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Welcome to Englishland

21 қазан 2020, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі

Good day our guests! Welcome to our party “Welcome to Englishland” dedicated to the 22nd of September - Day of languages people of Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. As we know the leader of our country N. A. Nazarbaev leads a policy of integration, collaboration and he appeals to everybody with the proposals to learn 3 languages - Kazakh, Russian and English, to respect customs and traditions of each country.

And now let's invite pupils from 6th 7th grade with their songs.
Hello my Friends (Balnur and Janat)
The ship is sailing, the flag is waving
Hello my friends. Hello my friends!
The sun is shining, the stars are smiling
Hello my friends. Hello my friends!
Pupils from 7th grade with their poem

Also we want to congratulate our teachers with their holidays. We wish you be healthy, happiness and luck all the time.
2. At this moment pupils from our school give for you a musical present.

The song (They are teaching) 6th grade

1. We are people of Republic of Kazakhstan live in a peace. People of different nationality and languages. So we can say that frendship is a big rich in our life. And we must proud of our language and to be polite with each other.
2. Lets invite our pupils with their poems
1 - Friendship is a thing for two,

Three or four, even more,
Like a song thats made to sing
Friendship is a doing thing.

2 - I want to live
And not to die!

I want to love and not to cry.
I want to feel the summer sun.
I want to fly into the blue.
I want to sing the life is fun.
I want swim as fishes do.
I want to strech out friendly hands
To all the young of other lands.
I want to laugh and not to cry!
I want to live and not to die.

1. Now meet Jumaeva Almagul with her song “Friends”

With your clap we invite pupils from 2nd form with their dramatization wich call “Little cat and little mouse”(Gulden and Nazim)

1. Language is a door between the worlds. Speaking the language we penetrate the cultural treasure inherited from the past and try to add a trace of our own.

2. Girls from 2nd grade teach us to be healthy and they sing a song”I can run” about types of sport.

1. Of course english songs very popular between teenagers. So group of girls want to dance a famous merry dance. Lets invite them.

2.. Englishland rich not only poems. There are we can listen an interesting fairy tales. I want to invite the first your learners of our school pupils from 5th grade. They want to improvise the fairy tale “Turnip ”


Grandpa planted a turnip. The turnip grew bigger and bigger. Grandpa came to pick the turnip, pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! Grandpa called Grandma. Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! Granddaughter came. Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! The doggy came. Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! A kitty came. Kitty pulled doggy, Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! A mouse came. The mouse pulled kitty, Kitty pulled doggy, Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled and pulled the turnip up!( all of them are dancing )

Role play: the turnip - Sabargereev Temirlan dog -
grandfather - Badi Aibergen cat -
grandmother - mouse -
granddaughter -

1. Now Pupils from 8th grade Badieva Indira and Mynbaeva Arujan read their poems about their life.

Golden childhood
There are apple trees and birch trees
Growing just behind the stream,
Its the nicest place the world through,
Its as pleasant as a dream!
Its as pleasant as a dream!
From the mountains through the forests
To the seas so large and blue,
There are roads in all directions
And each road is calling you!
And each road is calling you!
Peace to the world
Peace to the world! We call for peace!
Till Peace previals, this call wont case.
Oh, people, rise in every land,
All fighting bravely, hand in hand,
For Peace throughout the World!
Peace to the world! Both old and young,
Of every land, of every toungue,
They sign their names, sign one and all,
Under the clear words that call
For Peace throughout the World!

1. Bektemirova Zinaida wants to sing a song” “
2. So we want to say good buy! We wish you clear sky and many happy returns in your life.

1. Good buy everybody!

We wish all the best!
We wish you happiness!
Best of luck.

2. Lets sing a song “May there always be sunshine!” with pupils from 6th “a” grade.

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My Motherland — Kazakhstan
My Motherland — Kazakhstan
to enrich pupils` knowledge about Kazakhstan, talking more about our Republic achievements during years of independence,
English is fun!
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My cat I love my cat. It is warm and fat. My cat is grey. It likes to play.
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Ақтөбе облысы, Ырғыз ауданы, Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы орта мектеп ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сабанбаева Элеонора Жанкелдіқызы
My Kazakhstan
My Kazakhstan
Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар ауданы, Сарысай негізгі мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сандығұлова Гүлжанар Қуанышқызы
Let`s speak English
Let`s speak English
Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар қаласы №6 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Исмагулова Анар
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