What are we going to do?
Level: 4
Theme: What are we going to do?
Objectives: SWBAT use “to be going to” in affirmative, negative and questions with topical vocabulary
Methods: question - answer, writing, making up sentences, playing a game
Aids: Brilliant 4 (PB|AB), interactive board, tape recorder, cards
Type of lesson: consolidation
Lesson procedure:
I. Organization moment
T: Good evening, children. I’m glad to see you again. Today we have guests. Try to be active at the lesson.
– What date is it today?
- Today is the 29th of October.
– Who is absent? - P1 is absent today. (All are present.)
II. Consolidation of “to be going to”
T: Today we are going to fix “ to be going to”. How do we translate it? Let’s remember how we can use it with verbs.
T: Next we’ll do some exercises. Look at the board. Here are two themes: Holiday & School. You should write these word combinations with “to be going to” into the correct picture. Begin with I’m going to…
T: That’s good. The next task is to ask and answer the questions. This is John. He is thinking about his future plans.
– What’s John going to do on Monday?
- He’s going to go to the cinema.
III. Relaxation time
Stand up! ------------ 1, 2, 3 step, step, step
Hands up ------------ 1, 2, 3 jump, jump, jump
Hands aside --------- 1, 2, 3 hop, hop, hop
Hands down -------- 1, 2, 3 stop!
Sit down.
IV. Playing a game “Sunflower”
T: These are yellow leaves. There is a task on the back of each leaf. You should make up a sentence with the given words write it on the blackboard. At the end you see what flower it is.
1. have, test, going, You, a, are, to.
2. win, the prize, first, going to, I’m.
3. Saturday, going, you, Are, to go, on?
4. Is, July, going, to go, He, to, school?
5. Dad, Is, her, going to, flowers, some, give?
6. John, going to, isn’t, a mountain, climb.
7. going to, we, Are, jump?
V. Speaking
- What are you going to do on Monday?
- I’m going to …
VI. Singing a song “Roller - blading”
VI. Homework Ex. 1, 2 p. 16 (PB)
Theme: What are we going to do?
Objectives: SWBAT use “to be going to” in affirmative, negative and questions with topical vocabulary
Methods: question - answer, writing, making up sentences, playing a game
Aids: Brilliant 4 (PB|AB), interactive board, tape recorder, cards
Type of lesson: consolidation
Lesson procedure:
I. Organization moment
T: Good evening, children. I’m glad to see you again. Today we have guests. Try to be active at the lesson.
– What date is it today?
- Today is the 29th of October.
– Who is absent? - P1 is absent today. (All are present.)
II. Consolidation of “to be going to”
T: Today we are going to fix “ to be going to”. How do we translate it? Let’s remember how we can use it with verbs.
T: Next we’ll do some exercises. Look at the board. Here are two themes: Holiday & School. You should write these word combinations with “to be going to” into the correct picture. Begin with I’m going to…
T: That’s good. The next task is to ask and answer the questions. This is John. He is thinking about his future plans.
– What’s John going to do on Monday?
- He’s going to go to the cinema.
III. Relaxation time
Stand up! ------------ 1, 2, 3 step, step, step
Hands up ------------ 1, 2, 3 jump, jump, jump
Hands aside --------- 1, 2, 3 hop, hop, hop
Hands down -------- 1, 2, 3 stop!
Sit down.
IV. Playing a game “Sunflower”
T: These are yellow leaves. There is a task on the back of each leaf. You should make up a sentence with the given words write it on the blackboard. At the end you see what flower it is.
1. have, test, going, You, a, are, to.
2. win, the prize, first, going to, I’m.
3. Saturday, going, you, Are, to go, on?
4. Is, July, going, to go, He, to, school?
5. Dad, Is, her, going to, flowers, some, give?
6. John, going to, isn’t, a mountain, climb.
7. going to, we, Are, jump?
V. Speaking
- What are you going to do on Monday?
- I’m going to …
VI. Singing a song “Roller - blading”
VI. Homework Ex. 1, 2 p. 16 (PB)

The verb “To be” “To have” in Past Simple
Pupils use the verb “To be” “To have” in Past Simple orally and in written form, doing different, interesting tasks.

Educational aim: Introduction of the grammar material: there is. Vocabulary: attic, bedroom, stairs, bathroom, kitchen, living room, garden. Make up word combinations and sentences with the new words: to educate their oral speech by doing exercises:

Daily routine
Ақтөбе облысы, Ақтөбе қаласы, №30 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Турманбетова Роза Орынбасаровна
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