The Problem of Ecology
Subject: English
Class: 8
Theme: The Problem of Ecology
The type of the lesson: a) To get new information about the nature, to weak up their feeling of love to nature, to widen pupils vocabulary;
to develop speaking, reading, writing skills; to consolidate the learned materials and bring up the students interest;
to develop predicting proposing and understanding habits, constructing and thinking, ability to appraise situation.
b) To give information about the natural disasters of the world, to provide a framework foe in improvised discussion, to develop pupils ability in analyzing materials at the lesson.
c) To train the pupil in researching the given task, in understanding the text, to encourage them to speak own opinion using idiomatic phrases.
To weak up the pupils sense to the nature, to the earth and its pollution, to bring up for the safety, kindness and duty.
The methods of the lesson: question - answers, training.
The type of the lesson: introduce of new materials.
The visual aids: the interactive board, pictures.
Inter - subject connection: Geography, biology, Kazakh
The procedure of the lesson
Organization moment
(Greeting, day, date weather and season )
Cheek home task
Listen, repeat and learn by heart.
Translate in Kazakh languages.
1 I should work hard to know English better.
2 You should get up early in the morning.
3 They should water their flowers every day.
4 They shouldn’t drink coca – cola because it is too expensive.
5 You shouldn’t do harm to the nature.
New lesson
- Today we speak about the problems of our environment: the problems of our home – planet. This problem is widely spread by TV, radio and the press. What ecological problem do we have? Write the words with a line joining it to the expression in the circle.
The problem of ecology
Many people are concerned about ecology today because it is of vital importance for humanity. Everybody is talking about pollution nowadays; land pollution, water pollution, air pollution. The thinks we eat, the places we live in and the air around us are made dirty and unhealthy by machines and factories. Pollution is the result of industrialization and it threatens everything living: plants, animals, people. It is dangerous for life.
Factories and plants dump industrial waste into the air. The by - products of their activity pollute the air we breathe.
Cars and buses put a lot of smoke into the air There are too many cars nowadays. They do a lot of harm to our town atmosphere and ruin the beauty of the countryside.
The railways are also one of the source of pollution, especially locomotives. One locomotive exhausts as much harmful waste into the air as 40 - 50 cars.
Pollution deprives people of fresh air, clear water and healthy food. The examples are numerous: the waters of the Aral Sea are polluted and it became much less than some years ago, the Caspian sea becomes smaller too, people from Semey suffer from radioactivity.
International cooperation of scientists in environment protection has already begun its work. People demand to stop bomb testing and arms race. They want to protect their future.
What do you think?
1 Do you think that people should try to preserve national resources?
2 Why do you think that the problem of pollution worries the people of our country?
3 How do you think we should fight pollution of air and water, soil and forests?
4 Do you agree with the statement that most people understand the problem of pollution?
5 Do you think the environment policy of our government should be stronger?
6 Do you purpose to become an environment – educated person?
7 Do you think that most people should know the main ideas of ecology?
Answer the question and tell what we must do for the our country?
Train smoke car smoke bus smoke
Motorbike smoke factory and plane smoke
Read the dialogue
T: Kate, what will you do if you want to protect nature?
K: Oh, I will try to be an environment – educated person.
T: Right. But what will you do if you see yore environment is polluted?
K: Oh, I will call my friend to make it clean.
T: Aidar, what will you do if you know that the lake near your village is polluted with oil?
A: You see teacher, I will try to inform the people of our village about it.
T: Right, Asel, what will you do if you see that the wood is set on fire?
A: I will the same thing. I will inform our people.
Read the extra information
Rubbish problem:
--- You know that rubbish problem is very important now. Look at the active board read and translate.
♦ A traffic tickets lasts 1 month.
♦ A banana peel lasts up to 3 month.
♦ A wool sock -- 1 year.
♦ A wax paper cup – 5 years.
♦ Wooden stakes – 4 years.
