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08 желтоқсан 2012, Сенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The plan of the lesson on the theme “Travelling”

Aims of the lesson: 1. To develop students’ grammar skills and habits of oral speech.
2. To encourage students to give reasons and participate in the discussions.
3. To enable students to exchange ideas, express personal opinions and to solve the problems.

The procedure of the lesson:

1. Organization moment
T: Good morning children! I’m glad to see you. How are you?
Ch: We’re fine, thank you.
T: Then, let’s begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson today is “Travelling”

2. Warm-up. I think everybody likes travelling. So, during our lesson we’ll talk about travelling, means of transport, share and express opinions, and exchange ideas.
Now, I’d like to start our lesson with the quotation written on the board:
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page”
What does it mean? It means if you don’t travel you can not see the beauty of the world; discover new things and different ways of life.

3. Now, I’d like you to answer the question “Why do people travel?”
What are the reasons for travelling?
Students answers:
St.1: People travel to discover new places
St.2: People travel to learn a language.
St.3: People travel to see the sights
St.4: People travel to enjoy beautiful places
St.5: People travel to make new friends
St6: They travel to discover different ways of life.
St.7: People travel to see other countries and continents

4. T: As you know, millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. People who plan travelling to somewhere should decide what things to take.
Now you’ll work in groups. Look at the active board. Here are the lists of things you need for your travelling.
1st. group, Imagine you are going abroad for a week or two. Decide what things you’ll take for your trip.

• a passport
• a camera
• a map
• a phrase book
• a radio
• sunglasses
• a credit card
• money
• a travel guide
• a sleeping bag
• a ticket
• a first aid kit
• a health insurance
• a clock
• a swimming costume
• a warm sweater
• food and drinks
2nd group: You are going to have a camping holiday. What things will you take?
3rd group: You are going to spend your holidays at the seaside somewhere in the south.
(We’ll take … We’ll also need….. …. are not necessary.)

5. So, children you’ve decided what things you’ll take with you for your travelling. Now you are ready for your trip. As you know, there are many ways of travelling. People can travel by sea, by air, by railway and by road.
What means of transport do you know?
Students answers.

6. And, what are the most popular ways of travelling?
St: The most popular ways of travelling are: by plane, by bus and by train.
Now look at the board. Read the words and put each word in the category. Some words may be used with all three categories. Work in pairs.

By bus by plane by train

7. All means of transport have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and possibilities. You’ll work in groups.

1 st group. You should write the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car.
2nd group: by plane
3rd group: by train

8. Reading. Students read the text “Health tips for travelling”.
Reading comprehension: Choose the correct answer.
1. C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5. A 6. A 7.С 8.С

9. Now, children it’s to practice our grammar.
T: What is Gerund?
Student’s answer.
Look at the active board. You should complete the sentences with suitable gerund: climbing, having, swimming, travelling, visiting, missing, running, sailing, skiing.

1. My sister enjoys … new places.
2. Omar bought a yacht and went … in the Caspian Sea.
3. They had a wonderful rest on the beach. They went … every day.
4. I enjoy … in summer.
5. My brother goes … every morning.
6. We don’t want to risk … our plane.
7. When we were in Switzerland we went … every weekend.
8. I’m looking forward … to a vacation.
9. Some people are not afraid of … high mountains.

10. So, children our lesson is coming to the end.
Let’s finish our lesson with the quotation of your own.
For this, you’ll get a sheet of paper and write a quotation created by you beginning with the word “Travelling”.
1st group: Travelling broadens the mind.
2ndgroup: Travelling is exciting.
3rd group: Travelling is useful for health.

11. Well, our lesson is over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. You have worked very well. Have a nice day! Good-bye.

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