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At the Doctor’s

10 наурыз 2014, Дүйсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
At the Doctor’s 7th Form
The aim of the lesson:
Educational: to teach pupils to speak about health, illness; to encourage to express their opinions.
Developing: to develop pupils reading, writing, thinking and speaking skiils.
Bringing – up: to create interest in studying English.
The type of the lesson: Consolidation lesson.
The kind of the lesson: Combined
Connections with other subjects: Kazakh, science medicine.
The methods: the round table, strategies of critical thinking; “diagram”, pair and group work, question - answer, dialogue.
The visual aids: an interactive board, textbooks, pictures, slides, posters.
Procedure of the Lesson
1. Organization moment. Greeting, talk with the duty. Asking the date, day, weather, checking absentees.
2. Checking up the home task: Ex: 1 and Ex: 2 p34 in Work Book.

3. Phonetic drill: I love learning English.
I can read, I can write, I can speak English too, I love learning English.
And what about you?
Тренинг: «Ландшафт»: Т - Р
Тіс ауруы – toothache
Құлақ ауруы - earache
Ұйқысыздық - insomnia

Бас ауруы - headache.
Арқа ауруы - backache
Тамақ ауруы - a sore throat
Тұмау - flu Жөтел - a cough
A role - play: “At the Doctor’s”
Make up dialogues: At the dentist

4. Grammar ( should, shouldn’t (тиісті, тиісті емес) work with cards.
Let’s make a “Health code”
1. You should eat vegetables and fruit.
2. You should drink hot milk and honey.
3. You shouldn’t unfresh food.
4. You should sleep 8 hours a day.
5. You shouldn’t drink cold water.
6. You shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets (salt)
5. Presentation of the new words:
This time new words were shown on the board from the text “ Treating a patient”.

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

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