♦ Tin can --- 100 years.
♦ Aluminum cans – up to 500 years.
♦ Glass containers --- they never decay.
-- We should protect our planet. Everyone should look at what he throws away. Many
things can be reused and recycled.
Drawing up the ecology program. Work in groups.
The ecological program:
- So, as you see, ecology is one of the global problems nowadays. What should you do? Make up your ecological program.
Air -- People must care about forest.
Factories and plants must not throw gas and smoke into the atmosphere.
Water -- Factories and plants must not throw chemical and toxic wastes into the river and sea.
People not throw rubbish and trash into the rivers and lakes.
Ground --- People must not throw trash and rubbish in the street and in the forest. They must recycle it.
Wildlife – People must car about animals and plants and they should not kill animals for the fur. People must not cut down so many trees.
Hew words
Industrialization [in, dastriәlai’ zeisәn] – индустриализация
Threat [Өret] - байбалам, қауіп – қатер
Deprive [di’ praiv] - айрып, босату, шығарып тастау
Vital [vaital] - өмірлік қажеттілік, маңыздылық
Suffer [safә] – азаптану, азап шегу, шыдау
Demand [dі mа: nd] - талап ету
preserve [pri ‘zә: v] - сақтау
purpose [pә: pәs] - мақсат
renewable [ri’nju: әbl] -- жаңалау
wounded [wund] -- жара, жарақат
answer the questions:
1 What is happening to the Aral Sea?
2 What regions are in danger?
3 How does ecological catastrophe affect the population in the Aral Sea area?
4 What do scientists do?
5 Do you believe that the Aral Sea will be saved?
Conclusion of the lesson.
Home task
Answer the questions and write essay about the global ecological problems.
Exercise 10, 12
The over the lesson good bye!
Class: 8
Theme: The Problem of Ecology
The type of the lesson: a) To get new information about the nature, to weak up their feeling of love to nature, to widen pupils vocabulary;
to develop speaking, reading, writing skills; to consolidate the learned materials and bring up the students interest;
to develop predicting proposing and understanding habits, constructing and thinking, ability to appraise situation.
b) To give information about the natural disasters of the world, to provide a framework foe in improvised discussion, to develop pupils ability in analyzing materials at the lesson.
c) To train the pupil in researching the given task, in understanding the text, to encourage them to speak own opinion using idiomatic phrases.
To weak up the pupils sense to the nature, to the earth and its pollution, to bring up for the safety, kindness and duty.
The methods of the lesson: question - answers, training.
The type of the lesson: introduce of new materials.
The visual aids: the interactive board, pictures.
Inter - subject connection: Geography, biology, Kazakh
The procedure of the lesson
Organization moment
(Greeting, day, date weather and season )
Cheek home task
Listen, repeat and learn by heart.
Translate in Kazakh languages.
1 I should work hard to know English better.
2 You should get up early in the morning.
3 They should water their flowers every day.
4 They shouldn’t drink coca – cola because it is too expensive.
5 You shouldn’t do harm to the nature.
New lesson
- Today we speak about the problems of our environment: the problems of our home – planet. This problem is widely spread by TV, radio and the press. What ecological problem do we have? Write the words with a line joining it to the expression
The problem of ecology
Many people are concerned about ecology today because it is of vital importance for humanity. Everybody is talking about pollution nowadays; land pollution, water pollution, air pollution. The thinks we eat, the places we live in and the air around us are made dirty and unhealthy by machines and factories. Pollution is the result of industrialization and it threatens everything living: plants, animals, people. It is dangerous for life.
Factories and plants dump industrial waste into the air. The by - products of their activity pollute the air we breathe.
Cars and buses put a lot of smoke into the air There are too many cars nowadays. They do a lot of harm to our town atmosphere and ruin the beauty of the countryside.
The railways are also one of the source of pollution, especially locomotives. One locomotive exhausts as much harmful waste into the air as 40 - 50 cars.
