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I’m Colin’s sister

05 қазан 2015, Дүйсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
“I’m Colin’s sister”
5th form
The aims of the lesson:
a) To explain the usage of the possessive ‘s, to enrich pupil’s vocabulary with the names of family members and to pay attention to their pronunciation;
b) To develop pupils’ skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking speech;
c) To encourage pupils’ interest in learning English, to bring up pupils to respect each other and the culture of other nations, to love family and their relations.
The type of the lesson: a mixed lesson
The visual aids: pictures, postcards, cards

The procedure of the lesson:
1) Organization moment.
a) Greeting.
b) Talking with the pupil on duty.
c) Checking the home task:
Ex. 9 p. 35
14 - 6=
20 - 9=
13 - 5=
16 - 4=
11 - 4=
15 - 3=
18 - 7=
17 - 7=
19 - 8=

2) Warm - up
Mother! Father! Sister! Brother!
Hand in hand with one another.

3) Presentation of the new material.
New words: a grandmother, a grandfather, a father, a mother, a sister, a brother, an aunt, an uncle, a son, a daughter, children, parents.
- Pupils, who loves a grandmother?
- Who loves grandfather?
- Do you help them?
- What is a happy family?
Andy’s father – Эндидің әкесі
Colin’s sister – Колиннің әпкесі (қарындасы)
Read and remember!
Who’s = Who is
He’s = He is
She’s = She is
They’re = They are
Read er as [] in mother, brother, sister
4) Jolly circles
Join the correct circles together.

5) Speaking about Colin’s family
- Who’s Mr. Evans?
- Who’s Carol?
- Who’ Mrs. White?
- Who’s Ann White?
- Who’s Paul White?
- Who’s Mrs. Evans?
- Who’s Mr. White?
- Who’s Andy?

6) Numbers

Twenty - one
twenty - six
twenty - four
Twenty - two
twenty - three
twenty - nine
Twenty - seven
twenty - five
Twenty - eight

7) Crossword
Find the new words from the crossword:

8) Singing a song “Finger Family”
Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?

9) Conclusion
Make seven words
1. _________ father
2. _________ mother
3. _________ daughter
4. _________ son
5. _________ brother
6. _________ grandmother
7. _________ aunt
10) Giving home task
Ex 11. p 42. Count and say
23 - 13=
29 - 9=
22 - 12=
28 - 20=
27 - 13=
21 - 10=
25 - 11=
24 - 15=
26 - 23=
Ex 12. Bring a group picture of your relatives
11) Evaluating

What is your mother like?
What is your mother like?
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