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Whois champion

03 ақпан 2013, Жексенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme; W H O I S C H A M P I O N?
The aim of the lesson;
Educational; To enlarge students’ knowledge on the theme brushing up spoken English
Development; To develop students’ reading and writing habits and abilities.
To develop their creative talents skills to increase their motivation to learn.
Bringing up; To educate the feelings of international friendship and love our country.
Type of the lesson; Game lesson. Non traditional.
The kind; a competation lesson.
Visual aids; An interactive board, pictures, photos and other things.
Procedure of the lesson.
Organization moment.
I. Greeting.
II. Good morning, dear students and guests! We are glad to see you at our. competation, which will be held in the form of competation between 3 teams. We sure you will demonstrate what you know about English country their famous places.

III. The theme of our competation is;
“Do you know grammar well?”
At first we must to introduce with today’s competitions jury. Let’s to meet them
1 -------------,
2 -------------,
3 -------------,
I see you are bit tense first sing a song.
Now we’ll begin our game.
At first we should choose the teams and their captains. Then they’re presentations of their teams.
1. team is ------------
2. team is -------------
3. team is -------------
Let’s begin. We are....
I am the captain.
My name is ………
We like …………..
We don’t like ……..
We are good at ……
We are ….(clever, happy, friendly …)
Teacher; Now let’s to introduce with the game tours;
I. “ Try to explain …’’
II. Famous places
III. What do you know about London?
IV. “ Grammar corner”
V. Secret task.
Teacher: Are you ready? Let’s begin the 1 st round.
I tour is “ Try to explain…” This tour only for captains. In this tour you must choose the card with the names of professions and try to explain it. Your task is to guess this profession. If you guess this profession. If you’ll get the point.

II tour is “ F a m o us p l a c e s”. In this tour you should match the pictures of famous places with their names and answer some questions about them. If you match correctly, you’ll get the point. What else do you know?
Team; The game; “ Famous places”.
You should match the pictures of famous places with their names and answer
some questions about them.

III tour is “ What do you know about London?” You should answer the questions. If you answer correct you’ll get the point.
London quiz. Choose the correct answer for each question.
1. Who built the first brige across the Thames?
A) the Egyptians
b) the Greeks
c) the Romans
2. When did the Great Fire of London break out?
a) in1060
b) in1666
c) in 1766

a) the British Museum
b) The National Gallery
c) Madam Tussauds
4. What is Big Ben?
a) a clock tower
b) a clock face
c) a bell
5. What is the popular name for the underground system (metro) in London?
A) the Tunnel
b) the Channel
c) the Tube
6. Who built St Paul’s Cathedral?
a) Christopher Wren
b) Benjamin Hall
c) William Conqueror
The keys; 1. c 2. b. 3. a. 4. c. 5. c. 6. a.

IV tour is “ Grammar corner”You should find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them. If you do it correctly you’l get the point
“ G r a m m a r c o r n e r”
Correct the mistakes.
1. My friend enjoys do sports.
2. Bob said Tom that he had a new phone.
3. 100 years ago children used to played with hoops and spinning tops.
4. Polly have never been to London.
5. We have been learning English for 2004.
6. I am good in mathematics.
7. If the weather will fine, we will have a picnic.
8. Joe has just breaked the window.
9. They can’t to swim because the water is not warm enough.
The keys.

1 My friend enjoys doing sports.
2. Bob told Tom that he had a new phone.
3. 100 years ago children used to play with hoops and spinning tops.
4. Polly has never been to London.
5. We have been learning English since 2004.
6. I am good at mathematics.
7. If the weather is fine, we will have a picnic.
8. Joe has just broken the window.
9. They can’t swim because the water is not warm enough.

V tour is “ S e c r e t t a s k” – in this tour you should name your favourite English letter and explain why you like them.
Now think and tell me 3 words beginning from these letters.
The 1st team names nouns.
The 2nd team names adjectives.
The 3rd team names verbs
For example; My favourite letter is’’ A ‘’because I like apples.

Conclusion. We have a music pause. Let’s sing and dance.
Teacher: Dear students! Dear guests!
Our competition is over. Let’s see our results.
Well, the jury, it’s time to declare the winners of our today’s competition.(The jury announces the result of the competition.)
Teacher: Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part at our lesson. Good bye! I wish you success and luck. See you soon!
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