Which school?
The theme: Which school?
The aim: a) to learn and write the new materials;
b) to enlarge students’ vocabulary.
Visual aids: pictures, cards, new words.
Procedure of the lesson
I. Greeting.
II. Organization moment.
III. Checking up the home task.
IV. The new lesson: Which school?
Grammar: school facilities
V. Ex. drill: 1. Look at the advertisement for the an English school. Match the words in bold to the definitions below. p: 22 (S)
The Victoria school of English has a central location near the Opera House. Our qualified and experienced teachers provide top quality tuition with flexible timetables. The school has an ultra – modern multi – media centre with 20 PCs, a language laboratory and a library. The school has its own cafeteria and exciting social programme. Special fees for international students.
1. a place to borrow or read books
2. a restaurant / café in a place of work
3. money you pay for a professional service
4. place or position
5. teaching
6. that you can change
7. they have done this job a lot
8. they have professional exams / qualifications
keys: 1 library 2 cafeteria 3
2. A man is asking for information about a course in a French language school. Listen to the dialogue and underline the correct information. p: 23 (S) R=Receptionist P=Patrick
R: Good afternoon. Bonjour. Can I help you?
P: Er, yes. Bonjour. Please could I have some information about your school?
R: Certainly, sir. What would you like to know?
P: Well, could you tell me about your courses? I mean, for example, how many students are in a class?
R: There are fifteen students in a class. We have day - time classes and evening classes. And all our teachers are native French teachers. Do you speak any French?
P: Er, oui. Un petit peu.
R: Pardon?
P: Yes, sorry, my accent isn’t very good. I think that I’m probably a beginner. Do you have classes for beginners in the evenings?
R: Yes, we do. On Tuesdays and Thursdays.
P: And what time are the classes?
R: Between eight o’clock and half past nine.
P: Eight to nine thirty. I see. And how long does the course last?
R: It’s a ten - week course. It starts next Tuesday, actually.
P: Oh, right. Excellent. And, er, are they any social activities?
R: Oh, yes, we have our French club on Friday evenings.
P: Sounds fun. Oh, I almost forgot. How much are the course fees?
R: It’s one hundred and eighty pounds for the ten weeks. Would you like a registration form?
1 CLASS SIZE 10 / 15 / 20 students per class
2 LEVEL Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced
3 TIMETABLE Mon – Wed / Tues – Thurs / Tues – Fri
4 COURSE LENGTH 10 / 12 / 15 weeks
5 FRENCH CLUB Friday morning / Friday evening / Saturday evening
6 PRICE £120 / £150 / £180
Keys: 1 – 15 students 2 Beginner 3 Tues - Thurs 4 10 weeks 5 Friday evenings 6 £180
3. Match the words in column A with the words from column B to make phrases. p: 23
1 day – time
2 native
3 registration
4 social
5 ten – week
a activities
b class
c courses
d form
e speakers
Keys: 1 – b 2 – e 3 – d 4 – a 5 – c
4. Match the phrases 1 – 8 to the words a – h. p: 12 (W)
1. £200 per week maximum ------ a location
2. In London (or very near) -------- b fees
3. No more than 12 students per class ------- c course length
4. Stay with English family --------- d extra activities
5. Lessons: mornings& afternoons ----------- e class size
6. Course for 6 – 10 weeks -------- f accommodation
7. Library trips and sports ------- h timetable
Keys: 1 b 2 a 3 e 4 f 5 h 6 c 7 g 8 d
5. Complete the advertisement with words in bold from exercise 1. p: 12
The Jenkins School of English has a central (1) ____ on Oxford Street in London. Our excellent teachers provide top quality tuition. Our (2) ___ goes up to a maximum of twelve students. Our (3) ___ include a multi – media centre, a language laboratory and a library. You can choose your (4) ____. (5) ____ is very flexible - some of our students come for one week, others stay for a year or more. There are cheaper (6) ____ for student who decide to stay for longer courses. At the weekends you can take part in our exciting (7) ____, for example, excursions to famous places or sports events. As for (8) ___, our students are placed with friendly families who live near the school.
Keys: 1 location
2 class size
3 facilities
4 timetable
5 course length
6 fees
7 extra activities
8 accommodation
VI. The new words:
facility – жеңілдік; көнгіштік; қабілеттілік; қолайлы жағдай
fee – ақы төлеу; жарна; жалдау
location – елді болу, елдендіру, орналастыру
accommodation – лайықтау; ыңғайлылық, қолайлылық
length – ұзындық; қашықтық; кесінді
tuition – оқу; оқу үшін төленетін ақы
flexible – иілгіш, көнгіш
VII. Home task:
VIII. Conclusion.
Толық нұсқасын жүктеу
The aim: a) to learn and write the new materials;
b) to enlarge students’ vocabulary.
Visual aids: pictures, cards, new words.
Procedure of the lesson
I. Greeting.
II. Organization moment.
III. Checking up the home task.
IV. The new lesson: Which school?
Grammar: school facilities
V. Ex. drill: 1. Look at the advertisement for the an English school. Match the words in bold to the definitions below. p: 22 (S)
