Trip around London
The theme of the lesson: “Trip around London”
Aims: 1. Обобщение по истории Лондона, ознакомить учащихся со Столицей Великобритании и ее достопримечательностями;
2. Развитие слуховой и зрительной памяти, развивать навыки чтения, умения применять новые слова, при выполнении упражнении, тренировать их внимание;
3. Воспитывать уважение к культуре и достопримечательностям другой страны
Type of the lesson: Обобщающий, комбинированный
Visual aids: Интерактивная доска, ноутбуки, видеоролик о Лондоне, презентация с новыми словами раздаточный материал.
I. Organization moment.
a) Greeting
b) T: Good morning, children! Sit down! I’m glad to see you. You’re welcome to an English lesson! I hope you’re ready for the lesson.
c) Conversation with pupils.
Who is on duty today? I’m on duty today
Who is absent? Gaynetova is absent today
What day of the week is today? It’s Friday
What is the weather like today? It is warm
What day is it today?
II. Control of homework
Write down a story about history of London using these keywords:
The Romans ----------------------- In 1066 ---------------------------- the heart of London
The River Thames ---------------- William the conqueror ------------ the oldest part
Londinium ------------------------- the White Tower ------------------ the Tower of London
By the year 400 ------------------ in 1666 St. ------------------------ Paul’s Cathedral
Until 1749 ------------------------- by 1830 --------------------------- Sir Christopher Wren
III. Well done. Now I see that you know history of London very well. And today we’ll continue speaking about London. We have got an unusual lesson today. “A trip around London”. We’re going to speak about London and it’s most famous sights.
Прежде чем отправиться в Лондон, давайте познакомимся с новыми словами по теме
A) Презентация новых слов:
Trafalgar Square – площадь Трафальгара
Statue of Admiral Nelson – памятник Адмирала Нельсона
Buckingham Palace – Букингемский дворец
The House of Parliament – здание Парламента
Tower Bridge – Тоарский мост
London Eye – Глаза Лондона
The Thames – река Темза
Red Double Decker – красный двухэтажный автобус
The Tower of London - башня Лондона
Well - to - do - богатый
Inhabitant - жители
Vast - широкий
Trade – торговля
B) So children let’s begin our trip around London. Imagine that you’re in London now:
Видеоролик 3 мин – Путешествие по Лондону
Very good, let's come back to our voc - ry. What new words you come across on this video clip.
Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, red double decker, the Tower of London, the House of Parliament etc.
C) And now we must do ex - ces by this text. А теперь выполним ряд упражнении по прослушанном тексту на интерактивной доске
Ex. 1 Right or Wrong
1. Actually there are several London’s
2. At night the City of London is almost deserted
3. London began when the Romans came
4. London is the largest city in Britain and one of the smallest in the world
5. The existence of London depended on its sightseeing
6. The Houses of Parliament are built on the banks of the Thames at Westminster
Ex. 2
Fill in the gaps
1. In Roman times London was already a Centre of ………
a) Entertainment
b) trade
c) business
2. At ……… it is almost deserted.
a) Midnight
b) noon
c) night
3. It forms …………… circle with a radius from fifteen to twenty miles
a) a type of
b) a kind of
c) a sort
4. Finally there is Greater London which …………… inner
a) divides
b) separates
c) includes
5. London one the of the ………. Largest ports.
a) World’s
b) city’s
c) country’s
1. The West End is a part of London, where, mostly people live
2. Today London covers a vast area, millions of
3. About half a million people work during the day
4. This is a area running eastward from the City
5. There is the country of London
6. It is the financial and Centre of Great Britain
Well - to - do, than, commercial, vast, there, inhabitant
D. Работа с учебником
Ex. 9 p. 82 what about this text.
What is the difference between…
a) Conductor and conductress
b) Inspector and bus driver
c) Single – decker and double – Decker
d) Bus and coach
D) Work with card.
Сard №1
1. London, city, the, of, and, England, capital, is, the United Kingdom.
2. Thames, river, London, on, situated, the, city, historical, it is.
3. The largest, London, Britain, in, city, is and, of, largest, the, one, cities, in the world.
Card №2
1. Is, capital, the, of, Astana, since, Kazakhstan, 1997, it is, Centre, business, and, financial, of Kazakhstan.
2. Picturesque bank, Ishim, Astana, on, a, situated, River, of the
3. Asia, cultural, a, is, center, Kazakhstan, of.
TASK “Compare”
Students should compare the both capitals using Venn diagram
London Both Astana
IV. Conclusion
1. What is the center of London? ( Trafalgar Square)
2. On what river is London situated (Thames)
3. When was the great Fire in London?
4. Can you name the parts of London? (West End, the East End, The city)
5. This large clock is one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament. You can hear the sound of it every hour in London. ( Big Ben)
6. It was a prison, a palace, a fortress the king’s zoo. But now it’s a museum. (Tower of London)
V. Homework. Write down a short story about trip around London
VI. Marks
The lesson is over. Good bye
Aims: 1. Обобщение по истории Лондона, ознакомить учащихся со Столицей Великобритании и ее достопримечательностями;
