Солтүстік Қазақстан облысы,
Мағжан Жұмабаев ауданы, Дүйсеке орталау мектебі
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Сәбитова Әсия Қапезқызы.
8 сынып.
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Қазақстан
1. EDUCATIONAL: To consolidate and generalize knowledge of students on the Unit “Geography”; to enrich students knowledge in all spheres of country study; to widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks; to help to analyze the information about our country.
2. DEVELOPMENTAL: To develop student’s skills in oral speech; to and develop student’s writing, reading and speaking abilities through giving several tasks; to improve their mental and critical thinking.
3. CULTURAL: To bring up patriots of their Motherland; to chance their respect for people of different nationalities; to improve their pride of their native, country; to bring up students to respect and love foreign language.
INTERSUBJECT CONNECTION: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, History
I. Organization moment:
1. Greeting:
- Good afternoon, dear children!
- How are you?
2. Marking:
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent today?
- What is the date today?
- What day is it today?
3. Presentation of the aims of the lesson:
- Today we will read the materials about our motherland Kazakhstan, our capital, situation, national and state symbols.
T: I want to begin our lesson with the English proverb
There is no place like home.
How do you understand this proverb?
How do you translate it into your native language?
P-s: Қазақша: “Өзге елде сұлтан болғанша, өз еліңде ұлтан бол”
Орысша: В гостях хорошо,а дома – лучше
T: Yes, you are right, there is no place like home.
Today we are going to read about Kazakhstan but let’s do some pre-reading tasks:
Listen, read and learn how to pronounce the proper names.
● Central Asia
● Republic of Kazakhstan
● China Russia
● Turkmenistan
Say the following numbers:
2 753 000
16 000 000
1824 1961 1992
New words. Write down them in your vocabularies
♦ language [læŋgwidз] тіл, язык
♦ former [fo:mә] бұрын болған
♦ return [ri:tә:n] қайтару
♦ transfer [tra:nsfә] көшіру
♦ well-developed жақсы дамыған
♦ industry [indastri] өнеркәсіп
♦ agriculture [ægrikalt∫ә] ауыл шаруашылығы
The republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the Central Asia. The area of Kazakhstan is 2753000 square kilometers. Its population is about 16 million. Kazakhstan borders China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia. There is a long border coast line on the Caspian sea in the Southwest.
Kazakh is the official language of the country. Russian and other languages are spoken here too.
The largest cities are Almaty, Karaganda, Shimkent, Pavlodar and Astana.
Astana is the capital of the Republic. Astana is situated in the central part of Kazakhstan. The former names of Astana Akmola, Tselinograd, Akmolinsk. The city was founded as a fortress in 1824 and named Akmolinsk. It was renamed to Tselinograd in 1961. In 1992 the city was returned its former name Akmola, but in 1998 with the transfer the capital from Almaty to Akmola, the city got a new symbolic name Astana. Astana is the international, business and cultural centre of Kazakhstan.
There are a few river and lakes in Kazakhstan. Ertis, Syr-Daya, Illiand Ural are the main resources of water in the country. The largest lakes are Balhash, Zaisan, Ala-Kol and Tengis.
The climate of the country is strongly continental. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. Kazakhstan has well-developed heavy industry. Agriculture takes a very important sector in the national economy.
As a sovereign state Kazakhstan has its own national flag and anthem and national traditions and holidays.
Answer the questions:
1 Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?
2 What is the size of the area of Kazakhstan?
3 What can you say about the population of Kazakhstan?
4 What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
5 Where is Astana situated?
6 What is the official language of Kazakhstan?
7 What can you say about the Kazakhstani industry?
Pupils are telling facts about Motherland.
T: Now boys and girls look at the first sentence. Which rule is used in this sentence?
P: Passive voice.
T: Great! You know it. Who knows the rule of the Passive voice?
(Pupil is telling the rule of Passive voice)
4 Now let’s work with the text find out the sentences which are in the Passive Voice.
Setting the home task:
To write composition: "My motherland.”
The end of the lesson:
The lesson is over. Goodbye!
Мағжан Жұмабаев ауданы, Дүйсеке орталау мектебі
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Сәбитова Әсия Қапезқызы.
8 сынып.
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Қазақстан
1. EDUCATIONAL: To consolidate and generalize knowledge of students on the Unit “Geography”; to enrich students knowledge in all spheres of country study; to widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks; to help to analyze the information about our country.
