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Great Britain

16 мам 2012, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The lesson of English in the 8th form.

Theme: Great Britain
Aims: 1 To review the Lexics and to present the new ones.
2 To review the Grammar: The Perfect Passive.
3 To read the text “Great Britain” and to discuss it.
4 To teach the students to help their classmates.
5 To bring up students in respect of other people’s customs and traditions.
6 To help students to find differences and similarities of the two countries
Aids: cards, interactive board, map of Great Britain

The content of the lesson:

I Organization moment
1) Auding of the text
A) New words:
B) Listening of the text and answering the questions
C) Short retelling of it

II Revision of the Lexics:
the United Kingdom, Great Britain,
England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
the British Isles, Northern Ireland, Island, Channel, the Strait of Dover,
the Irish Sea, the Thames
the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf Stream, the Severn, Europe

III Presentation of the new Lexics:

Be situated - [sitjueitid] – орналасу
Separate - [ sepәreit] - бөлу
Suburb - [ s bә:b] - қала маны
Square - [ skw ә ] - шаршы
Coal - [ kәul ] - көмір
Industrialized - [ ind striәlaizd] - өнер кәсіп дамыған ел
Agriculture- grik lt ә ] - ауыл шаруашылық
Wheat - [wi:t] - бидай
Oats - [әuts] - сұлы
Care - [ k ә ] - баптау, аялау
Pay attention - [ pei әten әn] – көңіл бөлу
Policy - [ polisi] - саясат
Mild - [ maild] - жұмсақ

IV Listening of the text, reading it and discussion of it
1 passage: answer my questions:
a) Where is Great Britain situated?
b) What is it washed by?
c) How many parts does the UK consist of?
d) What are the British Isles separated from Europe by?

2 passage: give English Equivalents: Ұлы Британия екі есе Франциядан кіші.
Жер көлемі 244100 шаршы километр, Халық саны 57 миллион кісі, Ұлы Британия өнер кәсібі дамыған ел, Адамдар бидай, көкөніс, сұлы және жеміс өсіреді

3 passage: give Kazakh Equivalents:
Great Britain is well known in the world as a nature-loving country.
Its people care about flora and fauna
People of Gr. Br. Pay great attention to the environmental problems.
4 passage: translate this passage into Kazakh.

5 Let’s work on the map of Great Britain:
Show us water border (ocean, seas and channels) of it.
Show us the parts of The UK
Show us the capital of the country and the river on which it lies
Speak about the climate of the country.
Talk us about the problems of Gr. Br.

V The next step of our lesson is Revision of Grammar: the Perfect Passive

The capital had been chosen by the first President of the country.
Have the city been decorated to the Christmas?
The language has not been learnt well yet.

Complete the table:

+ ?

The song had been written by the popular composer
The song -----
by the popular composer

---- the song --- ----
by the popular composer?

The environment
------ ------ -----
in this part of the country.
The environment had not been polluted in this part of the country
----- the environment ----
in this part of the country?

The climate of the country
----- ------ ------- well
after the accident.
The climate of the country
---- not ---- ----- well
after the accident.
Has the climate of the country been studied well after the accident?

The city has been built on the bank (су жағасы) of the river.
------ ?

VI Open your notebooks, write down the date, draw this kind of square:

1 2 3

I –variant
A 1 Have you visited the UK?
2 It hadn’t been changed by the people
3 These tourists have bought a lot of cards.
B 1 A lot of trees had been planted in the town.
2 Where had they gone after the tour?
3 We have heard many stories.
C1 They have met a lot of interesting people.
2 What have done there?
3 Many traditions had been forgotten.

II – variant
A1 They have not climbed the Everest
2 Have you seen the flag of the country?
3 The map of the place has been lost.
B 1 Who has taken care of the plants?
2 The animals had been killed for skins
3 People have cleaned a lot of rivers.
C 1 Where had the flowers been brought from?
2 They had found the museum easily
3 We have worked in the park.

Now, let’s check up your answers

VI Recycling
1 Today we spoke about the UK, its area, population, climate.
2 Then we reviewed the Grammar – the Perfect Passive
a) How do we form the Perfect Passive?
b) How do we form the third form of the regular verbs/irregular verbs?
c) When do we use the Passive Voice?
3 We worked with the tables completed them.
You all were brave, clever. Thank you.

VII. H/T: Give short retelling of the text
VIII. Marks for the lesson.

Great Britain
Great Britain
Маңғыстау облысы, Жаңаөзен қаласы, Теңге ауылы, №14 жалпы білім беретін орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Бухарбаева Дарижан
Where’s Great Britain?
Where’s Great Britain?
Атырау қаласы, Атырау селосы Ф. Оңғарсынова атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Абилтаева Гүлхат
Great Britain (Ұлыбритания)
Great Britain (Ұлыбритания)
Ақтөбе қаласы, №1орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Нургул Айжарикова
Укибаева Алия Рахимбаевна Үлкен орта мектебі МДШО Алматы облысы, Жамбыл ауданы, Үлкен кенті, ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Great Britain
Great Britain
Мұнайлы ауданы, "Қызылтөбе лицейі" Балташева Айзада Нұрқызы
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