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Leader in English

29 наурыз 2013, Жұма
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Theme: “Leader in English”
Aims: To enrich the pupils speech practices using grammar and Vocabulary.
To develop the pupils speaking habits in English.
To develop their activities
To bring them no to be friendly.
Visual aids: Cards, pictures, slides, balls.

The Plan of the lesson
I. In the world of English Grammar
II. Who is quicker?
III. Polyglot?
IV. English speaking countries
V. Who is the best?
VI. Jobs

Good morning, dear teacher, pupils and guests?
You are welcome to our open lesson. Today we 'II have an unusual lesson. And today we 7/ define the best leader in English, that's why the theme of our lesson is “Leader in English”
The quotation of our lesson is "the main thing is not to win but to take part"
Pupils, I wish you good luck! Everyone will get a point for a correct answer in the competition and at the end of the party we 'II see who the leader in English is. Now I will introduce you with the process of the game. Our game consists of six stages:
I. In the world of English Grammar
II. Who is quicker?
III. Polyglot?
IV. English speaking countries
V. Who is the best?
VI. Jobs

Now, let's begin the game, our first stage is. In the world English Grammar.
There are some grammar tasks in the balls. You may choose one of them. Do them on the white board.
1. 8. World around us Grammar. Activity 1(5p)
2. English. Education. Grammar. Gerund. Test. (10p)
3. English. Welcome to Kazakhstan. Grammar. Active, Passive Voice (15p)
Task I
4. English. Mass media Grammar. Reported speech. (20p)

Task 3
T: That's right. Now, let's count the points. Next stage is who is quicker?
I will read you 15 questions and all answers will start with the letter A and В letter A.
1. The name of the fruit (Apple)
2. The name of the month (April)
3. A part of the body (Arm)
4 The name of the school subject (Algebra)
5. The capital of Kazakhstan (Astana)
6. One of the oceans (Atlantic Ocean)
7. The famous Kazakh writer (Abai)
8. A funny story (Anecdote)
9. A story in the newspaper (Article)
10. A stupid animal (Ass )
11. A mathematical turn (Axiom )
12. The first letter of the alphabet (A) 13. lt is harmful for our health (Alcohol) 14. What cannot we live without?(Air)

Letter В
1. A Utile child (Baby )
2. The name of the fruit (Banana)
3. A part of the body (Back)
4. The antonym to the nard "good " (Bad)
5. An object in the classroom (blackboard)
6. A kind of the dance (Ballet)
7. The capital of the Germany (Berlin)
8. The name of the school subject (Biology)
9. A lake in Kazakhstan (Balhash)
10. The room where we sleep (Bedroom)
11. A person without money and a house (Beggar)
12. Ann important day for all of us which happens once every year
13. A color (Black)
14. The member of the family (Brother)
15. A clever friend of the man (Book)
T: Let's count your points.

III. The next stage is Polyglot.
I name the word, you must tell me proverbs with them, and translate them into Kazakh, into Russian.
1. Art - өнер - искусство
Art is long, life is short.
Өнерлінің өрісі кең.
Искусство - вечно, жизнь - коротка.
2. A good beginning makes a good ending.
Алдымен icтi тындырсаң, кім ұрсар сосын қыдырсаң.
Делу время потехе час.
3. Friend - дос - друг
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Жақсы достың қадірін басыңа іс түскенде білерсің.
4. Head - бас - голова
Two heads are better than one.
Келісіп пішілген тон келте болмас.
Одна голова хорошо, две лучше.
5. Ноте - үй - дом
There is по place like home.
Өз үйім - өлең төсегім.
В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
6. Late - кеш - поздно
Better late than never.
Ештен кеш жақсы.
Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
Let's count your points.

IV. The next stage is English - speaking countries.
I 'll give some questions you’ll swith on the light to answer.
1. The capital of the USA? (Washington)
2. On witch river is London situated?
3. What is the before name of London?
4. When did Christopher Columbus discover America? (1492)
5. Who is the 43rd President of the USA? (Bush)
6. What do people often call the American flag? (The stars and stripes)
7. What do people often call the British flag?
8. Which is the longest river in the USA?(Mississippi)
9. Where is the statue of Liberty? (New York)
10. The statue of the Liberty was a gift from... (France)
11. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)
12. What is the capital of the Scotland? (Edinburg)
13. What is Big Ben? (a clock)
14. Is Washington D. C. a state? (No)
15. Who is the Prime Minister of England? (Tom Bayer)
16. Who is the Queen of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
17. Who is the nowadays President of the USA? (Baraka Obama)
18. Who is the first President of the first President of the USA? (George Washington)
19. What country is on the north of the USA? (Canada)
20. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
Now, let's count your points.
And there is one more task, who gathered fewer points will do it for 5 points. V. The next stage is "Who is the best?"
Let's speak about our country, about our town in Kazakh and Kazakh kuy.
Let's count your points.

V. The next stage is Jobs. Let's play the game "Guess my Job".
T: Pupils, one of uou will go to the blackboard and other pupils ask you questions and will guess her job.
Then she will speak about her future profession.
- Do you have to get up early?
- How many hours do you have to work a day?
- Do you get a high salary?
- Do you have to get your hands dirty?
- Do you nave to study for a long time?
- Do you work with people?
- Do you travel a lot?
- Do you have to write letters?
- Do you have much responsibility?
- Do you have work in a hospital? At school?
Now, let's tell please about your future job.
Next task is on the blackboard. 15p.
9 Кл. Personal Relationship, Vocabulary.
T: That's all. Our lesson is going to be over.
Let's count your points.
It's time to define our leaders.
Our congratulations to you!
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0 дауыс

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