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Speaking about Kazakhstan

20 қазан 2012, Сенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Theme: Speaking about Kazakhstan
Aims. To enrich pupils know ledje about Kazakstan;to teach to work creativeli;
Find Information while reading the text;to debelop oral and written speech
To bring up patriots of their Motherland.
Visiual aids; the flag of Kazakstan maps, cards, pictures, an interactive board
1. Organiztionmoment.

Teacher; today we are going to speak about our motherland-Kazakstan.
the lesson begins wiht the state anthem of the Republik of Kazakstan. The lesson golden sun shints in thesky.
The golden seed lays in the stepped The legend tells about bravemen.
Look at my home land
Our glory has come
From hoary antiguate
My kazakh people
Are pound and strong
Oh, my home land
Oh, my home land
I am a flower grown by you
I am a song coming from your lips
My Kazakhstan, that is
Where I was born

Here is my vast expanses
And the way into the feture
Here is my independend
Solid, and united nation
Our happy nation our people
Welcome the new time
As an eterhal friend

2. Phonetic practive. Pupils read the poem with good intonation the teacher checks where necessary.
Oh, Kazakstan, I am in love with you
Remember Kazakstan, you are great
Not in the green fields full of Wheat
And forest, gardens, free of dust
love you deeply, dear land
You hills and rivers, lake and seas
Which give me always much be ligth
3. National symbols of Kazakstan.
Techer;Which country does this flags belond to Decribe it.
Pupils;The flag of Kazakstan has two colours; blue and yellow; it yas the sun; the eagle and the national ornament a. working with the text.
Pupils listen and read the text; Kazakstan
Kazakstan is situated in the south of the Commonwealth and occupis an area 2700 000 square kilometrs. It borders with the Chinese People's Repubic in the east, with Kirgistan,

Ozbekistan, Turkemenistan an the south and Russia and in the north and west.
Sharply continental and exstremely drougthy climate. Larje rivers nun to the Republic's territory. These are the Irtich, Sirdaria, Ural, Ishym, Tobol, Ili and Chu. The Republic's fauna annd flora are Cery rich . Kazakhstan is a great sceentific and cultural center. Kazakhstan intends the strengthen relations with al highly deverloped industralized countries.

Kazakhstan is a multinational state. Over 100 nationalities in habiting Kazakhstan pursue the principlese of peacful coexictence and cooparation and show an example of good neighborhood and harmony in living with difirent nations. On the lst of December 1991 the first Prezident in th history of Kazakstan was unanimously elected.

N. A. Nazarbaev became the Prezident of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the 16th December 1991 the Supreme Soviet cleclared the state Sovereignty of the Kazakh Republic a democratic state conducting it's own home and foreign policy. In August 1995 thenew constiution was adopted from November 15. 1993 Kazakhstan has it's own national carrency. In October 1991 the first Kazakh spaveman, hero of the Soviet Union Tohtar Aubakirov made his fligth. "May it be so"; "Welcome to Kazakhstan"we say to our guests. b. Project. Please come to the blackboard one pupil from each group and prepares the project. 'Kazakh Capitals' One prepares the project ' Almaty ' Present, Past, future'Croup two prepares the project' Kizilorda'Next group prepares the project 'Astana'

1817-was founded as a fortress AK MECHET.
1857-became a town renamed as Perovsk.
1925-1929 was the capital of Kazak SSR.
1854-was founded as a fortress Verhy.
1867-bacame a city.
1911-was renamed as Almaty.
1929-1998 was the capital.

1830-was named as Tselingrad.
1832-1961 was founded as a fortress;
Since 1998-the capital named as Astana.
6. At the end of the iesson the teacher gives the guiz on the computer. Do you know Kazakhstan.
1. The capital of Kazakstan is…
a. Almaty
b. Kizilorda
c. Astana
2. What is national symbol of Kazakhstan .
a. the rose
b. the bald
c. golden man
3. The largest city is ….
a. Almaty
b. Astana
c. Chundja
4. Ahmet Yassaui mausoleum is in…
a. Turkestan
b. Chundja
c. Almaty

5. Which month is the day of Independence celebreted in
a. May
b. March
c. December
6. The head of the state is...
a. khan
b. prezident
c. prime-minister
7. Medeu was built in….
a. 1975
b. 2000
c. 1972
8. Kazakhstan is situated in...
a. Central Asia
b. Europe
c. Australia
9. The state language of Kazakhstan is...
a. English
b. Russian

c. Kazakh
10. The population of Kazakhstan is... people.
a. 17. 560. 000
b. 16. 870. 000
c. Extremeli continental
11. Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan until...
a. 1990
b. 1997
c. 1995
12. The largest oblast in Kazakhstan is...
a. Karagandy
b. Almaty

c. Nothern Kazakhstran
13. Kazakhstan is situated in...
a. Central Asia
b. Europe
c. Australia
14. Which month Nauriz is celetrated in.
a. january
b. April
c. March

15. The area of Kazakhstan is...
a. 2. 753. 000sqare km
b. 1. 555. 000sqare km
c. 6. 707. 000sqare km
At the end of the quiz you can see your real mark as the computer shows you answers in

My Motherland — Kazakhstan
My Motherland — Kazakhstan
to develop the students’ abilities in oral speech and reading; to enlarge listening, understanding and writing skills; to develop the students’ imagination and interest in writing research works; to improve students’ skills in independent work.
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1. Educational: To teach speak about animals, to work with the text 2. Developing: To develop pupils logical thinking, reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills; 3. Bringing up: To know about animal world, to protect them;
Speaking about Kazakhstan
Speaking about Kazakhstan
Қызылорда облысы, Жаңақорған ауданы №3 мектеп – интернатының ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Абибуллаева Жазира
Kazakhstan is my motherland
Kazakhstan is my motherland
Қызылорда облысы, №189 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Ниетбаева Айдана
Speaking about Kazakhstan
Speaking about Kazakhstan
Мырзагалиева Сандигул Сандигалиевна Ақтөбе облысы, Ойыл ауданы, Қараой мектеп-бала бақшасы
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