Traditions and customs in Kazakhstan
Theme: "Traditions and customs in Kazakhstan'' Grammar practice
Type of the lesson: combined lesson
Visual aids: a computer, an interactive board, slides, video film, music.
Connection with other subjects: History of Kazakhstan, Kazakh literature.
The aims of the lesson:
1. Educational: to advance students’ knowledge about Kazakh traditions and customs, to activate the students' speaking abilities about customs and traditions of our country, to teach students to search and learn necessary materials themselves.
2. Developing: to develop pupils' monologue speech, oral speech, logical thinking.
3. Upbringing: to bring up students to love, respect and keep traditions and customs of Kazakhstan.
The procedure of the lesson.
1. Organization moment.
Good morning students! I am glad to see you. Sit down please. How are you getting on? You know that next month is coming our national holiday Nauryz so, I devote this lesson to Kazakh traditions and customs.
T: So, open your copy - books write down today's date and the theme of our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Traditions and customs in Kazakhstan''.
T: Today we'll speak about Kazakh traditions and customs and we'll have phonetic drill, get some information about traditions on video film and listen to the presentation of the students have our grammar practice and conclude our lesson with solving jumbled words.
2. Phonetic drill. Let's have our phonetic drill. First I'll read and repeat after me.
Each Easter Eddie [i: tS i: stә eddi ]
eats eighty Easter eggs [i: ts eiti i: stә egs ]
3. Warming - up:
T: Now let's warm up and remember proverbs. Match two parts. Repeat them after me, please. Can you give me equivalents in Kazakh language.
Every country has
East or West,
like a home
There is no place
its customs
home is best
- Әр елдің өз салт дәстүрі бар.
- Өз үйің өлен төсегің.
- Туған елдей ел, болмас туған жердей жер болмас.
T: Thank you very much. Good for you.
4. Home task. Let's check up your home task. What was your home task for today?
S: Our home task was to prepare presentations on the theme ''Holidays, customs and traditions in England'' and answer the questions of the text ''London''.
T: Please, answer to the following questions about London.
- What's the capital of England?
- Is London one of the largest cities in the world?
- How many people live in London?
- For how many parts London is divided?
- Is London an old city?
- What sight seeings in London do you know?
T: Thank you for your answers.
5. Presentations of the students:
T: Let us see presentations about traditions in England.
S1: Halloween is around 6000 years old. It is derived from the ancient Celtic festival called Samhain celebrated on October 31, the day before the Celtic New Year began. It was believed to be the day when spirits of the dead visited the living world.
Halloween is about trick - or - treating, guising, wearing scary costumes, lighting bonfires, making pumpkin lanterns, and telling and listening to horror stories.
Orange is associated with pumpkins, autumn, and fire. Since Samhain was celebrated in autumn and orange leaves and gourds are elements of this season.
S2: On November 5, 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament where the king James 1st was to open Parliament on that day. But Guy Fawkes was unable to realize his plan and was caught and later, hanged. The British still remember that Guy Fawkes' Night. It is another name for this holiday. This day one can see children with figures, made of sacks and straw and dressed in old clothes. On November 5th, children put their figures on the bonfire, burn them, and light their fireworks.
T: Thank you for your presentations.
6. Brainstorming:
T: Before talking about traditions I want to ask you about our Motherland. - What do you feel when you pronounce the word ''Motherland''?
S: When I say the word Motherland I feel myself sure and proud.
A Motherland is the place where we were born and grew up. And I'm happy to live here.
T: Why should people keep their traditions?
S: I think we must respect and keep our traditions for the next generation, because traditions tell and show us the life of our nation.
S: To know own traditions and customs it means to be patriots of the Motherland.
T: Ok. You are quite right. Now, thank you for your opinions.
7. Auding with video fragment. (video film)
T: Now let's watch a video film about "Kazakh traditions and customs''. Please, be very attentive then I'll ask you some questions and you'll do the task ''True/False'' and answer the questions:
Tusau kesu (True or False)
- This ceremony is held when a baby makes first steps.
- The ceremony doesn't accompined by songs and wishes.
- A future jigit must be able to agree with difficulties.
- A very respected person who has many children cut the hobbles.
Ashamaiga minguzu (True or False)
- Ashamaiga minguzu it isn't one of the sure methods of upbringing.
- A little boy 6 or7 of age is presented by saddled horse.
- It's explained to the father that he has become a jigit.
- The adults organize a little toi.
T: Answer the questions:
- What is Altybakan?
- What is Kazakh for sticks?
- Who constructs the altybakan?
- In what part of the day do the young people gather near the altybakan?
- How many sticks is used to construct altybakan?
T: Yes, you are right. Thank you.
8. Project work. T: Well, what do you see on the board? (customs and traditions) Some students has prepared presentations about ''betashar, tusau kesu, national costumes and national food''. Now let's listen to them.
S: Betashar, or removing the bride's veil was an important ritual. Only a specially invited poet would remove the bride's veil. The akyn sings a song and while singing he must mention all the groom's relatives and the bride must bend and greet by making salem. All the guets give korimdik and throw shashu (sweets).