Pollution deprives people of fresh air, clear water and healthy food. The examples are numerous: the waters of the Aral Sea are polluted and it became much less than some years ago, the Caspian sea becomes smaller too, people from Semey suffer from radioactivity.
International cooperation of scientists in environment protection has already begun its work. People demand to stop bomb testing and arms race. They want to protect their future.
What do you think?
1 Do you think that people should try to preserve national resources?
2 Why do you think that the problem of pollution worries the people of our country?
3 How do you think we should fight pollution of air and water, soil and forests?
4 Do you agree with the statement that most people understand the problem of pollution?
5 Do you think the environment policy of our government should be stronger?
6 Do you purpose to become an environment – educated person?
7 Do you think that most people should know the main ideas of ecology?
Answer the question and tell what we must do for the our country?
Train smoke car smoke bus smoke
Motorbike smoke factory and plane smoke
Read the dialogue
T: Kate, what will you do if you want to protect nature?
K: Oh, I will try to be an environment – educated person.
T: Right. But what will you do if you see yore environment is polluted?
K: Oh, I will call my friend to make it clean.
T: Aidar, what will you do if you know that the lake near your village is polluted with oil?
A: You see teacher, I will try to inform the people of our village about it.
T: Right, Asel, what will you do if you see that the wood is set on fire?
A: I will the same thing. I will inform our people.
Read the extra information
Rubbish problem:
--- You know that rubbish problem is very important now. Look at the active board read and translate.
♦ A traffic tickets lasts 1 month.
♦ A banana peel lasts up to 3 month.
♦ A wool sock -- 1 year.
♦ A wax paper cup – 5 years.
♦ Wooden stakes – 4 years.
♦ Tin can --- 100 years.
♦ Aluminum cans – up to 500 years.
♦ Glass containers --- they never decay.
-- We should protect our planet. Everyone should look at what he throws away. Many
things can be reused and recycled.
Drawing up the ecology program. Work in groups.
The ecological program:
- So, as you see, ecology is one of the global problems nowadays. What should you do? Make up your ecological program.
Air -- People must care about forest.
Factories and plants must not throw gas and smoke into the atmosphere.
Water -- Factories and plants must not throw chemical and toxic wastes into the river and sea.
People not throw rubbish and trash into the rivers and lakes.
Ground --- People must not throw trash and rubbish in the street and in the forest. They must recycle it.
Wildlife – People must car about animals and plants and they should not kill animals for the fur. People must not cut down so many trees.
Hew words
Industrialization [in, dastriәlai’ zeisәn] – индустриализация
Threat [Өret] - байбалам, қауіп – қатер
Deprive [di’ praiv] - айрып, босату, шығарып тастау
Vital [vaital] - өмірлік қажеттілік, маңыздылық
Suffer [safә] – азаптану, азап шегу, шыдау
Demand [dі mа: nd] - талап ету
preserve [pri ‘zә: v] - сақтау
purpose [pә: pәs] - мақсат
renewable [ri’nju: әbl] -- жаңалау
wounded [wund] -- жара, жарақат
1 What is happening to the Aral Sea?
2 What regions are in danger?
3 How does ecological catastrophe affect the population in the Aral Sea area?
4 What do scientists do?
5 Do you believe that the Aral Sea will be saved?
Conclusion of the lesson.
Home task
Answer the questions and write essay about the global ecological problems.
Exercise 10, 12
The over the lesson good bye!

Greenhouse gases and climate change
To teach pupils to speak about ecological problems in oral speech and in writing, to get full information trough reading and listening.

At the shop
educational to enrich pupil’s knowledge, to enlarge their interest in learning foreign languages and to introduce the pupils with new words and give them more information

Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, № 258 негізгі мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Исмайлова Асель

Planning my time
The plan of the lesson Theme: Planning my time Form: 6 The aims of the lesson: Educational: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage students in different tasks and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
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