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Holidays in Kazakhstan and in Great Britain

11 сәуір 2014, Жұма
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Holidays in Kazakhstan and in Great Britain (8 сынып)
1. Шет тілін оқытуда өздік жұмыс ретінде жоба әдісін қолдану арқылы оқушының іздену, зерттеу әрекеттерін қамтып, оқудың сапасын көтеру.
2. Оқушының интеллектуалды, шығармашылық және коммуникативтік қабілеттерін дамыту.
3. Топпен бірлесіп, шығармашылық жұмысын арттыру, үш елдің мәдениетін, тілін, салт - дәстүрін құрметтеу, білу;
Әдісі: Жоба қорғау, топпен жұмыс.
Көрнекілігі: Таблица, карточкалар, интерактивті тақтадан слайдтар.
-«Мерекелер» тақырыбын қорытындылау;
- Жоба қорғау жұмысы

Сабақтың барысы:
1. T - Good morning dear children! I am glad to see too!
Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What season is it now?
Children, today we’ll have a presentation of our projects devoted to our holidays.
The first team will talk about Christmas, the second team will talk about Nauryz, and the third team is going to talk about the New Year.
Slide 1. Project ‘Christmas’ - presentation.

T: On this slide there are a lot of words connected with each holiday. You should gather the words and statements connected only to your holiday and tell us about your holiday in several words.
Slide 4. Put the words into the correct column of the table.
Jesus Christ, Father Frost, roast turkey, snow man, decoration, cards, gifts, song, bell, Nauryz kozhe, milk, kokpar, balloon, reindeer, dance, baursaks, pudding, cake, kydyr ata, kymys, traditional costumes, party, Happy New Year.

Teacher: Now, pupils, let’s do the next task.
Slide 5. Task for teams “Nauryz” and “New Year”.
Finish the sentences.
1. On Christmas people celebrate the birth of…./Jesus Christ /
2. People go to the church on…/ Christmas Eve/
3. The Christmas tree is usually crowned with…/a star or a Christmas angel/
4. Children get presents in…./stockings/
5. The traditional Christmas meal is…/a roast turkey and a pudding/
6. Father Christmas comes by…./the flying sleigh/
Let’s read Christmas wishes.

Slide 6. Questions for teams “Christmas” and “New Year”.
1. What are Nauryz traditions in your family?
2. What do you like to do best of all on Nauryz?
3. How do people prepare for the Nauryz celebration?
4. What is the traditional Nauryz meal?
5. How was your Nauryz party organized in your school, in your class?
Slide 7. Questions for teams “Christmas” and “Nauryz”.
1. What holiday is not so popular in Britain? / New Year’s Day/
2. Where do people in Kazakhstan celebrate New Year’s Day? /Nauryz/
3. Where do people go to bed at unusual time on New Year’s Day? /in Britain/
4. How many days do New Year’s holidays last in Russia? /about 10 days/
5. Why must the First Foot in Britain be a man and not a woman? /a man brings luck/
6. What can we do during New Year’s night? /I can kiss my friends, shake hands, hug and shout: “Happy New Year!”
Slide 8. Russian Father Frost and British Father Christmas. Who are these? Look carefully and draw lines, label the pictures.
Conclusion stage. Teacher: Thank you for your projects. You were very active today.
Home task.
Giving marks.

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.
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