Thanksgiving Day in the USA
Theme: Thanksgiving Day in the USA
The Aims:
Listening to the story of the Thanksgiving Dinner
Asking and answering questions.
1. Organization moment: Greetings
2. Warm up: Today our theme is Thanksgiving Day. Now I`ll ask you to make a circle. I have some question for you.
What our Kazakh national holidays do you know?
President day Sports day
New Year Builder’s day
8th of march Diplomatic day
Capital day Health day
Constitution day Police day
We can see American National holidays on the blackboard.
They are: President`s day,
Veteran`s day
Columbus day
Memorial day
Independence day
Labor day
Thanksgiving day
Let`s begin our group work
Open your books on page 66. Jigso reading. Thanksgiving day in the USA. Today we will have 4 groups.
The 1st group should read the first part of the text.
The 2 nd group should read the second part
The 3 rd group should read the third part
The 4 th group should read the fourth part
I`ll give you only 2-3 minutes. Your task is to retell your text to the second group.
And how do you think which of the activities is not mentioned?
Eating a big meal
Spending time with your family
Watching a parade
Watching sport
Now let`s begin our memory game.
I`ll mixed the sentences and you should put the sentences in the correct order.
Read the text and answer the questions ex. 2 p. 66- work in pairs.
When was the first Thanksgiving day according to American tradition?
What is the most common meal at Thanksgiving day?
Who has to make a wish at the meal?
Where is Macy’s parade?
Why are the shops busy on the Friday
What have you known about Thanksgiving day?
Let’s begin our group work. You should explain your retelling in written form.
Now let`s begin our listening about the first Thanksgiving dinner?
The 1st listening is Main idea.
a) What is the main idea of this text?
b) What holidays did they celebrate?
c) Who are the main heroes?
The 2nd listening for Details
How did they call First settles?
Why did they want to star a new life in a new country?
When did the pilgrims meet two Native American?
The 3rd listening for Checking.
Put the events of the story in the correct order.
If you understand the meaning of this text give me retelling the text.
Let`s begin to do our conclusion of today`s lesson.
What does the word “ thanksgiving day” mean?
What did they do on this holidays?
How did they call their first settles?
What traditional food they have on this day?
How did Squanto help the Pilgrims?
Why did the Pilgrims decided to celebrate this day?
Who declared the national Thanksgiving day?
How did they celebrate this holiday?
Home task: To write essay about your favourite holidays
The Aims:
Listening to the story of the Thanksgiving Dinner
Asking and answering questions.
1. Organization moment: Greetings
2. Warm up: Today our theme is Thanksgiving Day. Now I`ll ask you to make a circle. I have some question for you.
What our Kazakh national holidays do you know?
President day Sports day
New Year Builder’s day
8th of march Diplomatic day
Capital day Health day
Constitution day Police day
We can see American National holidays on the blackboard.
They are: President`s day,
Veteran`s day
Columbus day
Memorial day
Independence day
Labor day
Thanksgiving day
Let`s begin our group work
Open your books on page 66. Jigso reading. Thanksgiving day in the USA. Today we will have 4 groups.
The 1st group should read the first part of the text.
The 2 nd group should read the second part
The 3 rd group should read the third part
The 4 th group should read the fourth part
I`ll give you only 2-3 minutes. Your task is to retell your text to the second group.
And how do you think which of the activities is not mentioned?
Eating a big meal
Spending time with your family
Watching a parade
Watching sport
Now let`s begin our memory game.
I`ll mixed the sentences and you should put the sentences in the correct order.
Read the text and answer the questions ex. 2 p. 66- work in pairs.
When was the first Thanksgiving day according to American tradition?
What is the most common meal at Thanksgiving day?
Who has to make a wish at the meal?
Where is Macy’s parade?
Why are the shops busy on the Friday
What have you known about Thanksgiving day?
Let’s begin our group work. You should explain your retelling in written form.
Now let`s begin our listening about the first Thanksgiving dinner?
The 1st listening is Main idea.
a) What is the main idea of this text?
b) What holidays did they celebrate?
c) Who are the main heroes?
The 2nd listening for Details
How did they call First settles?
Why did they want to star a new life in a new country?
When did the pilgrims meet two Native American?
The 3rd listening for Checking.
Put the events of the story in the correct order.
If you understand the meaning of this text give me retelling the text.
Let`s begin to do our conclusion of today`s lesson.
What does the word “ thanksgiving day” mean?
What did they do on this holidays?
How did they call their first settles?
What traditional food they have on this day?
How did Squanto help the Pilgrims?
Why did the Pilgrims decided to celebrate this day?
Who declared the national Thanksgiving day?
How did they celebrate this holiday?
Home task: To write essay about your favourite holidays
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

My room
To present the new material, and new topical words. To develop reading, speaking, listening, writing skills.

Music keeps me happy!
Атырау қаласы, Ф. Оңғарсынова атындағы орта мектебінде ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Арайлым Нургалиева Избасаровна

Holidays in Canada
«Сары-Арқа жалпы орта білім беретін орта мектеп»КММ Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Айтжанова Фарида Балтабековна

A question of sport
Жамбыл облысы, Байзақ ауданы, Ғани Мұратбаев атындағы мектеп-гимназиясының ағылшын және неміс тілдері пәнінің мұғалімі Ергожина Несибелды Зариповна

Welcome to America
Қызылорда қаласы № 198 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Бекенова Айнұр Оспанқызы

to continue the development of speaking and reading skills and understanding English speech. to control speaking skills of the theme:”Invitation”
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