Planning my time
Plan of the lesson
Class: 6
The theme of the lesson: Planning my time
The aims of the lesson: To teach pupils to work creatively. To develop speaking abilities. To bring up pupils to be patriot.
The method of the lesson: traditional
The types of the lesson: group work
The visual aids: a book, an interactive board.
Procedure of the lesson
I. Org. moment: a) Greeting
b) absents
II. Checking up homework: Vocabulary
a) Reading
b) Writing
c) Translating
II. Warm – up. Think of words with the letters of the word “delicious”
E a t
III. Listen and Practice.
Yesterday at 10 o’clock Dmitry was writing a letter.
Yesterday at 11 o’clock Omar was playing computer games.
Yesterday at 12 o’clock Dmitry and Omar were having lunch.
Yesterday at 1 o’clock. It was raining. Dmitry was writing a letter.
Ex4. Write
1. Yesterday at 3 o’clock Colin was reading a book.
2. Yesterday at 8 o’clock Omar and Asel were watching TV.
3. Yesterday at 2 o’clock Colin was playing tennis.
4. Yesterday at 4 o’clock Omar was riding a bike.
Ex 5. Talk to your friend.
Example: Yesterday at 9 o’clock. I was having breakfast.
Yesterday at … …. … …
Ex6. Talk to your partner. Work in fours. Ask your partner questions about what they were doing at this time yesterday. Complete the table.
10. 00 11. 00 12. 00 13. 00
14. 00 15. 00 17. 00
Example: What were you doing at 3 o’clock yesterday.
I was doing my homework.
IV. Word box.
Drive –
A teenager –
Vote –
Ride –
V. Read the text and find the new words in the text.
Do you know?
VI. True or False?
a) In the USA teenagers can drive at 16?
b) All the students can have part - time jobs at 15.
c) They can vote at 18.
d) In Britain teenagers can ride a motorbike at 17.
e) In Britain teenagers can drive a car at 17.
VII. Read the diagram and compare in with information from the text and some more information.
VIII. Talk to your partner about your country.
a. People can vote when they are ….
b. Children finish school …
c. Children drive …
d. Children ride motorbikes.
e. Children have part – time jobs.
IX. Homework: text and new words.
X. Conclusion: Good bye! The lesson is over!
Class: 6
The theme of the lesson: Planning my time
The aims of the lesson: To teach pupils to work creatively. To develop speaking abilities. To bring up pupils to be patriot.
The method of the lesson: traditional
The types of the lesson: group work
The visual aids: a book, an interactive board.
Procedure of the lesson
I. Org. moment: a) Greeting
b) absents
II. Checking up homework: Vocabulary
a) Reading
b) Writing
c) Translating
II. Warm – up. Think of words with the letters of the word “delicious”
E a t
III. Listen and Practice.
Yesterday at 10 o’clock Dmitry was writing a letter.
Yesterday at 11 o’clock Omar was playing computer games.
Yesterday at 12 o’clock Dmitry and Omar were having lunch.
Yesterday at 1 o’clock. It was raining. Dmitry was writing a letter.
Ex4. Write
1. Yesterday at 3 o’clock Colin was reading a book.
2. Yesterday at 8 o’clock Omar and Asel were watching TV.
3. Yesterday at 2 o’clock Colin was playing tennis.
4. Yesterday at 4 o’clock Omar was riding a bike.
Ex 5. Talk to your friend.
Example: Yesterday at 9 o’clock. I was having breakfast.
Yesterday at … …. … …
Ex6. Talk to your partner. Work in fours. Ask your partner questions about what they were doing at this time yesterday. Complete the table.
10. 00 11. 00 12. 00 13. 00
14. 00 15. 00 17. 00
Example: What were you doing at 3 o’clock yesterday.
I was doing my homework.
IV. Word box.
Drive –
A teenager –
Vote –
Ride –
V. Read the text and find the new words in the text.
Do you know?
VI. True or False?
a) In the USA teenagers can drive at 16?
b) All the students can have part - time jobs at 15.
c) They can vote at 18.
d) In Britain teenagers can ride a motorbike at 17.
e) In Britain teenagers can drive a car at 17.
VII. Read the diagram and compare in with information from the text and some more information.
VIII. Talk to your partner about your country.
a. People can vote when they are ….
b. Children finish school …
c. Children drive …
d. Children ride motorbikes.
e. Children have part – time jobs.
IX. Homework: text and new words.
X. Conclusion: Good bye! The lesson is over!
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

What time is it?
purpose of the teaching: presentation of the new materials about time presentation of the question “What time is it?” and answering it. Presentation of the words: half, quarter, past, to, clock, minutes.

Revision lesson (Ашық сабақ)
Өткен тақырыптарды қайталай отырып, есте сақтау қабілеттерін қалыптастыру.

Where were you?
Past Simple шағының қолданылуын бекіту. Бос уақытын дұрыс пайдалануына үйрету. Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Who likes what?
educational to teach pupils to get information while learning the English grammar, to speak about the food, to talk about differences of food

Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Темір ауданы Кеңқияқ орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Жайнакова Динара Дуйсенбаевна

to continue the development of speaking and reading skills and understanding English speech. to control speaking skills of the theme:”Invitation”
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