At the doctor's
Subject: English
The theme: Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s
Date: 18.01.2012
Grade: 7 “B”
Educational: speaking about doctor’s work, talking about illness and their treatment giving advice, practicing conversations between a doctor and patient.
Developing: developing the responsibility for one’s health and persuade pupils that a sound mind can only be in a sound body.
Cultural: bringing up them to love English language
The type of the lesson: Mixed lesson
The kind of the lesson: Demonstrative
The visual aids of the lesson: active board
The Outline of the lesson
I. Organization of the lesson
a) Greeting
II. Checking up the home work
a) ex:9 in written form
III. Explanation of the new lesson
a) Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s
b) New words
IV. Explanation of the new material
a) Ex: 4
b) Ex: 5
c) Ex: 7
d) Ex: 8
V. Conclusion
a) Ex: 9
VI. Home task
a) Ex: 10
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization of the lesson
a) Greeting
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What date is it today?
-What day is it today?
-What was home work for today?
-Who is ready?
II. Checking up the home work
a) ex:9 in written form (which sentences are true or false ?)
III. Explanation of the new lesson
c) Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s
d) New words
Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s-
Today we’ll speak our first main wealth which is health, because we can’t be happy unless we feel well. If I’m not mistaken I say work of doctor in our life, a doctor’s advice can always help people. That’s why we talk about doctor’s job.
At first we must introduce new words according to the new theme.
Patient - Науқас
Examine - Тексеру
Suggest - Ұсыну
Hurt - Ауырту
Strip - Шешіну
Tablespoonful - Ас үй қасығы...
Surgery - Хирургия
Sick - Құсқысы келу ...
Giddy - Басы айналу
Waist - Бел ...
Swallow - Жұтыну
Tonsillitis - Тамақ ауруы
To have eyes tested - Көзін тексеру
Had better - Жақсы болу
IV. Explanation of the new material
e) Ex: 4
Read the text
f) Ex: 5
Complete the chart
g) Ex: 7
Find the sentences how doctor examined Tom
h) Ex: 8
Read and complete the letter
V. Conclusion
a)Ex: 10
VI. Home task
a) Ex: 10
The theme: Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s
Date: 18.01.2012
Grade: 7 “B”
Educational: speaking about doctor’s work, talking about illness and their treatment giving advice, practicing conversations between a doctor and patient.
Developing: developing the responsibility for one’s health and persuade pupils that a sound mind can only be in a sound body.
Cultural: bringing up them to love English language
The type of the lesson: Mixed lesson
The kind of the lesson: Demonstrative
The visual aids of the lesson: active board
The Outline of the lesson
I. Organization of the lesson
a) Greeting
II. Checking up the home work
a) ex:9 in written form
III. Explanation of the new lesson
a) Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s
b) New words
IV. Explanation of the new material
a) Ex: 4
b) Ex: 5
c) Ex: 7
d) Ex: 8
V. Conclusion
a) Ex: 9
VI. Home task
a) Ex: 10
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization of the lesson
a) Greeting
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What date is it today?
-What day is it today?
-What was home work for today?
-Who is ready?
II. Checking up the home work
a) ex:9 in written form (which sentences are true or false ?)
III. Explanation of the new lesson
c) Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s
d) New words
Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s-
Today we’ll speak our first main wealth which is health, because we can’t be happy unless we feel well. If I’m not mistaken I say work of doctor in our life, a doctor’s advice can always help people. That’s why we talk about doctor’s job.
At first we must introduce new words according to the new theme.
Patient - Науқас
Examine - Тексеру
Suggest - Ұсыну
Hurt - Ауырту
Strip - Шешіну
Tablespoonful - Ас үй қасығы...
Surgery - Хирургия
Sick - Құсқысы келу ...
Giddy - Басы айналу
Waist - Бел ...
Swallow - Жұтыну
Tonsillitis - Тамақ ауруы
To have eyes tested - Көзін тексеру
Had better - Жақсы болу
IV. Explanation of the new material
e) Ex: 4
Read the text
f) Ex: 5
Complete the chart
g) Ex: 7
Find the sentences how doctor examined Tom
h) Ex: 8
Read and complete the letter
V. Conclusion
a)Ex: 10
VI. Home task
a) Ex: 10

Geography and travelling. Review lesson
Talking about the countries; getting new information; enlarging students’ vocabularies;

I want to be a doctor. At the family doctor's office
To strengthen pupils knowledge about Health. To explain the pronunciation of letters "er, ir, ur" [з:]. To develop pupils reading and listening skills.

The Adverb
to introduce the pupils with new grammar and with new words and to teach them how to use them in their own sentences. To teach them how to work with visual aids.

At the Doctor’s
Шығыс Қазақстан облысы, Үржар ауданы, Келдімұрат ауылы, "Благодарное орта мектебі" КММ ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Бегимбаева Гульмира Турсынгазиевна
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