Educational systems of Great Britain and Kazakhstan
Тема: «Educational systems of Great Britain and Kazakhstan»
Класс: 8
1. Практиковать учащихся в аудировании и говорении по теме “Британские школы”;
2. Активизировать и совершенствовать навыки говорения, чтения и письма;
3. Обучение построению монологического высказывания о британских школах по услышанному с опорой на образец, используя вводные слова и выражения;
Воспитательные задачи: Прививать интерес к системе образования в Великобритании.
Оснащение урока:
• Презентация Power Point с заданиями к уроку
• Опоры с вводными словами и выражениями.
• DVD-фильм о Британских школах
План урока:
1. Организационный момент
Good morning, dear friends!
- Good morning, teacher!
- I am glad to see you!
-We are glad to see you, too!
-Sit down, please.
Today we continue our theme about education in Great Britain and Kazakhstan. Are you ready? Let`s begin!
2. Warming-up
t, d] study, student, kindergarten, education, education system, type of school, start school;
[r] graduate, graduate from, primary school, elementary school, secondary school, prepare;
[w] why, what, when, where, which
[z] exam, examination, pass exams
3. Фонетическая зарядка(T→Cl):
-Learn a short rhyme. It gives you a good piece of advice.
If your lips
Would keep from slips
Of these five things remember:
Of whom you speak,
To whom you speak,
And HOW and WHEN and WHERE!
-Let` s do it as a snowball game. The first student should say the first line, the second student should repeat the first line and say the second line, and so on.
4. Речевая зарядка(T→P 1, P 2, P 3…):
I study at school because…
I go to school because…
(To be well educated man, to get good marks, to know English well, to communicate with pupils of my age, to get knowledge…)
5. Match the words with its translation:
Primary school ---------- жан-жақты мектеп
Secondary school ------ жеке мектеп
Curriculum--------------- ұзару
Private school---------- бастауыш мектеп
Last ---------------------- орта мектеп
Uniform ----------------- спорт зал
Comprehensive-------- оқу жоспары
Gymnasium school -------------------- форма
Compulsory-------------------- міндетті
6. Match the sentences:
I went to primary school … a)…includes many interesting
1) g, 2)f, 3)a, 4)b, 5)c, 6)d, 7)e
● How many floors has your school got?
● What subjects you like best?
● Which floor is your classroom located on?
● Has your school got computer rooms?
● What foreign language do you study at school?
● What subjects you like best?
8. New words:
• take ------------------------ [teik] --------------------------- алу
• specialize------------------ [speʃialaiz]--------------------- мамандыру
• pass exam----------------- [pas ikzǽm] ------------------- емтихан тапсыру
• fail -------------------------- [feil]----------------------------- құлау;емтиханнан
• government -------------- [`gɅvənmənt]---------- үкімет
• pay -------------------------- [pei] ----------------------------- төлеу
• marks ---------------------- [ma:ks] -------------------------- баға
• a foreign language ----- [fɔrin`lǽŋgwidʒ ] ------- шет тілі
• term-time ---------------- [tə:m `taim] ------------- семестр,мерзім
1) Listening to the text and working in groups
1. group-Say true or false:
2. group-complete the sentences
2) Put the words in the correct place:
Dan is 11.He goes to a _________.Dan`s school is a government school, usually called __________.Some parents pay to send their children to a __________.
At first Dan will _______a lot of different ________,
But he will begin to _________in some subjects. Then he will ________ some exams. He hopes he doesn` t _______.
9. Filling the diagram:
10.Let`s have a rest singing a song «This is the way we go to school»
11.Picture replacing
12.Checking the homework « My school»
13.What school subjects you are …
I`m good at- Мен … жақсымын
I`m bad at- Мен … жаманмын
I`m interested in- Мені … қызықтырады
I`m bored with- Мені … жалықтырады
I`m keen on- Мен … мықтымын
14. Summary of the lesson. Home task.
Класс: 8
1. Практиковать учащихся в аудировании и говорении по теме “Британские школы”;
2. Активизировать и совершенствовать навыки говорения, чтения и письма;
3. Обучение построению монологического высказывания о британских школах по услышанному с опорой на образец, используя вводные слова и выражения;
Воспитательные задачи: Прививать интерес к системе образования в Великобритании.
Оснащение урока:
• Презентация Power Point с заданиями к уроку
• Опоры с вводными словами и выражениями.
• DVD-фильм о Британских школах
План урока:
1. Организационный момент
Good morning, dear friends!
