I want to visit Astana
Меңдалиева Ақнұр
№24 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Бекарыстан би ауылы
I want to visit Astana
The Theme: Unit 8.Step 1. I want to visit Astana
The Aim: Speaking of the countries on has visited or wants to visit.
The bringing –up: To understand the meaning of the text.
Type of the lesson: Introduction of new material.
Methods of the lesson: question-answers, new words and speaking.
Visual Aids: pictures, cards
The contents of the lesson.
I. Organization moment.
a) Greeting.
b) Asking about day, date , the weather and absent pupils.
c) Speech drill.
II. Checking –up the homework.
Now, children let’s check up your homework. - What is your homework?
Your homework was to read the text and to learn new wopds.
- Are you ready?
III. New Task.
The Theme of our lesson is “I want to visit Astana” open your book at page 147.
a) Today we shall go Astana. We are speaking about Astana.
- Have you been Astana?
- Where is Astana?
-What about Astana do you know?
Astana is a young city. There are many modern buildings in Astana. They are “Baiterek”, “The house of Parliament”, “Khan Shatyr”, “Duman”, The President’s residence and many green parks. There are universities, colleges and secondary schools, gymnasiums in our capital.
-Have you been “Khan Shatyr”?
- Have you seen “Duman”?
b) Presentation of grammar.
The Present Perfect Tense (Осы шақтағы жедел өткен шақ)
Дәл сөйлеп тұрған уақыт алдында ғана болып өткен іс әрекетті білдіреді. Бұл жерде әрекеттің орындалу уақыты емес, нәтижесін білу маңызды.
To have көмекші етістігінің сәйкес формасы (have, has) мен мағыналы етістіктің есімше ІІ (Participle II) арқылы жасалады.
For Example: I have read this book. (Мен бұл кітапты оқып болдым)
She has been to Astana. (Ол Астанада болған)
c) Forming The Present Perfect Tense (Жасалуы)
Positive form
I. He has written a letter
You have written a letter She
Negative form
I He has not a letter
You have not written a letter She
Question form Answer
Have I written a letter? Yes, I have I’ve
Have We written a letter? Yes, We have We’ve
Has he written a letter? No, he has not hasn’t
Has she written a letter? No, she has not
d) Present Perfect шағы мезгіл үстеулерімен қолданылады.
Never- ешқашан
lately- соңғы кезде
Yet – әлі
just- қазір ғана
Already- әлдеқашан
recently- жақында
For Example: I have already finished my work.
(Мен жұмысымды әлдеқашан бітірдім)
I have never been to the USA.
(Мен АҚШ- та ешқашан болған емеспін)
e) Working with textbook.
Ex. 1.p. 147 Introduction of Omar’s, Colin’s, Asel’s and Dmitry’s plans. Reading the text and translating into Kazakh.
Whose plan do you like?
f) Doing exercise 3.p.148. Read the text again and fill in the chart about the four people.
Name --- Visited ------------------ been Never ---- been Want to go ---- to visit
Omar --- Scotland ---------------- Ireland --------- Washington ---------- USA
Colin ---- France, Italy, Japan --- Kazakhstan ---- Almaty -------------- Astana
Asel ----- Scotland, Ireland ------ Germany ------- USA ------------------ New York
Dmitry--- Mexico ------------------ Canada --------- Disneyland ---------- Los Angeles
g) Use the Present Perfect. Write positive sentences or negative sentences.
(My friend/ meet/ his mother/ at the airport)
(Colin/see/ the Duman/ two times)
(I/ not/ finish/ my homework/ yet)
(We/ not/ watch/ any television/ today)
h) Find the cities.
ІУ. Presentation new words.
to stay [ stei] - қалу
to travel [ ‘trәеvәl] -саяхат жасау
to visit [‘visit] -бару
never [‘nevә] -ешқашан
Scotland [‘scotlәnd] -Шотландия
Ireland [‘aiәlәnd] -Ирландия
Germany [ ‘dzә:mәni] -Германия
France [fra:ns] - Франция
Italy [‘itәlі] -Италия
Japan [dzә’pәеn] - Жапония
The USA [ju:’es’ ei] - АҚШ
V. Consolidation.
Association. Now, children what can we know about Astana?
1) What is Astana like?
2) What is capital of Kazakhstan?
3) The oldest name of the capital of Kazakhstan.
4) What river is Astana situated on?
5) What is the modern buildings in Astana?
VІ. Homework.
a) To learn vocabulary by heart.
b) My plan. Writing
c) Write essay about Astana.
The lesson is over. You were so active. Good bye!
Thank you participants.
№24 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Бекарыстан би ауылы
I want to visit Astana
The Theme: Unit 8.Step 1. I want to visit Astana
The Aim: Speaking of the countries on has visited or wants to visit.
The bringing –up: To understand the meaning of the text.
Type of the lesson: Introduction of new material.
Methods of the lesson: question-answers, new words and speaking.
Visual Aids: pictures, cards
The contents of the lesson.
I. Organization moment.
