Enjoy your flight!
Lesson plan
Lesson theme: Enjoy your flight!
Grade: 9
Materials for the lesson: “English”- Ayapova. T (Mektep 2013, internet resource)
Aids: White board, pictures, video, work sheets
Type of the lesson: mixed
Method of teaching: question - answer, multiple choice, matching
The aim of the lesson:
- to give some information about flight, fight attendants life
- to develop pupils’ skills in oral speech and to develop their reading, understanding.
- to bring up pupils to be attentive, to write neatly and correctly
Greeting.- Good morning students! Your are very beautiful today, as usual of course.
So, who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What was your homa task for today? Checking - up home task. Students retell the texts A ‘Orient Express” and B “ High - speed trains” on page123. I ask questions and they answer to them!
1 Who is the Georges Nagelmacker?
2 What he wanted to do?
3Which country did he visit?
4After what he started his company?
5 Who was among the travelers of his train?
6Which countries are using high - speed trains?
7 What can you say about high - speed train in France?
8 What can you say about high - speed train in Britain?
9 What can you say about high - speed train in Germany?
Warm - up
“Minutes of fame”. Students feel themselves like a pop star for a few moments. They play the role of the singer they have chosen and the sing the song they prepared.
Checking - up home task.
• Each student take one card from the table. It’s a parts of two pictures and they put tother the parts and make 2 different pictures. So according to the picture they divide into 2 groups and read the words: “Enjoy your flight”
We practice new vocab ”air travel” on site of British Council.
• Students choose the words to practice
• Students learn the words. There are words with pictures students listen the words and then read.
• Remember. There are 4 pictures and one word. Students have to find suable picture to the word.
• Write. There are pictures with blank below. Students write the word and check
Students read the given questions and discuss it.
1Are planes really safer than cars?
2What are the advantages of travelling by airplane? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
3 Have you ever seen a female pilot?
4Would you like to be a flight attendant? What are the good and bad sides?
5Do you know every one who is afraid of flying?
6 How old were you when you went on you r first flight?
7 Do you like to travel by plane?
8 What was the longest flight you have ever taken?
Listening - writing
• Students watch the video Cathay Pacific "A Day in The Life of a Flight Attendant"
• After watching the video they complete the sentences filling in the blanks
“Enjoy your flight”
Hi, welcome to my house, come in. I am 1_____________ Grace. I’ve been with Cathay Pacific for over 2______ years now. Right after graduated I was decided “Why not to fly?” So, right now I ‘m gonna get ready, so follow me. Every time I put on my 3_________ I play a role, it’s like a whole performance. So, when you wear the uniform you have to 4_______ a part.. Now I am coming to do my packing. I did my 5________ night before, that what’s I usually do for every flight. I am ready to go.
So, we are here now, at Cathay City and it’s around 20 minutes to 5.. Now here we in. I check my seats to the 6_______.
- Good morning everyone! Welcome to your seats. And before we start check your 7__________ details.
So, I am here. You can’t go with me because I am going to the bus, so see you later to the flight. The first thing me to do, is incoming check. So, we make sure we have all puts we need for a 8________ purposes. After that we start doing prepositions. Getting reading for all services. Even I was a child I loved to fly. When ever I see my passengers are happy I am 9_________ too. So, after a last 10__________ left we go to the hotel. Thank you for joining me whole time all the way to 11_________ and see you again soon.
1 flight attendant; 2 - 3; 3 uniform; 4 act; 5 packing; 6 flight; 7 passport; 8 safety; 9happy; 10 passenger; 11 Sydney
• Students take a pictures and decide which of them are allowed and not allowed. They put on the board ( one part for allowed things and another is for not allowed part) and read.
Example: reading, drinking, smoking, opening a door and window, eating, standing up, undoing your seats, running, sleeping, walking around.
Ice - braking!
Students watch the conic video about the dialogue between flight attendant and passengers
Students read the texts A and B in group 2 (scanning reading)
A tragedy in the air
Comprehension check
Students answer the question about their texts. Then they answered the questions they find the partner from the other group. They compere the answers and try to get as much informations as they can.
1 What happened at the beginning of the flight?
2 Why were the passengers nervous and upset then?
3 What was the last news? Was the news tragic?
4What were all the passengers afraid of?
5 How did the story end?
Students make a dialogue between flight attendant and passenger
Home task Exercise 5 on page 184
Assessment. Feedback
1 The most useful activity in class for me are
2 In class I don’t like
3 This year I am studing English because
4 to learn English at home I can
The lesson is over! Good bye!
Lesson theme: Enjoy your flight!
Grade: 9
Materials for the lesson: “English”- Ayapova. T (Mektep 2013, internet resource)
Aids: White board, pictures, video, work sheets
Type of the lesson: mixed
Method of teaching: question - answer, multiple choice, matching
The aim of the lesson:
