Дүйсенбі, 17 Ақпан 2025
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Бізбен байланыс
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Ағылшын тілі
Enjoy your flight
Развивать готовность учащихся вступать в иноязычное общение для получения необходимой информации; развивать навыки чтения, письма, аудирования, говорения; развивать навыки работы в микрогруппах, навыки взаимоподдержки, взаимо - и самооценки;...
Let’s measure
Learners know how to describe his/her toy;...
To enlarge pupil’s knowledge about types of transport, give information about London double - decker bus....
Let's find out!
to develop a productive ability with present simple questions....
Ағылшынша тақпақтар (Английские стихотворения)
Ағылшынша тақпақтар (Английские стихотворения). Sleep, sleep, beauty bright Dreaming over the toys of night. Sleep, sleep: in the sleep Little sorrows sit and weep. By W. Blake...
Present Simple
Грамматика английского языка. Урок 8. Present Simple....
Place where I live
- to teach students to use in the speech of the adjectives in the comparative degree - to make sentences about area where they live...
Our body
Theme of the lesson: Our body Learning objectives(s) 2. R1recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet...