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Amazing Have got

09 қараша 2012, Жұма
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Степногорск қаласы,
Ақмола облысы, С. Сейфуллин атындағы №5 КМЛ
Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Маулиева С. С.

Open lesson: ‘Amazing ‘Have got’
(3 form)
The theme of the open lesson: ‘Amazing ‘Have got’
The form: 3 «Ә»
The aim: Revision the grammar ‘Have got” and lexis. Develop children’s listening, speaking, writing, reading and drawing skills.
The type of the lesson: Mixing-recycling (grammar-lexical), use the elements of games.
The methods of the lesson: RWCT, project learning, individual, pair and grouping works, level learning.
The resource: Feedback, interactive board, PB, AB, pictures and toys of animals, CD (song), coloured pencils.

The steps of the lesson
Good morning, dear pupils! How are you? I’m fine, thank you.
My dear friends, today we have unusual lesson because we have guests. First of all let me introduce the theme and aims of the lesson: revision grammar «have got» and brush-up your vocabulary by topics as: parts of the body, animals and school things.
Please come here everybody. Take the piece of picture and find other parts of the animals to build a team.

I. Evocation
Warm-up: divide the children into 3 groups 1-Elephant, 2-Octopus, 3-Fish (Сut into 4 parts every picture, then the children take the parts and construct the picture) In each group has a leader who puts marks for his team’s pupils. I ask my children they answer me orally.
1. It’s got four legs (elephant)
2. It hasn’t got four legs. (Fish, octopus)
3. It’s got eight legs. (Octopus)
4. It’s got big ears. (Elephant)
5. It hasn’t got ears. (Fish, octopus)
6. It hasn’t got a tail. (Octopus)
II. Realization of meaning.
1. I-Elephant (4 pupils writing on the board)
Task -1
Write has/have
1. I______ got blue eyes.
2. You____ got green eyes.
3. She____ got black hair.
4. He___ got brown hair.
Write has/have
1. It___got a tail.
2. He ___got a dog.
3. You ____got a goat.
4. I ____ got a rabbit.
Write haven't/hasn’t
1. You___ got a computer.
2. Fish____five legs.
3. She____ got an elephant.
4. ____ he got red hair?
Write has/have
1. ____it got big eyes?
2. ____ you got a purple nose?
3. ____ Asel got two rubbers?
4. I____ got eight hands.

2. II octopus (Speaking, interview)
Pair works. P1-P2, P3-P4
P1 (a rabbit)
1. Has it got big eyes?
2. Has it got six legs?
3. Has it got a red nose?
4. Has it got blue eyes?
P2 (a dog)
1. Has it got a tail?
2. Has it got three ears?
3. Has it got two legs?
4. Has it got a nose?
P3 ( a crocodile)
1. Has it got a big mouth?
2. Has it got yellow hair?
3. Has it got a purple tail?
4. Has it got blue eyes?
P4 (a goat)
1. Has the goat got four legs?
2. Has it got a pink tail?
3. Has it got two ears?
4. Has it got a yellow nose?

3. III –Fish AB p. 12 Read and draw. (use the coloured pencils and A 4 paper)
P1 Asel is from Kazakhstan. She’s got brown hair, black eyes and pink mouth. She’s got a goat. She hasn’t got a cat.
P 2 Carol is from England. He’s got yellow hair, blue eyes and red mouth. He’s got a dog. He hasn’t got a fish.
P 3 Chan is from China. She’s got red hair, brown eyes and red mouth. He’s got a bird. She hasn’t got a spider.
P 4 Madina is from Astana. She’s got black hair, green eyes and pink mouth. She’s got a fish. He hasn’t got a rabbit.
The first check 2nd group ‘Octopus’ then the second 1st group ‘Elephant’, after that the third ‘Fish’.
Game ‘A burglar’
4. The aim: To create good atmosphere by the game.
Dear friends, let’s play the game burglar. Who wants to be a burglar?
Every team has a burglar. The children close their eyes while the burglar removes something from each pupil. Then the children open their eyes acting very surprised because they discover what the burglar has taken. Each pupil says ‘I haven’t got a…’ The burglar “Take it” The happy pupil says “I have got a…”

(Pupils do this exercise by listening to classical music)
5. Open your Activity books at page 13. Do exercise 10. If you finish fast, raise your heads and wait. O. k?
All the group work A p. 13 ex. 10 It is an individual work and then they give their works to the partner to test.
Match and tick.
1. It has got one arm.
2. It has got a big head.
3. It hasn’t got a nose.
4. It has got four arms.
5. It has got four legs.
6. It hasn’t got legs.
7. It has got two legs.
8. It hasn’t got arms.
9. It has got a tail.
10. It hasn’t got a head.
Now change your works with your partners. And check your answers.
(Answer key on the board) (5-7points-3) (8-9points-4) (10points-5)

6. One of the pupil comes here and choose the project. Now read aloud the name of project. Project–‘I have got animals’, ‘I have got parts of the body” ‘I have got school things’
Before making a project, let’s brush-up your vocabulary. (School things, parts of the body and animals)
The pictures of the 3 topics are shown on the board. Every pupil from three groups runs to the board and write only one word, then return to your team gives the chalk to another pupil. After this task I examine their works by the whole class.
III. Reflection
7. Project–‘I have got animals’, ‘I have got parts of the body” ‘I have got school things’
8. Sing a song with CD
9. Picture dictation. Take all colour pencils and draw the dictation.

The boy pirate has got green eyes. He has got a purple nose. The boy has got a red mouth and black teeth. He has got black hair.
10. Assessment. We have done lots of tasks. It’s time to come to the conclusion and assessment. Please leader helps me to put marks. They colour the 5 stars on the badges.

Fun in the jungle
Fun in the jungle
To form pupils; speaking, listening, reading and understanding skills in English;
School rules
School rules
To improve the skills using the lexical and grammar materials on the theme school rules
There is /There are оралымы. Animals
There is /There are оралымы. Animals
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