The magic world of English language
March 2, 2012.
The 2-nd form
The theme: Our first steps in English. “The magic world of English language”.
The objectives: to develop pupils’ abilities of reading, writing and thinking;
to show their abilities in grammar;
to bring up their interests through different tasks.
Intersubjective link: Maths, Music, Art, Kazakh.
Visual aids: Interactive board, cards with test and song.
The outline:
I. Organization moment: greeting, short conversation with pupils. T- Cl
II. Acquaintance with the plan. The theme “The world of English language”.
III. The world of numerals and sums.
a) Revision of numerals from 1 till 20. P1-P2- P3-Etc.
b) Poem : One pencil, two pencils
Three pencils, four
Five pencils, six pencils
Seven pencils, more. T- Cl
c) Drag the numbers to the words. / Disk №3 a/
d) Game “Help me to do sums”
e) Song “One, two, three” (Disk)
IV. The world of time.
a) Guess the crossword “Time”
b) The picture of clock. Revision of words-past, to, a quarter, half past. T- Cl
c) Reading of Exercise1 page 61. “Tick – Tock” P1-P2- P3-Etc.
d) Disk 12-A.
e) What’s the time, please? (Slide)
V. The world of structures – There is, There are –
a) There is – used in singular form.
There are – used in plural form.
E.g.There is a ball in the box. There are balls in the box.
b)Fill in the gaps with – is, are – ( Slide)
- There _____a cat under the table.
- There _____boys and girls in the bus.
- There _____cows in the barn.
- There _____a house on the hill.
- There _____a dog next to the man.
c) Disk 11-A.
d) Read, translate and tick. Exercise 1 page 64. (Slide) P1-P2- P3-Etc.
VI. The world of – Have, Has –
a) I – have ,She – has, He – has.
E.g. I have a toy bus. She has an umbrella. He has a toy car. (Slide)
b) Translate the following statements into English:
- Менің ақ мысығым бар.
- Оның жасыл батпырауығы бар.
- Оның алтын балығы бар. P1-P2- P3-Etc.
c) Disk 16-A, 7-A.
d) Song “ I have, I have a rabbit” ( This song is sung due to the melody of Russian children’s song “В траве сидел кузнечик”). (Slide)
I have, I have a rabbit
I have, I have a rabbit
I have, I have a rabbit
A rabbit and a frog.
Have you a rabbit , have you a rabbit?
Yes, I have a rabbit.
Have you a frog, have you a frog?
Yes, of course, I have.(Refrain)
e) Reading of the text “ Grandma”. (Slide) P1-P2- P3-Etc.
VII. The world of knowledge.
a) Test- 5 questions. ( Slide)
1) There _____ a green apple on the table.
a) is b) are c) am
2) There _____ goats under the tree.
a) is b) are c) am
3) I _____ a red ball.
a) have b) has c) am
4) She _____ a brown doll.
a) have b) am c) has
5) It’s half past six.
a) 6.00 b) 6.30 c) 6.15
b) Answers and marks. 1-A, 2-B, 3-A,4-C, 5-B. (Slide)
c) Consolidation of the lesson. Home task: Good reading of Exercise 1 page 70.
VIII. The end of the lesson.
The 2-nd form
The theme: Our first steps in English. “The magic world of English language”.
The objectives: to develop pupils’ abilities of reading, writing and thinking;
to show their abilities in grammar;
to bring up their interests through different tasks.
Intersubjective link: Maths, Music, Art, Kazakh.
Visual aids: Interactive board, cards with test and song.
The outline:
I. Organization moment: greeting, short conversation with pupils. T- Cl
II. Acquaintance with the plan. The theme “The world of English language”.
III. The world of numerals and sums.
a) Revision of numerals from 1 till 20. P1-P2- P3-Etc.
b) Poem : One pencil, two pencils
Three pencils, four
Five pencils, six pencils
Seven pencils, more. T- Cl
c) Drag the numbers to the words. / Disk №3 a/
d) Game “Help me to do sums”
e) Song “One, two, three” (Disk)
IV. The world of time.
a) Guess the crossword “Time”
b) The picture of clock. Revision of words-past, to, a quarter, half past. T- Cl
c) Reading of Exercise1 page 61. “Tick – Tock” P1-P2- P3-Etc.
d) Disk 12-A.
e) What’s the time, please? (Slide)
V. The world of structures – There is, There are –
a) There is – used in singular form.
There are – used in plural form.
E.g.There is a ball in the box. There are balls in the box.
b)Fill in the gaps with – is, are – ( Slide)
- There _____a cat under the table.
- There _____boys and girls in the bus.
- There _____cows in the barn.
- There _____a house on the hill.
- There _____a dog next to the man.
c) Disk 11-A.
d) Read, translate and tick. Exercise 1 page 64. (Slide) P1-P2- P3-Etc.
VI. The world of – Have, Has –
a) I – have ,She – has, He – has.
E.g. I have a toy bus. She has an umbrella. He has a toy car. (Slide)
b) Translate the following statements into English:
- Менің ақ мысығым бар.
- Оның жасыл батпырауығы бар.
- Оның алтын балығы бар. P1-P2- P3-Etc.
c) Disk 16-A, 7-A.
d) Song “ I have, I have a rabbit” ( This song is sung due to the melody of Russian children’s song “В траве сидел кузнечик”). (Slide)
I have, I have a rabbit
I have, I have a rabbit
I have, I have a rabbit
A rabbit and a frog.
Have you a rabbit , have you a rabbit?
Yes, I have a rabbit.
Have you a frog, have you a frog?
Yes, of course, I have.(Refrain)
e) Reading of the text “ Grandma”. (Slide) P1-P2- P3-Etc.
VII. The world of knowledge.
a) Test- 5 questions. ( Slide)
1) There _____ a green apple on the table.
a) is b) are c) am
2) There _____ goats under the tree.
a) is b) are c) am
3) I _____ a red ball.
a) have b) has c) am
4) She _____ a brown doll.
a) have b) am c) has
5) It’s half past six.
a) 6.00 b) 6.30 c) 6.15
b) Answers and marks. 1-A, 2-B, 3-A,4-C, 5-B. (Slide)
c) Consolidation of the lesson. Home task: Good reading of Exercise 1 page 70.
VIII. The end of the lesson.

What time is it?
purpose of the teaching: presentation of the new materials about time presentation of the question “What time is it?” and answering it. Presentation of the words: half, quarter, past, to, clock, minutes.

Learning English is fun
To check pupils’knowledge from English, Kazakh and Russian through playing games, doing different tasks To develop pupils’ reading, speaking and thinking abilities and enlarge their vocabulary.

Adjectives. Degrees of comparison.
Pupils will able to use adjectives in their speech. To develop pupils’ writing, reading, speaking abilities through giving different tasks.

Speaking about Kazakhstan
Қызылорда облысы, Жаңақорған ауданы №3 мектеп – интернатының ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Абибуллаева Жазира

Let`s speak English
Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар қаласы №6 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Исмагулова Анар

English is around us
Меңдалиева Ақнұр №24 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Бекарыстан би ауылы
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