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Adjectives. Degrees of comparison.

03 қазан 2018, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme of the lesson: Adjectives. Degrees of comparison.
The aims: 1. Pupils will able to use adjectives in their speech.
2. To develop pupils’ writing, reading, speaking abilities through giving different tasks.
3. To bring up pupils’ to respect and love foreign language and bring up the interest to English language lessons.
Methods: group work, individual work
Visual aids: interactive board, worksheets, pictures, video material.
Expected results: The students will use adjectives in their speech; They will be able to give feedback in groups and individually.
The procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment: 1. Greeting.
2. talking with duties
3. talking about the weather
“Bridge” task: Homework: Say please opposite of adjectives. Bad, old, clean, cheap, fast, small, healthy, quite, friendly, high.
I. Knowledge:
Phonetic drill: Good better the best
Never never rest
Till your good is better
And your better is best
Warm up
II. ComprehensionT: so, in today’s lesson we will revise adjectives of degrees of comparison.
New words: nice әдемі
strong мықты, күшті
tasty тәтті, дәмді
clever ақылды
long ұзын
funny күлкілі
far алыс
farther алысырақ
farthest ең алыс
Now let’s review our grammar rule
Adjectives. Degrees of comparison. жүктеу
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Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Degrees of comparison of adjectives
To introduce the pupils with new adjectives. To learn them to compare the adjectives.
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Сын есімнің шырайлары 6 сынып
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