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Animals are in Danger

05 ақпан 2015, Бейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Theme: Animals are in Danger

1. Organization moment.
2. Teacher(T) - Good morning, children! Sit down and let’s begin our lesson.
T - Look at our planet. It looks upset. Can you guess why? (There may be some problems)
Pupil(P) - It has got problems.
T - What problems of the environment do you know?
Ps - Pollution, litter, animals and plants become extinct …
T - Very good. Look at the picture and guess what problem we are going to speak about today? (The picture in the right bottom corner may help you)
(Slide 2 – an advert of WWF)
P - Animals in danger.
T - You are right; we are going to discuss endangered animals and try to help solve the problem.
2. Lexica
T - Let’s see how well you know them. Look at the parts of the animal’s bodies and guess the animal.
(Slide 3 – a picture of a tiger’s nose that later widens into the tiger’s head)
Whose nose is this?
P - It’s a tiger’s nose.
(Slide 4 – a picture of an elephant’s ear that later widens into the elephant)
T - Whose ear is this?
P - It’s an elephant’s ear.
(Slide 5 – a picture of a panda’s head that later widens into the panda)
T - Whose head is this?
P - It’s a panda’s head.
T - Now we are going to watch a short video. (For example, download from YouTube - “Save These Beautiful Animals”)
Work with a partner. Predict and write down the names of other endangered animals that you may see in the film. T —> Ps What animals have you got?
T - What animals were there? Let’s check if we named all of them.
(Slide 6 –)
Do you have any other animals in your lists?
Which of them live in Russia?
Did you see these animals at the Zoo?
Have you ever seen any of them?
Now I want you to put these animals in a list from the most endangered to the least endangered.
(Slide 16 -)

6. T - Let's relax and do a very plain gymnastics for our necks.
- Stand up
- Look at the ceiling,
- Look at the floor,
- Look at the window,
- Look at the door.
T - Come to the blackboard, take a card and find your partner (someone with a card of the same colour), please.
“Pandas”, “Whales”, raise your hands. You know everything about yourself but you don’t know everything about the whale or the panda. So ask questions and fill in the gaps with the missing information. If you have problems, feel free to ask me for help.

Are you ready with the task?
T —> Ps What did you learn about these animals?
8. T - Now we’ll see a short video made by a ten - year - old American boy. Watch carefully and say what he is worried about. (download from YouTube – Save Endangered Animals, http://mossysanimals. blogspot. com)
P - He is worried about animals.
T - Of course, our government tries hard to protect animals. For example, not long ago our Prime Minister got a little Amur tiger as a present and said once again that we should do everything possible to save them. (Slide 17) We also have a special holiday International Animal Protection
Day when the whole world tries to solve this problem.(Slide 18) But what can we personally do or probably together with the families to help solve this problem?

9 (The Code of Rules).
- Let’s divide into groups. This part of the class (group 1) will find what we Should Do and that part (group 2) what we Shouldn’t Do.
(be friendly with animals, feel responsible for pets, feed birds and help them, harm or hurt animals, kill animals for fun, frighten animals)
T - Well done!
10. Рефлексия.
What did we learn at the lesson?
Are you ready to help animals?
What should we do? What shouldn’t we do?
Do you think the Earth liked our lesson?

Let’s make a smile on it. P (name), you were the best today, come to the blackboard and do it. All the rest were good too, so come here, take these animals and put them on the earth.
Your homework is under your stories about pandas and whales. Find the information about animals in danger on these or other websites and be ready to share the most fascinating facts with your classmates and friends.

Do people today do enough to protect animals?
Our life is closely connected with the animal world. Therefore, I think the problem of animal protection is one of the most urgent nowadays. There are different views on this issue. Some people consider that the mankind is successful enough in taking precautions to improve the situation. I support the opinion of others who believe that the problem of animal protection should be paid more attention to.

From my point of view, more should be done in order to protect animals. Firstly, there are a great number of abandoned animals on the streets in cities. In my opinion, the government should create new homes where stray animals are taken care of, fed and provided with medical care. Secondly, people have deprived animals of their natural habitats. Great areas of forests are still being cut down and any species are under the treat of extinction.

In contrast to this, opponents of this view say that nowadays animals are protected in a proper way. I cannot agree with it because all the problems seem to be far from solving yet. Animals are
widely used for testing drugs and cosmetics. Personally, I believe such cruel methods to be unacceptable.

To sum up, I think that the problem of the animal protection should be treated more carefully. There are a lot of organizations like Green Peace, WWF fighting for the rights of animals but their work is not efficient enough to change the situation considerably. Stricter laws need to be taken in order to save animal life on our planet.

I shall introduced new grammar material “Present Simple”- Жалпы осы шақ. Бұл шақ үнемі істелетін және күнбе - күнгі әрекетті, дағдылы жалпы қимыл, іс - әрекетті көрсетеді. Бұл шақ қазақ тіліндегі ауыспалы (жалпы) осы шаққа сәйкес келеді. Present
Travelling to animal world
Travelling to animal world
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Алтынай Сакен
Wild animals and domestic animals
Wild animals and domestic animals
Манғыстау облысы, Бейнеу ауданы, Абай атындағы орта мектебінің ағылшын пәнінің мұғалімі Избасарова Гулбану
Animals are in danger
Animals are in danger
БҚО, Жаңақала ауданы, Көпжасар ауылы, Д. Нұрпейісова атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сисенғалиева Жанара Закарияқызы
Маңғыстау облысы, Жаңаөзен қаласы, №9 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Атаджанова Наргиза Довлетовна
About animals
About animals
Атырау қаласы, Амангелді атындағы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Есқалиева Бахытжамал Бақтиярқызы
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