- to give some information about flight, fight attendants life
- to develop pupils’ skills in oral speech and to develop their reading, understanding.
- to bring up pupils to be attentive, to write neatly and correctly
Greeting.- Good morning students! Your are very beautiful today, as usual of course.
So, who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What was your homa task for today? Checking - up home task. Students retell the texts A ‘Orient Express” and B “ High - speed trains” on page123. I ask questions and they answer to them!
1 Who is the Georges Nagelmacker?
2 What he wanted to do?
3Which country did he visit?
4After what he started his company?
5 Who was among the travelers of his train?
6Which countries are using high - speed trains?
7 What can you say about high - speed train in France?
8 What can you say about high - speed train in Britain?
9 What can you say about high - speed train in Germany?
Warm - up
“Minutes of fame”. Students feel themselves like a pop star for a few moments. They play the role of the singer they have chosen and the sing the song they prepared.
Checking - up home task.
• Each student take one card from the table. It’s a parts of two pictures and they put tother the parts and make 2 different pictures. So according to the picture they divide into 2 groups and read the words: “Enjoy your flight”
We practice new vocab ”air travel” on site of British Council.
• Students choose the words to practice
• Students learn the words. There are words with pictures students listen the words and then read.
• Remember. There are 4 pictures and one word. Students have to find suable picture to the word.
• Write. There are pictures with blank below. Students write the word and check
Students read the given questions and discuss it.
1Are planes really safer than cars?
2What are the advantages of travelling by airplane? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
3 Have you ever seen a female pilot?
4Would you like to be a flight attendant? What are the good and bad sides?
5Do you know every one who is afraid of flying?
6 How old were you when you went on you r first flight?
7 Do you like to travel by plane?
8 What was the longest flight you have ever taken?
Listening - writing
• Students watch the video Cathay Pacific "A Day in The Life of a Flight Attendant"
• After watching the video they complete the sentences filling in the blanks
“Enjoy your flight”
Hi, welcome to my house, come in. I am 1_____________ Grace. I’ve been with Cathay Pacific for over 2______ years now. Right after graduated I was decided “Why not to fly?” So, right now I ‘m gonna get ready, so follow me. Every time I put on my 3_________ I play a role, it’s like a whole performance. So, when you wear the uniform you have to 4_______ a part.. Now I am coming to do my packing. I did my 5________ night before, that what’s I usually do for every flight. I am ready to go.
So, we are here now, at Cathay City and it’s around 20 minutes to 5.. Now here we in. I check my seats to the 6_______.
- Good morning everyone! Welcome to your seats. And before we start check your 7__________ details.
So, I am here. You can’t go with me because I am going to the bus, so see you later to the flight. The first thing me to do, is incoming check. So, we make sure we have all puts we need for a 8________ purposes. After that we start doing prepositions. Getting reading for all services. Even I was a child I loved to fly. When ever I see my passengers are happy I am 9_________ too. So, after a last 10__________ left we go to the hotel. Thank you for joining me whole time all the way to 11_________ and see you again soon.
1 flight attendant; 2 - 3; 3 uniform; 4 act; 5 packing; 6 flight; 7 passport; 8 safety; 9happy; 10 passenger; 11 Sydney
• Students take a pictures and decide which of them are allowed and not allowed. They put on the board ( one part for allowed things and another is for not allowed part) and read.
Example: reading, drinking, smoking, opening a door and window, eating, standing up, undoing your seats, running, sleeping, walking around.
Ice - braking!
Students watch the conic video about the dialogue between flight attendant and passengers
Students read the texts A and B in group 2 (scanning reading)
A tragedy in the air
Comprehension check
Students answer the question about their texts. Then they answered the questions they find the partner from the other group. They compere the answers and try to get as much informations as they can.
1 What happened at the beginning of the flight?
2 Why were the passengers nervous and upset then?
3 What was the last news? Was the news tragic?
4What were all the passengers afraid of?
5 How did the story end?
Students make a dialogue between flight attendant and passenger
Home task Exercise 5 on page 184
Assessment. Feedback
1 The most useful activity in class for me are
2 In class I don’t like
3 This year I am studing English because
4 to learn English at home I can
The lesson is over! Good bye!

Trains. Travelling
Оңтүстік Қазақстан облысы, Түлкібас ауданы, Б. Момышұлы атындағы жалпы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Үргенішбаева Гүлзат Нәбиқызы

Coulours spelling
Маңғыстау облысы, Маңғыстау ауданы, Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Куатова Гүлжайна

Planning my time
The plan of the lesson Theme: Planning my time Form: 6 The aims of the lesson: Educational: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage students in different tasks and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
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