I’ll be a doctor
Theme of the lesson: I’ll be a doctor
Aims of the lesson:
a) bringing up aims
to develop communicative skills and abilities through different communicative activities
b) training up aims
to encourage real use of language in group and pair work, the development
c) learning up aims
to check the students’ abilities in using the words covered in the theme “Professions”
A programmer, an artist, a receptionist, a lawyer, a pilot, a cosmonaut, a banker, a designer
Australia, Argentina, England, Germany, France, Holland, Kenya, India, Norway, Switzerland
Visual aids of the lesson: tare - recorder, text books, sets of pictures, cards, magic box, grammar table
The procedure of the lesson
1. Organization moment
2. Checking up the homework
3. Warm - up
4. Learning the new vocabulary
5. Explanation of the grammar structure Future Simple Tense
6. Summarizing of the new lesson
7. Homework
8. Conclusion of the lesson
The procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment.
- Good afternoon, pupils. I’m glad to see you. As you see, today we have got an unusual lesson. We have the guests. They are English teachers. They came to our open lesson. We shall talk about the professions. There are a lot of professions all over the world, so we shall learn them during our lesson. Well, let’s check class atmosphere.
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
- What date is it today?
- What day is it today?
- What’s the weather like today?
- What season is it now? Do you like winter?
- What season do you like?
- Thank you?
2. Checking up the homework.
3. Warm - up.
- Pupils the latest lessons we have been talking about the future. You learned to say the sentences in the future. And look at the blackboard. You see the poem “Think of the Future”
“Think of the future”
What is the future for me?
Funny it’s going to be
What’s the future for you?
Your hopes and dreams will come true
What’s the future for us?
Without pollution - green grass
Robots, computers, commuting to the Moon
Think of the future
Don’t be a fool!
- And now instead of the word “future” you must clap your hands not saying it.
4. Learning the new vocabulary.
Now, dear boys and girls we shall learn the new words. We’ll know how to pronounce the professions. At first, tell me what professions do you know? Very good. Well, look at the pictures and say the professions in Kazakh. Then listen to me very attentively.
Aims of the lesson:
a) bringing up aims
to develop communicative skills and abilities through different communicative activities
b) training up aims
to encourage real use of language in group and pair work, the development
c) learning up aims
to check the students’ abilities in using the words covered in the theme “Professions”
A programmer, an artist, a receptionist, a lawyer, a pilot, a cosmonaut, a banker, a designer
Australia, Argentina, England, Germany, France, Holland, Kenya, India, Norway, Switzerland
Visual aids of the lesson: tare - recorder, text books, sets of pictures, cards, magic box, grammar table
The procedure of the lesson
1. Organization moment
2. Checking up the homework
3. Warm - up
4. Learning the new vocabulary
5. Explanation of the grammar structure Future Simple Tense
6. Summarizing of the new lesson
7. Homework
8. Conclusion of the lesson
The procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment.
- Good afternoon, pupils. I’m glad to see you. As you see, today we have got an unusual lesson. We have the guests. They are English teachers. They came to our open lesson. We shall talk about the professions. There are a lot of professions all over the world, so we shall learn them during our lesson. Well, let’s check class atmosphere.
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
- What date is it today?
- What day is it today?
- What’s the weather like today?
- What season is it now? Do you like winter?
- What season do you like?
- Thank you?
2. Checking up the homework.
3. Warm - up.
- Pupils the latest lessons we have been talking about the future. You learned to say the sentences in the future. And look at the blackboard. You see the poem “Think of the Future”
“Think of the future”
What is the future for me?
Funny it’s going to be
What’s the future for you?
Your hopes and dreams will come true
What’s the future for us?
Without pollution - green grass
Robots, computers, commuting to the Moon
Think of the future
Don’t be a fool!
- And now instead of the word “future” you must clap your hands not saying it.
4. Learning the new vocabulary.
Now, dear boys and girls we shall learn the new words. We’ll know how to pronounce the professions. At first, tell me what professions do you know? Very good. Well, look at the pictures and say the professions in Kazakh. Then listen to me very attentively.
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Our friends
to introduce new grammar; to teach to practice vocabulary in the usage of it, to think using English language and to understand and to solve the main idea of the task; understanding of educational texts.

To improve the skills using the lexical and grammar materials on the theme places

What do you want to be?
Маңғыстау облысы, Бейнеу ауданы, Ақжігіт ауылы, Совет Одағының Батыры Мәди Бегенов атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қосшыбекова Айгерим Саттаровна

Biggest and best
Маңғыстау облысы, Бейнеу ауданы, Бейнеу Лицейі мемлекеттік мекемесінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Жарасова Айгүл
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