''Tusau Kesu''.
S: The next interesting tradition is ''Tusau kesu''.
After the baby’s cradle and crawling stage, the next stage is called Tusau kesu which means to cut hobbles. When the baby begins to walk for the first time, baby's parents invite many guests and the mother asks one of the energetic woman to bind the baby legs with black and white thread and then cut the string. Everybody wish the family great success for the baby’s future.
''National costume''.(video fragment)
S: We have different national costumes such as shapan it's men's clothes. This shapan is decorated with our national ornaments. It's kalpak also men's head wear.
S: It's our women's dress with jacket. Kazaksha koilek with kamsol. And also the head wear is called takia.
''Kazakh national food''.
- Baursacks - it's made from flow and fried in the oil.
- Kymyz it's our national drink. It's a horse milk.
- Kurt it's made from airan.
- It's a horse meat zhal - zhaya and kazy. It's boiled in the water.
- Irimshik made from cow's milk.
T: Thank you very much for your presentations.
9. Grammar practice
T: Now let's have our grammar practice. You know in our previous lesson we've passed adverbs. Your task now is to find and underline adjectives or adverbs.
Ex2, on P 194 The task: Underline the suitable: adjectives/adverbs.
- I am happy/happily to meet you.
- They have lived all their life happy/happily.
- Your hands are cold/coldly put on your gloves.
- Don't speak to me so cold/coldly.
- The results of our work were perfect/perfectly
- We have done everything perfect/perfectly.
T: Thank you. You are perfect.
10. Conclusion of the lesson. Jumbled words.
T: Dear, students let's conclude our lesson with the task''Jumbled words''. Your task is to find correct words concerning traditions.
T: Good for you, thank you.
T: Today you were very active. Thank you everybody. Giving marks with comments.
T: Your home task is to make a crossword on the theme “Customs and traditions” and to find some information about national games besides “Altybakan”.
- So, our lesson is over, I think we have reached our goals, you will remember this lesson. You are free. Good - bye students!
Type of the lesson: combined lesson
Visual aids: a computer, an interactive board, slides, video film, music.
Connection with other subjects: History of Kazakhstan, Kazakh literature.
The aims of the lesson:
1. Educational: to advance students’ knowledge about Kazakh traditions and customs, to activate the students' speaking abilities about customs and traditions of our country, to teach students to search and learn necessary materials themselves.
2. Developing: to develop pupils' monologue speech, oral speech, logical thinking.
3. Upbringing: to bring up students to love, respect and keep traditions and customs of Kazakhstan.
The procedure of the lesson.
1. Organization moment.
Good morning students! I am glad to see you. Sit down please. How are you getting on? You know that next month is coming our national holiday Nauryz so, I devote this lesson to Kazakh traditions and customs.
T: So, open your copy - books write down today's date and the theme of our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Traditions and customs in Kazakhstan''.
T: Today we'll speak about Kazakh traditions and customs and we'll have phonetic drill, get some information about traditions on video film and listen to the presentation of the students have our grammar practice and conclude our lesson with solving jumbled words.
2. Phonetic drill. Let's have our phonetic drill. First I'll read and repeat after me.
Each Easter Eddie [i: tS i: stә eddi ]
eats eighty Easter eggs [i: ts eiti i: stә egs ]
3. Warming - up:
T: Now let's warm up and remember proverbs. Match two parts. Repeat them after me, please. Can you give me equivalents in Kazakh language.
Every country has
East or West,
like a home
There is no place
its customs
home is best
- Әр елдің өз салт дәстүрі бар.
- Өз үйің өлен төсегің.
- Туған елдей ел, болмас туған жердей жер болмас.
T: Thank you very much. Good for you.
4. Home task. Let's check up your home task. What was your home task for today?
S: Our home task was to prepare presentations on the theme ''Holidays, customs and traditions in England'' and answer the questions of the text ''London''.
T: Please, answer to the following questions about London.
- What's the capital of England?
- Is London one of the largest cities in the world?
- How many people live in London?
- For how many parts London is divided?
- Is London an old city?
- What sight seeings in London do you know?
T: Thank you for your answers.
5. Presentations of the students:
T: Let us see presentations about traditions in England.
S1: Halloween is around 6000 years old. It is derived from the ancient Celtic festival called Samhain celebrated on October 31, the day before the Celtic New Year began. It was believed to be the day when spirits of the dead visited the living world.
Halloween is about trick - or - treating, guising, wearing scary costumes, lighting bonfires, making pumpkin lanterns, and telling and listening to horror stories.
Orange is associated with pumpkins, autumn, and fire. Since Samhain was celebrated in autumn and orange leaves and gourds are elements of this season.
S2: On November 5, 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament where the king James 1st was to open Parliament on that day. But Guy Fawkes was unable to realize his plan and was caught and later, hanged. The British still remember that Guy Fawkes' Night. It is another name for this holiday. This day one can see children with figures, made of sacks and straw and dressed in old clothes. On November 5th, children put their figures on the bonfire, burn them, and light their fireworks.
