What do you want to be?
Шығыс Қазақстан облысы, Аягөз қаласы.
«№3 жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп» КММ
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Омарова Айгүл Серікжанқызы
The theme of the lesson: “What do you want to be?”
The aims of the lesson: 1) To improve skills of use in speech of lexicon on a theme of «Profession", to promote formation of knowledge about various trades, to develop speech skills;
2) To develop logic thinking, memory, speech, attention, imagination, culture of thinking and behavior;
3) To create favorable conditions for comprehension both realization of the personal and social importance of process of mastering by foreign language, for education of the multilingual polycultural person.
Type of a lesson: a lesson with application of modern computer technologies.
Kind: the integrated lesson
The forms of organization of job at a lesson: frontal, individual, group.
1) Organization moment.
2) New lesson.
a) To introduce the theme of the lesson, the aims of the lesson;
b) To introduce new words and write on the copy – book;
c) Game “Questions - answers”
d) Dialogue.
e) “Omar’s Album”
f) “Famous people”
g) Game “Guesser”
h) The task “Make sentences”
i) Role play: “My profession"
j) Crossword “Profession”
3) Home task.
4) Giving marks.
5) The end.
1) Organization moment.
- Good afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you!
- Sit down, please.
- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- Who is absent?
2) New lesson.
- Our new topic is: “What do you want to be?”
- The aims of the lesson: 1) To improve skills of use in speech of lexicon theme of "Profession", to promote formation of knowledge about various trades, to develop speech skills;
2) To develop logic thinking, memory, speech, attention, imagination, culture of thinking and behaviour;
3) To create favorable conditions for comprehension both realization of the personal and social importance of process of mastering by foreign language, for education of the multilingual polycultural person.
- Look at the blackboard; listen and repeat after the author.( Оқушылар тыңдап, қайталайды.)
- Now open your vocabulary books and write new words.
A teacher - мұғалім;
A driver – жүргізуші;
A doctor – дәрігер;
A dentist – тіс дерігері;
A musician – музыкант;
A bank manager-банк қызметкері;
An astronaut- астронавт;
A housewife- үй шаруасындағы әйел адам;
A secretary-хатшы;
a lawyer- заңгер;
C) - Open your vocabulary – books. Write new words.
- Look at the picture and repeat after me.
- What do you want to be?
- I want to be ________.
- What does your father do?
- My father is _______. / He is ______.
- What does your mother do?
- My mother is ______. / She is _____.
- Is your brother a student?
- Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. He is a policeman.
- Now I’ll give you a ball and answer questions, you should answer and return a ball.
- What do you want to be?
- What does your father do?
- What does your mother do?
D) - Look at the blackboard and read the dialogue, please.
( To read the dialogue and make a dialogue)
- Omar’s album. Who wants to be Omar?
( Omar will be answer some questions about his relatives.)
• “Famous people” In this part talk about Famous people.
• And make many tasks.
• Match a people in A with the information in B.
1.Tokhtar Aubakirov is
2.Abai Kunanbaev was
3.Bekzat Sattarkhanov was
4.Gulfairuz Ismailova is
5.Shamshi Kaldayakov was
6.Nursultan Nazarbaev is
7.Rose Rymbaeva is
8.Nurtai Sabilyanov is
A) a politician
В) a boxer
С) a writer
D) The President of Kazakhstan
E) a composer
F) a painter
G) a singer
H) a cosmonaut
G) Game “ Guesser” Guess the profession.
- I’ll give you cards, you should guess what profession is it.
H) The task “ Make sentences”
- You should make 4 sentences.
I) Role play “My future profession.”
- Talk about what do you want to be and why.
J) Crossword “Professions”
- Translate into English:
- Спортшы
- Жүргізуші
- Милиционер
- Фермер
- Мұғалім
- Музыкант
- Хатшы
- Құрылысшы
- Актер
- Тіс дәрігері
- Астронавт
6) Home task.
1. To learn new words.
2. To write exercise 6, page 79.
3. To make a dialogue.
7) Giving marks.
8) The end.
- Our lesson is over! Good bye!
«№3 жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп» КММ
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Омарова Айгүл Серікжанқызы
The theme of the lesson: “What do you want to be?”
The aims of the lesson: 1) To improve skills of use in speech of lexicon on a theme of «Profession", to promote formation of knowledge about various trades, to develop speech skills;