2. DEVELOPMENTAL: To develop student’s skills in oral speech; to and develop student’s writing, reading and speaking abilities through giving several tasks; to improve their mental and critical thinking.
3. CULTURAL: To bring up patriots of their Motherland; to chance their respect for people of different nationalities; to improve their pride of their native, country; to bring up students to respect and love foreign language.
INTERSUBJECT CONNECTION: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, History
I. Organization moment:
1. Greeting:
- Good afternoon, dear children!
- How are you?
2. Marking:
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent today?
- What is the date today?
- What day is it today?
3. Presentation of the aims of the lesson:
- Today we will read the materials about our motherland Kazakhstan, our capital, situation, national and state symbols.
T: I want to begin our lesson with the English proverb
There is no place like home.
How do you understand this proverb?
How do you translate it into your native language?
P-s: Қазақша: “Өзге елде сұлтан болғанша, өз еліңде ұлтан бол”
Орысша: В гостях хорошо,а дома – лучше
T: Yes, you are right, there is no place like home.
Today we are going to read about Kazakhstan but let’s do some pre-reading tasks:
Listen, read and learn how to pronounce the proper names.
● Central Asia
● Republic of Kazakhstan
● China Russia
● Turkmenistan
Say the following numbers:
2 753 000
16 000 000
1824 1961 1992
New words. Write down them in your vocabularies
♦ language [læŋgwidз] тіл, язык
♦ former [fo:mә] бұрын болған
♦ return [ri:tә:n] қайтару
♦ transfer [tra:nsfә] көшіру
♦ well-developed жақсы дамыған
♦ industry [indastri] өнеркәсіп
♦ agriculture [ægrikalt∫ә] ауыл шаруашылығы
The republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the Central Asia. The area of Kazakhstan is 2753000 square kilometers. Its population is about 16 million. Kazakhstan borders China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia. There is a long border coast line on the Caspian sea in the Southwest.
Kazakh is the official language of the country. Russian and other languages are spoken here too.
The largest cities are Almaty, Karaganda, Shimkent, Pavlodar and Astana.
Astana is the capital of the Republic. Astana is situated in the central part of Kazakhstan. The former names of Astana Akmola, Tselinograd, Akmolinsk. The city was founded as a fortress in 1824 and named Akmolinsk. It was renamed to Tselinograd in 1961. In 1992 the city was returned its former name Akmola, but in 1998 with the transfer the capital from Almaty to Akmola, the city got a new symbolic name Astana. Astana is the international, business and cultural centre of Kazakhstan.
There are a few river and lakes in Kazakhstan. Ertis, Syr-Daya, Illiand Ural are the main resources of water in the country. The largest lakes are Balhash, Zaisan, Ala-Kol and Tengis.
The climate of the country is strongly continental. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. Kazakhstan has well-developed heavy industry. Agriculture takes a very important sector in the national economy.
As a sovereign state Kazakhstan has its own national flag and anthem and national traditions and holidays.
Answer the questions:
1 Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?
2 What is the size of the area of Kazakhstan?
3 What can you say about the population of Kazakhstan?
4 What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
5 Where is Astana situated?
6 What is the official language of Kazakhstan?
7 What can you say about the Kazakhstani industry?
Pupils are telling facts about Motherland.
T: Now boys and girls look at the first sentence. Which rule is used in this sentence?
P: Passive voice.
T: Great! You know it. Who knows the rule of the Passive voice?
(Pupil is telling the rule of Passive voice)
4 Now let’s work with the text find out the sentences which are in the Passive Voice.
Setting the home task:
To write composition: "My motherland.”
The end of the lesson:
The lesson is over. Goodbye!

My Motherland — Kazakhstan
to enrich pupils` knowledge about Kazakhstan, talking more about our Republic achievements during years of independence,

Adjectives. Degrees of comparison.
Pupils will able to use adjectives in their speech. To develop pupils’ writing, reading, speaking abilities through giving different tasks.

My Motherland — Kazakhstan
to develop the students’ abilities in oral speech and reading; to enlarge listening, understanding and writing skills; to develop the students’ imagination and interest in writing research works; to improve students’ skills in independent work.

Speaking about Kazakhstan
Қызылорда облысы, Жаңақорған ауданы №3 мектеп – интернатының ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Абибуллаева Жазира

Павлодар облысы, Павлодар қаласы, №25 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Дюсембаева Майгүл

Planning my time
The plan of the lesson Theme: Planning my time Form: 6 The aims of the lesson: Educational: to consolidate lexical stock, to encourage students in different tasks and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
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