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02 қаңтар 2013, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
form: 5
The theme of the lesson: Clothes. (презентациясымен)
Aims of the lesson: to teach pupils to use new words and structures in oral speed.
To develop pupil’s reading, speaking skills.
To develop their memory.
To bring up feeling of mutual aid.

The method of the lesson: individual work, group work and question-answer.
The type of the lesson: explanation of the new theme.
The procedure of the lesson:
Org. moment: Good afternoon, children!
Good afternoon, teacher!
Sit down, please.
Let’s begin our lesson…Today is the 23 rd of November. (1 slide)
Today we will be talk about clothes. We are going to learn by heart new words. We are going to role-play dialogue, do a crossword, play game and sing a song. But at first we are checking homework up. (2 slide)

Checking homework up: (3 slide)
What was your homework for today?
Pupil: draw picture and describe it.
to learn by heart new words.
We continue our lesson.
Presentation of the new theme.
The theme of our lesson is “Clothes”. (4 slide).
Let’s learn new words. Look at the board. Listen and repeat after me.
A dress
A blouse
A skirt
A sweater
A hat
A fur-coat (5-17 slide)

Pronunciation of new words.
T-shirt- футболка
Shorts - шорты
A dress - әйел көйлегі
A blouse - блузка
A skirt- юбка
Boots - етік
Mittens - қолғап
Trousers -шалбар
Gloves- перчатки
A sweater- свитер
sandals - сандалии
A hat - қалпақ
A fur-coat – шуба
In summer - жазда
In winter – қыста
Wear –кию
A cap -калпак (18 slide)

Speaking: Making up of the dialogue using pictures.
For example:
Omar: Have you got a T-shirt ?
Colin: Yes, I have.
Omar: What colour is it?
Colin: It is green. (19 slide)

Let’s play the game.
You see clothes on your table and two bags. The first bag is summer. You will put clothes what we wear in summer. The second bag is winter, you will put clothes what we wear in winter. (20 slide).
Let’s have a rest.
Listen the song and sing together. (21 slide).
Find the rhyming twins: (22 slide).

boot coat hat skirt
cat foot boat shirt
(23 slide).
Conclusion of the lesson.
I give you mark who worked very hard.
At home: to learn by heart new words.
Crossword “clothes”.
The end of the lesson: lesson is over. Good bye children.

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

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Holidays in Kazakhstan. Holidays in England
Holidays in Kazakhstan, Holidays in England, to train new words and discussion an English languagе.
Educational aim: Introduction of the grammar material: there is. Vocabulary: attic, bedroom, stairs, bathroom, kitchen, living room, garden. Make up word combinations and sentences with the new words: to educate their oral speech by doing exercises:
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What do you want to be?
What do you want to be?
Маңғыстау облысы, Бейнеу ауданы, Ақжігіт ауылы, Совет Одағының Батыры Мәди Бегенов атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қосшыбекова Айгерим Саттаровна
I want to be a teacher
I want to be a teacher
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Маржан Робан
Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Темір ауданы Кеңқияқ орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Жайнакова Динара Дуйсенбаевна
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