T: Thank you for your presentations.
6. Brainstorming:
T: Before talking about traditions I want to ask you about our Motherland. - What do you feel when you pronounce the word ''Motherland''?
S: When I say the word Motherland I feel myself sure and proud.
A Motherland is the place where we were born and grew up. And I'm happy to live here.
T: Why should people keep their traditions?
S: I think we must respect and keep our traditions for the next generation, because traditions tell and show us the life of our nation.
S: To know own traditions and customs it means to be patriots of the Motherland.
T: Ok. You are quite right. Now, thank you for your opinions.
7. Auding with video fragment. (video film)
T: Now let's watch a video film about "Kazakh traditions and customs''. Please, be very attentive then I'll ask you some questions and you'll do the task ''True/False'' and answer the questions:
Tusau kesu (True or False)
- This ceremony is held when a baby makes first steps.
- The ceremony doesn't accompined by songs and wishes.
- A future jigit must be able to agree with difficulties.
- A very respected person who has many children cut the hobbles.
Ashamaiga minguzu (True or False)
- Ashamaiga minguzu it isn't one of the sure methods of upbringing.
- A little boy 6 or7 of age is presented by saddled horse.
- It's explained to the father that he has become a jigit.
- The adults organize a little toi.
T: Answer the questions:
- What is Altybakan?
- What is Kazakh for sticks?
- Who constructs the altybakan?
- In what part of the day do the young people gather near the altybakan?
- How many sticks is used to construct altybakan?
T: Yes, you are right. Thank you.
8. Project work. T: Well, what do you see on the board? (customs and traditions) Some students has prepared presentations about ''betashar, tusau kesu, national costumes and national food''. Now let's listen to them.
S: Betashar, or removing the bride's veil was an important ritual. Only a specially invited poet would remove the bride's veil. The akyn sings a song and while singing he must mention all the groom's relatives and the bride must bend and greet by making salem. All the guets give korimdik and throw shashu (sweets).
''Tusau Kesu''.
S: The next interesting tradition is ''Tusau kesu''.
After the baby’s cradle and crawling stage, the next stage is called Tusau kesu which means to cut hobbles. When the baby begins to walk for the first time, baby's parents invite many guests and the mother asks one of the energetic woman to bind the baby legs with black and white thread and then cut the string. Everybody wish the family great success for the baby’s future.
''National costume''.(video fragment)
S: We have different national costumes such as shapan it's men's clothes. This shapan is decorated with our national ornaments. It's kalpak also men's head wear.
S: It's our women's dress with jacket. Kazaksha koilek with kamsol. And also the head wear is called takia.
''Kazakh national food''.
- Baursacks - it's made from flow and fried in the oil.
- Kymyz it's our national drink. It's a horse milk.
- Kurt it's made from airan.
- It's a horse meat zhal - zhaya and kazy. It's boiled in the water.
- Irimshik made from cow's milk.
T: Thank you very much for your presentations.
9. Grammar practice
T: Now let's have our grammar practice. You know in our previous lesson we've passed adverbs. Your task now is to find and underline adjectives or adverbs.
Ex2, on P 194 The task: Underline the suitable: adjectives/adverbs.
- I am happy/happily to meet you.
- They have lived all their life happy/happily.
- Your hands are cold/coldly put on your gloves.
- Don't speak to me so cold/coldly.
- The results of our work were perfect/perfectly
- We have done everything perfect/perfectly.
T: Thank you. You are perfect.
10. Conclusion of the lesson. Jumbled words.
T: Dear, students let's conclude our lesson with the task''Jumbled words''. Your task is to find correct words concerning traditions.
T: Good for you, thank you.
T: Today you were very active. Thank you everybody. Giving marks with comments.
T: Your home task is to make a crossword on the theme “Customs and traditions” and to find some information about national games besides “Altybakan”.
- So, our lesson is over, I think we have reached our goals, you will remember this lesson. You are free. Good - bye students!

Kazakh beliefs
to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage students in dialogue and to express their opinions, to enrich students vocabulary.

My Motherland — Kazakhstan
to develop the students’ abilities in oral speech and reading; to enlarge listening, understanding and writing skills; to develop the students’ imagination and interest in writing research works; to improve students’ skills in independent work.

Kazakh national clothes
to advance pupils knowledge about Kazakh national clothes, to activate the pupils speaking abilities about national clothes of our country, to teach pupils to search and learn necessary materials themselves.

Holidays in Kazakhstan
Қызылорда облысы, Шиелі ауданы, №244 Ы. Жақаев атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Құттыбаева Ұлжалғас

Comparing the systems of education in Great Britain & Kazakhstan
Ақтөбе облысы, Ақтөбе қаласы №34 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Баймбетова Лаззат Едиловна

Customs and traditions
Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Шыңғырлау ауданы А. Тихоненко атындағы ОЖББМ ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Кубжанова Нургуль Уразовна
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Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.