- Good morning, teacher!
- I am glad to see you!
-We are glad to see you, too!
-Sit down, please.
Today we continue our theme about education in Great Britain and Kazakhstan. Are you ready? Let`s begin!
2. Warming-up
t, d] study, student, kindergarten, education, education system, type of school, start school;
[r] graduate, graduate from, primary school, elementary school, secondary school, prepare;
[w] why, what, when, where, which
[z] exam, examination, pass exams
3. Фонетическая зарядка(T→Cl):
-Learn a short rhyme. It gives you a good piece of advice.
If your lips
Would keep from slips
Of these five things remember:
Of whom you speak,
To whom you speak,
And HOW and WHEN and WHERE!
-Let` s do it as a snowball game. The first student should say the first line, the second student should repeat the first line and say the second line, and so on.
4. Речевая зарядка(T→P 1, P 2, P 3…):
I study at school because…
I go to school because…
(To be well educated man, to get good marks, to know English well, to communicate with pupils of my age, to get knowledge…)
5. Match the words with its translation:
Primary school ---------- жан-жақты мектеп
Secondary school ------ жеке мектеп
Curriculum--------------- ұзару
Private school---------- бастауыш мектеп
Last ---------------------- орта мектеп
Uniform ----------------- спорт зал
Comprehensive-------- оқу жоспары
Gymnasium school -------------------- форма
Compulsory-------------------- міндетті
6. Match the sentences:
I went to primary school … a)…includes many interesting
1) g, 2)f, 3)a, 4)b, 5)c, 6)d, 7)e
● How many floors has your school got?
● What subjects you like best?
● Which floor is your classroom located on?
● Has your school got computer rooms?
● What foreign language do you study at school?
● What subjects you like best?
8. New words:
• take ------------------------ [teik] --------------------------- алу
• specialize------------------ [speʃialaiz]--------------------- мамандыру
• pass exam----------------- [pas ikzǽm] ------------------- емтихан тапсыру
• fail -------------------------- [feil]----------------------------- құлау;емтиханнан
• government -------------- [`gɅvənmənt]---------- үкімет
• pay -------------------------- [pei] ----------------------------- төлеу
• marks ---------------------- [ma:ks] -------------------------- баға
• a foreign language ----- [fɔrin`lǽŋgwidʒ ] ------- шет тілі
• term-time ---------------- [tə:m `taim] ------------- семестр,мерзім
1) Listening to the text and working in groups
1. group-Say true or false:
2. group-complete the sentences
2) Put the words in the correct place:
Dan is 11.He goes to a _________.Dan`s school is a government school, usually called __________.Some parents pay to send their children to a __________.
At first Dan will _______a lot of different ________,
But he will begin to _________in some subjects. Then he will ________ some exams. He hopes he doesn` t _______.
9. Filling the diagram:
10.Let`s have a rest singing a song «This is the way we go to school»
11.Picture replacing
12.Checking the homework « My school»
13.What school subjects you are …
I`m good at- Мен … жақсымын
I`m bad at- Мен … жаманмын
I`m interested in- Мені … қызықтырады
I`m bored with- Мені … жалықтырады
I`m keen on- Мен … мықтымын
14. Summary of the lesson. Home task.

Comparing the system of education in Great Britain and Kazakhstan
В ходе урока учащиеся обогатят свой словарный запас новыми лексическими единицами по теме «Образование»; будут совершенствовать навыками аудирования; научаться извлекать информацию из прослушанного и прочитанного текста, расширят свой кругозор

Comparing the system of education in Great Britain and Kazakhstan
Практиковать учащихся в аудировании и говорении по теме “Образование”; Активизировать и совершенствовать навыки говорения, чтения и письма;

Education in Great Britain
Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по заданной тематике; углубление поликультурных знаний; проконтролировать знания учащихся по теме.

Schools in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan
The theme: Schools in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan

Мектепті таңдау
Кыныбаева Татьяна Мадиковна Қарағанды облысы, Абай ауданы, Топар кенті Абай атындағы мектеп - гимназияның ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Comparing the systems of education in Great Britain & Kazakhstan
Ақтөбе облысы, Ақтөбе қаласы №34 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Баймбетова Лаззат Едиловна
Пікірлер (0)
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.