The Victoria school of English has a central location near the Opera House. Our qualified and experienced teachers provide top quality tuition with flexible timetables. The school has an ultra – modern multi – media centre with 20 PCs, a language laboratory and a library. The school has its own cafeteria and exciting social programme. Special fees for international students.
1. a place to borrow or read books
2. a restaurant / café in a place of work
3. money you pay for a professional service
4. place or position
5. teaching
6. that you can change
7. they have done this job a lot
8. they have professional exams / qualifications
keys: 1 library 2 cafeteria 3
2. A man is asking for information about a course in a French language school. Listen to the dialogue and underline the correct information. p: 23 (S) R=Receptionist P=Patrick
R: Good afternoon. Bonjour. Can I help you?
P: Er, yes. Bonjour. Please could I have some information about your school?
R: Certainly, sir. What would you like to know?
P: Well, could you tell me about your courses? I mean, for example, how many students are in a class?
R: There are fifteen students in a class. We have day - time classes and evening classes. And all our teachers are native French teachers. Do you speak any French?
P: Er, oui. Un petit peu.
R: Pardon?
P: Yes, sorry, my accent isn’t very good. I think that I’m probably a beginner. Do you have classes for beginners in the evenings?
R: Yes, we do. On Tuesdays and Thursdays.
P: And what time are the classes?
R: Between eight o’clock and half past nine.
P: Eight to nine thirty. I see. And how long does the course last?
R: It’s a ten - week course. It starts next Tuesday, actually.
P: Oh, right. Excellent. And, er, are they any social activities?
R: Oh, yes, we have our French club on Friday evenings.
P: Sounds fun. Oh, I almost forgot. How much are the course fees?
R: It’s one hundred and eighty pounds for the ten weeks. Would you like a registration form?
1 CLASS SIZE 10 / 15 / 20 students per class
2 LEVEL Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced
3 TIMETABLE Mon – Wed / Tues – Thurs / Tues – Fri
4 COURSE LENGTH 10 / 12 / 15 weeks
5 FRENCH CLUB Friday morning / Friday evening / Saturday evening
6 PRICE £120 / £150 / £180
Keys: 1 – 15 students 2 Beginner 3 Tues - Thurs 4 10 weeks 5 Friday evenings 6 £180
3. Match the words in column A with the words from column B to make phrases. p: 23
1 day – time
2 native
3 registration
4 social
5 ten – week
a activities
b class
c courses
d form
e speakers
Keys: 1 – b 2 – e 3 – d 4 – a 5 – c
4. Match the phrases 1 – 8 to the words a – h. p: 12 (W)
1. £200 per week maximum ------ a location
2. In London (or very near) -------- b fees
3. No more than 12 students per class ------- c course length
4. Stay with English family --------- d extra activities
5. Lessons: mornings& afternoons ----------- e class size
6. Course for 6 – 10 weeks -------- f accommodation
7. Library trips and sports ------- h timetable
Keys: 1 b 2 a 3 e 4 f 5 h 6 c 7 g 8 d
5. Complete the advertisement with words in bold from exercise 1. p: 12
The Jenkins School of English has a central (1) ____ on Oxford Street in London. Our excellent teachers provide top quality tuition. Our (2) ___ goes up to a maximum of twelve students. Our (3) ___ include a multi – media centre, a language laboratory and a library. You can choose your (4) ____. (5) ____ is very flexible - some of our students come for one week, others stay for a year or more. There are cheaper (6) ____ for student who decide to stay for longer courses. At the weekends you can take part in our exciting (7) ____, for example, excursions to famous places or sports events. As for (8) ___, our students are placed with friendly families who live near the school.
Keys: 1 location
2 class size
3 facilities
4 timetable
5 course length
6 fees
7 extra activities
8 accommodation
VI. The new words:
facility – жеңілдік; көнгіштік; қабілеттілік; қолайлы жағдай
fee – ақы төлеу; жарна; жалдау
location – елді болу, елдендіру, орналастыру
accommodation – лайықтау; ыңғайлылық, қолайлылық
length – ұзындық; қашықтық; кесінді
tuition – оқу; оқу үшін төленетін ақы
flexible – иілгіш, көнгіш
VII. Home task:
VIII. Conclusion.
Толық нұсқасын жүктеу

Wake up, get out of bed
The theme: 3B. Wake up, get out of bed… (2 hours) The aim: a) to learn and write the new materials; b) to enlarge students’ vocabulary. Visual aids: pictures, cards, new words. Procedure of the lesson Greeting. Organization moment. Checking up the

School rules
To improve the skills using the lexical and grammar materials on the theme school rules

Schools in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan
The theme: Schools in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan

Educational system of Kazakhstan
"№20 Мұхтар Әуезов атындағы жалпы білім беру орта мектебі" ММ Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Қонарбаева Раушан Әжірбайжанқызы

Нigh flyers: Lessons at home
The theme: High flyers: Lessons at home Class: 7 Aims: to learn the information about home school system.

Choosing schools
Қызылорда облысы, №189 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Ниетбаева Айдана
Пікірлер (0)
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.