The date: The 2nd of December
The form: 5 v class
The subject: English lesson
The theme of the lesson: Seasons
The aim of the lesson: To develop pupil’s spiking habits, to introduce new words, to teach written and oral forms of speech, to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary, to introduce ordinal numbers, to enrich the students knowledge.
The type of the lesson: a new lesson
Method’s of teaching: question – answer, practical
The visual aids: a presentation
Procedure of the lesson
1. Organizational moment
a) Greeting pupils.
-Good afternoon, pupils!
-Good afternoon, teacher!
-Sit down, please.
b) Checking the pupil’s attendance.
- Now, take your books and notebooks.
-Are you ready for the lesson?
c) The duty’s report.
-Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
Now answer the questions from last lessons.
-What is your name?
-How are you?
-How old are you?
-Where are you from?
-What season is it now?
-What month is it now?
2. Checking – up the homework.
Let’s check your homework.
- What was your homework for today?
- To learn the dialogue; to learn the poems about seasons; to learn the new words.
3. Brainstorm.
- Dear pupils, I have got a puzzle, if you’ll know the theme of the lesson.
4. Explanation of the lesson.
- Оpen your copybook and write the date.
The 2nd of December.
Class work
New words:
Seasons - жыл мезгілдері ----January - Қаңтар
Winter - қыс ---------------------February - Ақпан
Autumn - күз --------------------March - Наурыз
Spring - көктем -----------------April - Сәуір
Summer - жаз -------------------May - Мамыр
Snow - қар -----------------------June- - Маусым
Rain - жаңбыр ------------------July - Шілде
Month - ай -----------------------August - Тамыз
Sun - күн -------------------------September - Қыркүйек
Birthday - туған күн -----------October - Қазан
Warm - жылы -------------------November - Қараша
Hot - ыстық ----------------------December - Желтоқсан
Cold - суық
Rain - жаңбыр
5. Phonetic drill
Spring is green,
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white
- What seasons is it?
Exercise: 1 Fill the diagram. You must write the months of each season.
Exercise; 2 Make the words with cut of letter.
Twrine - winter
Rgisnp - spring
Mutanu - autumn
Umresm - summer
Rlipa - April
Rachm - March
Amy - May
Beocrot - October
Wosn - snow
Nari - rain
Exercise; 4 Put the names of seasons.
1. The snow falls in......
2. The rain is in .........
3. The leaves fall in ........
4. The sunshine is in ........
Exercise: 5. Listen and read.
Asel: When is your birthday?
Carol: It’s in winter.
Asel: In which month is it?
Carol: It’s in January. And when is yours?
Asel: It’s in 9th of May.
Carol: Oh, it’s a Victory Day.
Exercise: 6. Answer for the question.
- When is your birthday p1?
- It’s in __________.
5. Consolidation of the lesson
Game: How many words do you know?
8. Give a mark.
The form: 5 v class
The subject: English lesson
The theme of the lesson: Seasons
The aim of the lesson: To develop pupil’s spiking habits, to introduce new words, to teach written and oral forms of speech, to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary, to introduce ordinal numbers, to enrich the students knowledge.
The type of the lesson: a new lesson
Method’s of teaching: question – answer, practical
The visual aids: a presentation
Procedure of the lesson
1. Organizational moment
a) Greeting pupils.
-Good afternoon, pupils!
-Good afternoon, teacher!
-Sit down, please.
b) Checking the pupil’s attendance.
- Now, take your books and notebooks.
-Are you ready for the lesson?
c) The duty’s report.
-Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
Now answer the questions from last lessons.
-What is your name?
-How are you?
-How old are you?
-Where are you from?
-What season is it now?
-What month is it now?
2. Checking – up the homework.
Let’s check your homework.
- What was your homework for today?
- To learn the dialogue; to learn the poems about seasons; to learn the new words.
3. Brainstorm.
- Dear pupils, I have got a puzzle, if you’ll know the theme of the lesson.
4. Explanation of the lesson.
- Оpen your copybook and write the date.
The 2nd of December.
Class work
New words:
Seasons - жыл мезгілдері ----January - Қаңтар
Winter - қыс ---------------------February - Ақпан
Autumn - күз --------------------March - Наурыз
Spring - көктем -----------------April - Сәуір
Summer - жаз -------------------May - Мамыр
Snow - қар -----------------------June- - Маусым
Rain - жаңбыр ------------------July - Шілде
Month - ай -----------------------August - Тамыз
Sun - күн -------------------------September - Қыркүйек
Birthday - туған күн -----------October - Қазан
Warm - жылы -------------------November - Қараша
Hot - ыстық ----------------------December - Желтоқсан
Cold - суық
Rain - жаңбыр
5. Phonetic drill
Spring is green,
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white
- What seasons is it?
Exercise: 1 Fill the diagram. You must write the months of each season.
Exercise; 2 Make the words with cut of letter.
Twrine - winter
Rgisnp - spring
Mutanu - autumn
Umresm - summer
Rlipa - April
Rachm - March
Amy - May
Beocrot - October
Wosn - snow
Nari - rain
Exercise; 4 Put the names of seasons.
1. The snow falls in......
2. The rain is in .........
3. The leaves fall in ........
4. The sunshine is in ........
Exercise: 5. Listen and read.
Asel: When is your birthday?
Carol: It’s in winter.
Asel: In which month is it?
Carol: It’s in January. And when is yours?
Asel: It’s in 9th of May.
Carol: Oh, it’s a Victory Day.
Exercise: 6. Answer for the question.
- When is your birthday p1?
- It’s in __________.
5. Consolidation of the lesson
Game: How many words do you know?
8. Give a mark.

Holidays in Kazakhstan. Holidays in England
Holidays in Kazakhstan, Holidays in England, to train new words and discussion an English languagе.

At the shop
educational to enrich pupil’s knowledge, to enlarge their interest in learning foreign languages and to introduce the pupils with new words and give them more information

Educational aim: Introduction of the grammar material: there is. Vocabulary: attic, bedroom, stairs, bathroom, kitchen, living room, garden. Make up word combinations and sentences with the new words: to educate their oral speech by doing exercises:

What do you want to be?
Маңғыстау облысы, Бейнеу ауданы, Ақжігіт ауылы, Совет Одағының Батыры Мәди Бегенов атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қосшыбекова Айгерим Саттаровна

At the Zoo
Lesson plan of the teacher of English Seksenbaeva Mira, conducted in the 4th grade Сөздік қорларын дамытуға арналған
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