Where is Kazakhstan?
Is it in Asia or Europe?
What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
What is the weather like Astana?
Is life slow in Astana?
V Result of the lesson
VI Home task Ex 7
VII Put marks
Theme: Where’s Great Britain?
Aim of the teaching: Explain the new materials. Reading texts. Writing. Working with pronunciation. Learning new words. Talking about the weather.
Type of the lesson: New lesson
Equipments: active board, disk, video
I Organization
- Good afternoon, pupils!
- Good afternoon, teacher!
- Who is on duty today?
- I’m
- Who is absent?
II. Check - up the home task
- What was your home task?
- Exercise 12
III New lesson
1. Warm - up.
How’s the weather? Do you know?
Don’t ask me! I don’t know
Is it raining? Is it snowing?
I can’t see. C’mon, let’ go!
New words:
Hot - ыссы
warm - жылы
cool - салқын
cold - суық
freezing - тоңазу
winter - қыс
summer - жаз
spring - көктем
autumn - күз
Answer the questions
Do you know Great Britain?
How is the weather there?
Is it raining constantly?
What is the capital of Great Britain?
Video about the Great Britain.
Ex 2
Great Britain is in the Atlantic ocean. The countries in this part of the world are cold in winter, but Great Britain has a warm climate. Warm ocean water keeps the British isles warm and green.
There are four countries in Great Britain. Scotland, Wales and England are on one island. Ireland is on another island across the Irish Sea.
True or false?
A/ Great Britain is in the Atlantic Ocean.
b/ Great Britain has a warm climate.
c/ This water keeps the British Isles warm
d/ There are 3 countries in the GB
Ex4 Listen and practice.
Asel: It’s hot today! What‘s the temperature?
Jennifer: I think it’s almost 90 degrees /F/
Asel: I’m so hot! I’m dying!
Ex5. Talk to you partner.
What‘s the temperature today?
It’s / hot, warm, cool, cold/. It’s … degrees.
IV Grammar
Жалпы сұрақтар. Yes/ No questions
Is he from Kazakhstan? Yes, he is
Is she from Kazakhstan? Yes, she is
Is it from Kazakhstan? Yes, it is.
Are you from Great Britain? No, I’ m not
Are we from Great Britain? Yes, we are
Are they from Great Britain? No, they are not.
Ex6 Talk to your partner about Kazakhstan. Answer.
Where is Kazakhstan?
Is it in Asia or Europe?
What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
What is the weather like Astana?
Is life slow in Astana?
V Result of the lesson
VI Home task Ex 7
VII Put marks

Schools in Great Britain
To speak about education and schools in Great Britain. To develop pupil’s speaking, listening.

Youth organizations in Great Britain and The USA
Talking about the youth organizations in Great Britain and The USA. Develop pupils’ pronunciation, working with vocabulary. Explain and practice doing exercises. Share opinions with each other.

Schools in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan
The theme: Schools in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan

Educationn In Great Britain
Атырау қаласы, Ф. Оңғарсынова атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын пәні мұғалімі Абилтаева Гүлхат

Great Britain (Ұлыбритания)
Ақтөбе қаласы, №1орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Нургул Айжарикова

Comparing the systems of education in Great Britain & Kazakhstan
Ақтөбе облысы, Ақтөбе қаласы №34 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Баймбетова Лаззат Едиловна
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Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.