Grade: 6th
Theme: Seasons.
The aim of the lesson: Continue to form the usage of grammar structures.
Development of speech habits through dialogues
and monologues.
Revise the Comparison of Adjectives. Teaching children to be
kind to the nature.
The type of the lesson: mixed
The outline of the lesson:
I. Organization moment:
- Good morning, children!
I’m very glad to see you.
Sit down, please.
Is anybody absent today?
What date is it today?
What day of the week is today?
What is the weather like today?
What season is it now?
What did we speak about last lesson?
Now let’s read a poem about the seasons.
T: Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.
T: What is this poem about?
P123: About seasons.
T: You’re right. We shall continue to speak about seasons, Degrees of Comparison, the pronouns some, any, no.
II. Phonetic drill.
Summer --------- December -------- March -------- June
Autumn --------- January -------- April ----------- July
Winter -------- February ---------- May ------- August
III. Answer the questions:
1 How many seasons are there in a year?
2 What are they?
3 What season comes after winter?
(spring, summer, autumn)
What do children do in winter?
Do you skate or sky in winter?
Do you play hockey in winter?
What are the winter months?
What season is it now?
What is the weather like in winter?
IV. Revision of Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.
T: So, children, every season is differ from each other. Let’s compare them.
Winter is (cold) than spring.
Summer is (warm) than autumn.
Spring is (beautiful) than winter.
The days in summer are (long) than in winter.
The days in winter are (short) than in summer.
V. Pronouns: some, any, no.
Is there any snow in spring?
Are there any flowers in the forest in summer?
Are there any flowers in the forest in summer?
Is there any grass in the field in spring?
Are any leaves on the trees in winter?
VI. Listen to the text “Reddy”
Text: My name is Colin. Last summer I was at a summer camp. One morning my friend and I went to the forest. We walked and run there, picked flowers and sang songs. On our way home suddenly we saw a very small fox sitting under a tree. The fox was ready to run away. But we picked it up and put into a basket. We took the fox to the camp and gave it some milk. It was very interesting to watch the fox drinking the milk. The fox was red and we called it Reddy. For three days Reddy lived at the camp. On the fourth day we carried the fox back into the forest. We all said: ‘Goodbye, dear Reddy, go back home and be happy. We were glad to be Reddy’s friends during those three days. ’
Complete the sentences:
1 Last summer I was at…
2 One morning my friend and I went …
3 On our way home suddenly we saw…
4 We took the fox …
5 It was very interesting to watch …
6 The fox was…
7 For three days Reddy was at …
8 On the fourth day we …
9 We all said …
VI. Homework.
Exercises 5, 6. Learn by heart the poem.
VII. Marks.
Theme: Seasons.
The aim of the lesson: Continue to form the usage of grammar structures.
Development of speech habits through dialogues
and monologues.
Revise the Comparison of Adjectives. Teaching children to be
kind to the nature.
The type of the lesson: mixed
The outline of the lesson:
I. Organization moment:
- Good morning, children!
I’m very glad to see you.
Sit down, please.
Is anybody absent today?
What date is it today?
What day of the week is today?
What is the weather like today?
What season is it now?
What did we speak about last lesson?
Now let’s read a poem about the seasons.
T: Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.
T: What is this poem about?
P123: About seasons.
T: You’re right. We shall continue to speak about seasons, Degrees of Comparison, the pronouns some, any, no.
II. Phonetic drill.
Summer --------- December -------- March -------- June
Autumn --------- January -------- April ----------- July
Winter -------- February ---------- May ------- August
III. Answer the questions:
1 How many seasons are there in a year?
2 What are they?
3 What season comes after winter?
(spring, summer, autumn)
What do children do in winter?
Do you skate or sky in winter?
Do you play hockey in winter?
What are the winter months?
What season is it now?
What is the weather like in winter?
IV. Revision of Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.
T: So, children, every season is differ from each other. Let’s compare them.
Winter is (cold) than spring.
Summer is (warm) than autumn.
Spring is (beautiful) than winter.
The days in summer are (long) than in winter.
The days in winter are (short) than in summer.
V. Pronouns: some, any, no.
Is there any snow in spring?
Are there any flowers in the forest in summer?
Are there any flowers in the forest in summer?
Is there any grass in the field in spring?
Are any leaves on the trees in winter?
VI. Listen to the text “Reddy”
Text: My name is Colin. Last summer I was at a summer camp. One morning my friend and I went to the forest. We walked and run there, picked flowers and sang songs. On our way home suddenly we saw a very small fox sitting under a tree. The fox was ready to run away. But we picked it up and put into a basket. We took the fox to the camp and gave it some milk. It was very interesting to watch the fox drinking the milk. The fox was red and we called it Reddy. For three days Reddy lived at the camp. On the fourth day we carried the fox back into the forest. We all said: ‘Goodbye, dear Reddy, go back home and be happy. We were glad to be Reddy’s friends during those three days. ’
Complete the sentences:
1 Last summer I was at…
2 One morning my friend and I went …
3 On our way home suddenly we saw…
4 We took the fox …
5 It was very interesting to watch …
6 The fox was…
7 For three days Reddy was at …
8 On the fourth day we …
9 We all said …
VI. Homework.
Exercises 5, 6. Learn by heart the poem.
VII. Marks.

Introducing and practicing new vocabulary (seasons of the year) and with the rule of reading letters “Fr”. Developing pupils speaking, writing, reading skills.

This is the theme of our lesson. Today we’ll speak about the seasons of the year. we’ll learn to describe of different seasons. Besides we’ll speak about the weather of different seasons.

Seasons and the weather
Қызылорда облысы, Байқоңыр қаласы, К.Э.Циолковский атындағы №2 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Баймаханова Кумыс Икрамовна

The Team of the 21st century (ХХІ ғасыр көшбасшысы)
Маңғыстау облысы, Маңғыстау ауданы, Шетпе кенті лицейінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Аманиязова Жанар Болатқызы

What colour is your cat?
Атырау қаласы, Дамбы селосы Амангелді атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Сұлтанова Қарлығаш Өтегенқызы

Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Бекарыстан би ауылы, №24 мектептің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Жүнусова Гүлзат
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