2. Развитие слуховой и зрительной памяти, развивать навыки чтения, умения применять новые слова, при выполнении упражнении, тренировать их внимание;
3. Воспитывать уважение к культуре и достопримечательностям другой страны
Type of the lesson: Обобщающий, комбинированный
Visual aids: Интерактивная доска, ноутбуки, видеоролик о Лондоне, презентация с новыми словами раздаточный материал.
I. Organization moment.
a) Greeting
b) T: Good morning, children! Sit down! I’m glad to see you. You’re welcome to an English lesson! I hope you’re ready for the lesson.
c) Conversation with pupils.
Who is on duty today? I’m on duty today
Who is absent? Gaynetova is absent today
What day of the week is today? It’s Friday
What is the weather like today? It is warm
What day is it today?
II. Control of homework
Write down a story about history of London using these keywords:
The Romans ----------------------- In 1066 ---------------------------- the heart of London
The River Thames ---------------- William the conqueror ------------ the oldest part
Londinium ------------------------- the White Tower ------------------ the Tower of London
By the year 400 ------------------ in 1666 St. ------------------------ Paul’s Cathedral
Until 1749 ------------------------- by 1830 --------------------------- Sir Christopher Wren
III. Well done. Now I see that you know history of London very well. And today we’ll continue speaking about London. We have got an unusual lesson today. “A trip around London”. We’re going to speak about London and it’s most famous sights.
Прежде чем отправиться в Лондон, давайте познакомимся с новыми словами по теме
A) Презентация новых слов:
Trafalgar Square – площадь Трафальгара
Statue of Admiral Nelson – памятник Адмирала Нельсона
Buckingham Palace – Букингемский дворец
The House of Parliament – здание Парламента
Tower Bridge – Тоарский мост
London Eye – Глаза Лондона
The Thames – река Темза
Red Double Decker – красный двухэтажный автобус
The Tower of London - башня Лондона
Well - to - do - богатый
Inhabitant - жители
Vast - широкий
Trade – торговля
B) So children let’s begin our trip around London. Imagine that you’re in London now:
Видеоролик 3 мин – Путешествие по Лондону
Very good, let's come back to our voc - ry. What new words you come across on this video clip.
Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, red double decker, the Tower of London, the House of Parliament etc.
C) And now we must do ex - ces by this text. А теперь выполним ряд упражнении по прослушанном тексту на интерактивной доске
Ex. 1 Right or Wrong
1. Actually there are several London’s
2. At night the City of London is almost deserted
3. London began when the Romans came
4. London is the largest city in Britain and one of the smallest in the world
5. The existence of London depended on its sightseeing
6. The Houses of Parliament are built on the banks of the Thames at Westminster
Ex. 2
Fill in the gaps
1. In Roman times London was already a Centre of ………
a) Entertainment
b) trade
c) business
2. At ……… it is almost deserted.
a) Midnight
b) noon
c) night
3. It forms …………… circle with a radius from fifteen to twenty miles
a) a type of
b) a kind of
c) a sort
4. Finally there is Greater London which …………… inner
a) divides
b) separates
c) includes
5. London one the of the ………. Largest ports.
a) World’s
b) city’s
c) country’s
1. The West End is a part of London, where, mostly people live
2. Today London covers a vast area, millions of
3. About half a million people work during the day
4. This is a area running eastward from the City
5. There is the country of London
6. It is the financial and Centre of Great Britain
Well - to - do, than, commercial, vast, there, inhabitant
D. Работа с учебником
Ex. 9 p. 82 what about this text.
What is the difference between…
a) Conductor and conductress
b) Inspector and bus driver
c) Single – decker and double – Decker
d) Bus and coach
D) Work with card.
Сard №1
1. London, city, the, of, and, England, capital, is, the United Kingdom.
2. Thames, river, London, on, situated, the, city, historical, it is.
3. The largest, London, Britain, in, city, is and, of, largest, the, one, cities, in the world.
Card №2
1. Is, capital, the, of, Astana, since, Kazakhstan, 1997, it is, Centre, business, and, financial, of Kazakhstan.
2. Picturesque bank, Ishim, Astana, on, a, situated, River, of the
3. Asia, cultural, a, is, center, Kazakhstan, of.
TASK “Compare”
Students should compare the both capitals using Venn diagram
London Both Astana
IV. Conclusion
1. What is the center of London? ( Trafalgar Square)
2. On what river is London situated (Thames)
3. When was the great Fire in London?
4. Can you name the parts of London? (West End, the East End, The city)
5. This large clock is one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament. You can hear the sound of it every hour in London. ( Big Ben)
6. It was a prison, a palace, a fortress the king’s zoo. But now it’s a museum. (Tower of London)
V. Homework. Write down a short story about trip around London
VI. Marks
The lesson is over. Good bye

Geography and travelling. Review lesson
Talking about the countries; getting new information; enlarging students’ vocabularies;

To enlarge pupil’s knowledge about types of transport, give information about London double - decker bus.

Coulours spelling
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