Сенбі, 15 Наурыз 2025
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Which school?
Look at the advertisement for the an English school. Match the words in bold to the definitions below. p: 22 (S) The Victoria school of English has a central location near the Opera House....
Living plants
teach the words - tulip, snowdrop, rose, dandelion, daisy, a pot flower, to plant, to smell, a smell, a scent, indoor plants;...
Food and Drink
To introduce with new material Develop pupils reading, speaking, thinking habits....
Where is my bag? Менің сөмкем қайда?
Шылаулар жаңа грамматикалық материалды түсіндіру, жаттығулар арқылы білімді жетілдіру; жаңа сөздермен таныстыру. Сонымен қатар өткен тақырыптарды қайталау....
At the doctor’s
To develop four skills, developing creative abilities of pupils using vocabulary on the theme “Health” Understand new words of theme “Health”...
Music keeps me happy
Данный урок является уроком комплексного применения различных видов речевой деятельности. На уроке используются ИКТ, технология проблемного обучения. Используются словесный, иллюстративно - наглядный метод обучения. Учебная деятельность...
My room
Урок проводится с целью: систематизация в речи ранее изученных лексических единиц по теме «My home»: a house, a bed, a chair, a table, a carpet, an armchair, a bookcase, a sofa; формирование новых лексических навыков по теме «My room»: a mirror, a...
I want to visit Astana
to enrich students’ vocabulary stock with words concerning the theme, talk about the sight seeings of Astana. to develop speaking, reading and writing habits....
Would you like some more tea?
to introduce the pupils with new words, to develop pupil’s speaking habits, to teach in written and orally forms, to introduce with grammar:“I would like”; to develop pupils interest in learning English...