What is Jane going to do?
Theme: Unit six. Step four. What is Jane going to do?
Aim: To develop pupils writing, reading and listening abilities.
To introduce pupil with structure of “to be going to + V” and to teach them to use it in their own speech. To teach pupil to respect each other and say own opinions.
I. Organization moment:
I.1. Greeting
- Good afternoon pupils
- Good afternoon teacher
- Sit down please
- Who is on duty today?
- I’m on duty today
- Who is absent?
- …..
- What date is it today?
- Today is the 31st of January
- What day is it today?
- Today is Tuesday
I.2. Checking up the home work
I.3. Warm up
Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white
II. Main part:
1) To explain to the children the grammar
“to be going to…” собираться что-либо сделать
То be going to выражает будущее намерение, план или решение:
When I grow up, I'm going to be a doctor. - Когда я вырасту, стану врачом.
Глагол will также может выражать намерение.
Разница между will и to be going to для выражения намерения заключается в том, что решение для осуществления намерения в предложениях с to be going to
является обдуманным до момента речи, сравните:
We've run out of sugar. - У нас нет (кончился) сахара.
I know. I'm going to buy some. - Я знаю. Я собираюсь купить его.
We've run out of sugar. - У нас нет (кончился) сахара.
I didn't know. I'll buy some when I go shopping. - Я не знал. Я куплю, когда пойду в магазин.
То be going to используется для передачи сообщения о будущем событии,
которое следует из очевидного:
Look at those clouds. It's going to rain. - Посмотри на эти облака. Скоро пойдет дождь.
She is going to read.
Она собирается читать.
It is going to rain.
Собирается дождь
2) To give the answers to the next questions
What are you going to do …?
1. at 8 o’clock
2. tomorrow
3. next Sunday
4. next month
5. next year
6. during your summer
III. Doing exercise
1) Put in order
going I’m lunch have – I’m going have lunch
They are to theatre going to go the – They are going to go to the theatre
London to going next year go she is to – She is going to go to London next year
2) Make a sentences with word combination:
To read a book
To watch TV
To play tennis
To cook a meal
To take a shower
To have a lunch
For example:
1. I am going to read a book
3) Match the sentence with the continues
IV. The conclusion of the lesson
1. Giving homework
Your homework is ex.9 p.116
The lesson is over good bye
Good bye teacher
See you soon!
Aim: To develop pupils writing, reading and listening abilities.
To introduce pupil with structure of “to be going to + V” and to teach them to use it in their own speech. To teach pupil to respect each other and say own opinions.
I. Organization moment:
I.1. Greeting
- Good afternoon pupils
- Good afternoon teacher
- Sit down please
- Who is on duty today?
- I’m on duty today
- Who is absent?
- …..
- What date is it today?
- Today is the 31st of January
- What day is it today?
- Today is Tuesday
I.2. Checking up the home work
I.3. Warm up
Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white
II. Main part:
1) To explain to the children the grammar
“to be going to…” собираться что-либо сделать
То be going to выражает будущее намерение, план или решение:
When I grow up, I'm going to be a doctor. - Когда я вырасту, стану врачом.
Глагол will также может выражать намерение.
Разница между will и to be going to для выражения намерения заключается в том, что решение для осуществления намерения в предложениях с to be going to
является обдуманным до момента речи, сравните:
We've run out of sugar. - У нас нет (кончился) сахара.
I know. I'm going to buy some. - Я знаю. Я собираюсь купить его.
We've run out of sugar. - У нас нет (кончился) сахара.
I didn't know. I'll buy some when I go shopping. - Я не знал. Я куплю, когда пойду в магазин.
То be going to используется для передачи сообщения о будущем событии,
которое следует из очевидного:
Look at those clouds. It's going to rain. - Посмотри на эти облака. Скоро пойдет дождь.
to be going to + V to be going to + VSingular Plural1 л. I am going to read. 1л. We are going to read.Я собираюсь читать Мы собираемся читать2 л. You are going to read. 2л. You are going to readТы собираешься читать Вы собираетесь читать3 л. He is going to read. 3л. They are going to read.Он собирается читать Они собираются читать
She is going to read.
Она собирается читать.
It is going to rain.
Собирается дождь
2) To give the answers to the next questions
What are you going to do …?
1. at 8 o’clock
2. tomorrow
3. next Sunday
4. next month
5. next year
6. during your summer
III. Doing exercise
1) Put in order
going I’m lunch have – I’m going have lunch
They are to theatre going to go the – They are going to go to the theatre
London to going next year go she is to – She is going to go to London next year
2) Make a sentences with word combination:
To read a book
To watch TV
To play tennis
To cook a meal
To take a shower
To have a lunch
For example:
1. I am going to read a book
3) Match the sentence with the continues
IV. The conclusion of the lesson
1. Giving homework
Your homework is ex.9 p.116
The lesson is over good bye
Good bye teacher
See you soon!

Holidays in Kazakhstan. Holidays in England
Holidays in Kazakhstan, Holidays in England, to train new words and discussion an English languagе.

When is your birthday? (Когда - ваш день рождения)
Маңғыстау облысы, Маңғыстау ауданы, Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Куатова Гүлжайна

Coulours spelling
Маңғыстау облысы, Маңғыстау ауданы, Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Куатова Гүлжайна

Planning my time
The plan of the lesson Theme: Planning my time Form: 6 The aims of the lesson: Educational: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage students in different tasks and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
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Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.