2) To develop logic thinking, memory, speech, attention, imagination, culture of thinking and behavior;
3) To create favorable conditions for comprehension both realization of the personal and social importance of process of mastering by foreign language, for education of the multilingual polycultural person.
Type of a lesson: a lesson with application of modern computer technologies.
Kind: the integrated lesson
The forms of organization of job at a lesson: frontal, individual, group.
1) Organization moment.
2) New lesson.
a) To introduce the theme of the lesson, the aims of the lesson;
b) To introduce new words and write on the copy – book;
c) Game “Questions - answers”
d) Dialogue.
e) “Omar’s Album”
f) “Famous people”
g) Game “Guesser”
h) The task “Make sentences”
i) Role play: “My profession"
j) Crossword “Profession”
3) Home task.
4) Giving marks.
5) The end.
1) Organization moment.
- Good afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you!
- Sit down, please.
- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- Who is absent?
2) New lesson.
- Our new topic is: “What do you want to be?”
- The aims of the lesson: 1) To improve skills of use in speech of lexicon theme of "Profession", to promote formation of knowledge about various trades, to develop speech skills;
2) To develop logic thinking, memory, speech, attention, imagination, culture of thinking and behaviour;
3) To create favorable conditions for comprehension both realization of the personal and social importance of process of mastering by foreign language, for education of the multilingual polycultural person.
- Look at the blackboard; listen and repeat after the author.( Оқушылар тыңдап, қайталайды.)
- Now open your vocabulary books and write new words.
A teacher - мұғалім;
A driver – жүргізуші;
A doctor – дәрігер;
A dentist – тіс дерігері;
A musician – музыкант;
A bank manager-банк қызметкері;
An astronaut- астронавт;
A housewife- үй шаруасындағы әйел адам;
A secretary-хатшы;
a lawyer- заңгер;
C) - Open your vocabulary – books. Write new words.
- Look at the picture and repeat after me.
- What do you want to be?
- I want to be ________.
- What does your father do?
- My father is _______. / He is ______.
- What does your mother do?
- My mother is ______. / She is _____.
- Is your brother a student?
- Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. He is a policeman.
- Now I’ll give you a ball and answer questions, you should answer and return a ball.
- What do you want to be?
- What does your father do?
- What does your mother do?
D) - Look at the blackboard and read the dialogue, please.
( To read the dialogue and make a dialogue)
- Omar’s album. Who wants to be Omar?
( Omar will be answer some questions about his relatives.)
• “Famous people” In this part talk about Famous people.
• And make many tasks.
• Match a people in A with the information in B.
1.Tokhtar Aubakirov is
2.Abai Kunanbaev was
3.Bekzat Sattarkhanov was
4.Gulfairuz Ismailova is
5.Shamshi Kaldayakov was
6.Nursultan Nazarbaev is
7.Rose Rymbaeva is
8.Nurtai Sabilyanov is
A) a politician
В) a boxer
С) a writer
D) The President of Kazakhstan
E) a composer
F) a painter
G) a singer
H) a cosmonaut
G) Game “ Guesser” Guess the profession.
- I’ll give you cards, you should guess what profession is it.
H) The task “ Make sentences”
- You should make 4 sentences.
I) Role play “My future profession.”
- Talk about what do you want to be and why.
J) Crossword “Professions”
- Translate into English:
- Спортшы
- Жүргізуші
- Милиционер
- Фермер
- Мұғалім
- Музыкант
- Хатшы
- Құрылысшы
- Актер
- Тіс дәрігері
- Астронавт
6) Home task.
1. To learn new words.
2. To write exercise 6, page 79.
3. To make a dialogue.
7) Giving marks.
8) The end.
- Our lesson is over! Good bye!

My Motherland — Kazakhstan
to develop the students’ abilities in oral speech and reading; to enlarge listening, understanding and writing skills; to develop the students’ imagination and interest in writing research works; to improve students’ skills in independent work.

To improve the skills using the lexical and grammar materials on the theme places

When is your birthday? (Когда - ваш день рождения)
Маңғыстау облысы, Маңғыстау ауданы, Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Куатова Гүлжайна

Good Health is Above Wealth
Шығыс Қазақстан облысы, Аягөз қаласы. «№3 жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп» КММ Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Омарова Айгүл Серікжанқызы
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