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Speaking about Kazakhstan

12 қаңтар 2013, Сенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Мырзагалиева Сандигул Сандигалиевна
Ақтөбе облысы
Ойыл ауданы
Қараой мектеп-бала бақшасы

Theme: ‘Kazakhstan is my Motherland .Speaking about Kazakhstan
The Aims of the lesson:
I. Educational:
A. to enrich pupils’ knowledge about Kazakhstan;
B. to teach to work creatively, find information while reading the text;
II. Developing:
To develop pupils’ skills in oral speech and reading
To develop pupils’ interest by the subject of English.
III. Bringing-up:
To teach students’ to love our country, to bring up patriotism our Motherland
Intercommunication subjects: Kazakh, Geography, History and Music
Type of the lesson: Mixed open lesson with interactive board
Organisation Moment:
I. Greeting:
-Good morning!
-I’m glad to see you!
-How are you?
II. Explanation of the lesson objectives
III. Asking about the dates absents, etc.
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What date is today?
-What season is it now?
-What is the weather like today?
Now let’s introduce with the aims.
3. Checking up the home-task:
Exercise 6 on the page 122:
Translate the fallowing sentences into your native language.
II. New lesson:
My Motherland, my dear land!
Let my land be in place.
Be happy land, be happy people,
Be joyful people of Kazakhstan!
Тақырып ашу:
Знание –сила
Knowledge is it power
Chronological date Cardinal numerals
1986-nineteen and eighty six
1991-nineteen and ninety one
1900 - one thousand, nine hundred
2753000-two million, seven hundred and fifty three thousand
1300 -one thousand, three hundred.
Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Read the text about Kazakhstan

Exercise 10 on the page 125. Complete the sentences.
1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is________ in the Central Asia.
2. Its population is___________.
3. Kazakh is the ____________________ of the country.
4. Kazakhstan ___________ China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia.
5. There is a long border coast on the Caspian Sea in _________.
6. The river Irtysh is in _________, Illi is in __________, Syr-Darya is in _________, and Ural is in__________.
7. The flora and fauna__________on the climate of the area.
8. The climate of the country is ___________.
9. Rain usually _________ in spring and autumn.
10. In spring green grasses and flowers of different colours ________ flat lands and hills

1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the Central Asia.
2. Its population is about 16 million.
3. Kazakh is the official language of the country.
4. Kazakhstan borders China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia.
5. There is a long border coast on the Caspian Sea in the Southwest.
6. The river Irtysh is in the east, Illi is in the southwest, Syr-Darya is in the southwest, and Ural is in the northwest.
7. The flora and fauna depend on the climate of the area.
8. The climate of the country is strongly continental.
9. Rain usually falls in spring and autumn.
10. In spring green grasses and flowers of different colours cover flat lands and hills

Additional task:
1.The Republic of Kazakhstan situated…
…national flag and anthem.
2.There is a long border coast line…
b.… in the central Asia.
3. Kazakhstan has its own…
c. … of water in the country.
4. The four rivers are the main resources…
d. … the Caspian sea in the Southwest.
5. Kazakhstan borders…
e. …China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia.

1 2 3 4 5
b d a c e
Magic Numbers

1. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?
There are 14 regions in Kazakhstan
2. Who is head of the state Kazakhstan?
The head of state is Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev
3. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana
4. What is the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
The state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan is Kazakh.
5. Who is first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan?
The first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan is Tokhtar Aubakirow.
6. What is the popular national holiday in Kazakhstan?
The popular national holiday in Kazakhstan is Nauryz.
7. What is the national currency of Kazakhstan?
The national currency of Kazakhstan is Tenge
INSERT. Түртіп алу жүйесі. Topic “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”
What I know-----------(-)
Білгеніме сәйкес келмейтіні
Its different opinion------(+)
Мен үшін жаңалық
Its new information for me?
What I learned

My country, your country,
Travel east or west.
If north is good and south is better,
Which land is the best?
Give the equivalents of the proverb

Home work: speak about Kazakhstan and exercise 8 and 10.

The fauna of Kazakhstan
The fauna of Kazakhstan
to enrich pupils’ knowledge about living world, animals
My Motherland — Kazakhstan
My Motherland — Kazakhstan
to develop the students’ abilities in oral speech and reading; to enlarge listening, understanding and writing skills; to develop the students’ imagination and interest in writing research works; to improve students’ skills in independent work.
Speaking about Kazakhstan
Speaking about Kazakhstan
Қызылорда облысы, Жаңақорған ауданы №3 мектеп – интернатының ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Абибуллаева Жазира
Planning my time
Planning my time
The plan of the lesson Theme: Planning my time Form: 6 The aims of the lesson: Educational: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage students in different tasks and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
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