a) Greeting.
b) Asking about day, date , the weather and absent pupils.
c) Speech drill.
II. Checking –up the homework.
Now, children let’s check up your homework. - What is your homework?
Your homework was to read the text and to learn new wopds.
- Are you ready?
III. New Task.
The Theme of our lesson is “I want to visit Astana” open your book at page 147.
a) Today we shall go Astana. We are speaking about Astana.
- Have you been Astana?
- Where is Astana?
-What about Astana do you know?
Astana is a young city. There are many modern buildings in Astana. They are “Baiterek”, “The house of Parliament”, “Khan Shatyr”, “Duman”, The President’s residence and many green parks. There are universities, colleges and secondary schools, gymnasiums in our capital.
-Have you been “Khan Shatyr”?
- Have you seen “Duman”?
b) Presentation of grammar.
The Present Perfect Tense (Осы шақтағы жедел өткен шақ)
Дәл сөйлеп тұрған уақыт алдында ғана болып өткен іс әрекетті білдіреді. Бұл жерде әрекеттің орындалу уақыты емес, нәтижесін білу маңызды.
To have көмекші етістігінің сәйкес формасы (have, has) мен мағыналы етістіктің есімше ІІ (Participle II) арқылы жасалады.
For Example: I have read this book. (Мен бұл кітапты оқып болдым)
She has been to Astana. (Ол Астанада болған)
c) Forming The Present Perfect Tense (Жасалуы)
Positive form
I. He has written a letter
You have written a letter She
Negative form
I He has not a letter
You have not written a letter She
Question form Answer
Have I written a letter? Yes, I have I’ve
Have We written a letter? Yes, We have We’ve
Has he written a letter? No, he has not hasn’t
Has she written a letter? No, she has not
d) Present Perfect шағы мезгіл үстеулерімен қолданылады.
Never- ешқашан
lately- соңғы кезде
Yet – әлі
just- қазір ғана
Already- әлдеқашан
recently- жақында
For Example: I have already finished my work.
(Мен жұмысымды әлдеқашан бітірдім)
I have never been to the USA.
(Мен АҚШ- та ешқашан болған емеспін)
e) Working with textbook.
Ex. 1.p. 147 Introduction of Omar’s, Colin’s, Asel’s and Dmitry’s plans. Reading the text and translating into Kazakh.
Whose plan do you like?
f) Doing exercise 3.p.148. Read the text again and fill in the chart about the four people.
Name --- Visited ------------------ been Never ---- been Want to go ---- to visit
Omar --- Scotland ---------------- Ireland --------- Washington ---------- USA
Colin ---- France, Italy, Japan --- Kazakhstan ---- Almaty -------------- Astana
Asel ----- Scotland, Ireland ------ Germany ------- USA ------------------ New York
Dmitry--- Mexico ------------------ Canada --------- Disneyland ---------- Los Angeles
g) Use the Present Perfect. Write positive sentences or negative sentences.
(My friend/ meet/ his mother/ at the airport)
(Colin/see/ the Duman/ two times)
(I/ not/ finish/ my homework/ yet)
(We/ not/ watch/ any television/ today)
h) Find the cities.
ІУ. Presentation new words.
to stay [ stei] - қалу
to travel [ ‘trәеvәl] -саяхат жасау
to visit [‘visit] -бару
never [‘nevә] -ешқашан
Scotland [‘scotlәnd] -Шотландия
Ireland [‘aiәlәnd] -Ирландия
Germany [ ‘dzә:mәni] -Германия
France [fra:ns] - Франция
Italy [‘itәlі] -Италия
Japan [dzә’pәеn] - Жапония
The USA [ju:’es’ ei] - АҚШ
V. Consolidation.
Association. Now, children what can we know about Astana?
1) What is Astana like?
2) What is capital of Kazakhstan?
3) The oldest name of the capital of Kazakhstan.
4) What river is Astana situated on?
5) What is the modern buildings in Astana?
VІ. Homework.
a) To learn vocabulary by heart.
b) My plan. Writing
c) Write essay about Astana.
The lesson is over. You were so active. Good bye!
Thank you participants.

Dream vacation
Practice pupils by doing different kinds of games and exercises of the lesson, enrich pupil’s vocabulary

I want to visit Washington DC
Оқушыларға ‘I want to visit Washington DC тақырыбын түсіндіру, жаңа сөздермен таныстыру.

I want to visit Astana
to enrich students’ vocabulary stock with words concerning the theme, talk about the sight seeings of Astana. to develop speaking, reading and writing habits.

To introduce pupils’ with sights of Astana and London. To enrich the pupils’ knowledge of new words, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech. To educate pupils’ to love the beauty of London and be proud of the beauty of their native town

Dream vacation
Мұғалімі: Арысланова Сания Облысы: Қызылорда Ауданы: Шиелі Ауылы: Ақмая Мектебі: №49 The theme of the lesson: Dream vacation

I’d like a hamburger
Меңдалиева Ақнұр №24 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Бекарыстан би ауылы
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