What colour is your cat?
Магазова Айгуль Қорғанбекқызы,
ағылшын тілі мұғалімі
Павлодар облысы, Ақсу қаласы,
Қанаш Қамзин атындағы орта мектебі
Form: 5
Theme: What colour is your cat?
The type of the lesson: multimedia presentation lesson
Aims of the lesson:
1) to study colours, “What color is your cat?”, “It’s black.”, to study new vocabulary
2) to develop students’ pronunciation skills
3) to bring up students’ interest to English
Equipment: The Active board, cards, book
I. Organizing moment
Greeting Good morning!
-At first I divide you into 2 groups. Girls are “Beautiful girls” and boys are “Bikers”
-All “Beautiful girls” go to the 1st table, all “Bikers” go to the 2nd table Write down your names on the cards you have.(Приложение1)
II. Warm up
1. Pronunciation practice
Listen to the poem “Children and the Clock”
Song “Tick-tock”
Clock: Tick-tock, tick-tock
Now it’s ten o’clock
Ten o’clock, ten o’clock
And what do you do, children
When it’s ten o’clock
Children: We are at the English lesson
When it’s ten o’clock
(слайд 2)
2. Revision of time (слайд 3) It’s + minutes + past/to + hours
The first task is to write the clock times
9.00, 9.05, 8.55, 9.15, 8.45
answers: 1)It’s nine o’clock, 2)It’s five past nine. 3.It’s five to nine. 4. It’s a quarter past nine. 5. It’s a quarter to nine
III. Presentation of the new theme
What colour is your cat?
(слайд 4)
1. New words: : brown, orange, black, violet, green, blue, beige, yellow, grey, pink, white, red
a. Listen to the words and try to guess the meaning of the word
b. Repeat after me
2. The 2nd task is to paint the pictures
3. Pronunciation practice and speaking
Ex. 3 p.63
a.Listen to the teacher
b.Repeat after teacher
-What colour is your cat?
-It’s black and white
c.Talk to your friend about clothes, hair. Ex. 4 p.63
-What colour is Colin’s T-shirt?
-It’s __________
4. Ex. 5 p.64
a.Listen to the teacher
b.Repeat after teacher
-What colour are its eyes?
-They’re brown
c.Talk to your friend about trainers, jeans, trousers and shoes. Ex. 6 p.64
-What colour are Omar’s trousers?
-They’re ______
5. The next task is to describe your picture using colours.
Her name’s _____
She’s _____
She’s from ________
Her hair is ________
Her blouse is________
Her trousers are ______
Her jeans are ________
(слайд 9)
IV. Feedback
Answer the question What did you do at the lesson?
Answer the question and mark
“Shopping with Barby” (Slides)
What does Barby want to buy?
V. Hometask
ex. 9 p. 64
VI. Giving marks
ағылшын тілі мұғалімі
Павлодар облысы, Ақсу қаласы,
Қанаш Қамзин атындағы орта мектебі
Form: 5
Theme: What colour is your cat?
The type of the lesson: multimedia presentation lesson
Aims of the lesson:
1) to study colours, “What color is your cat?”, “It’s black.”, to study new vocabulary
2) to develop students’ pronunciation skills
3) to bring up students’ interest to English
Equipment: The Active board, cards, book
I. Organizing moment
Greeting Good morning!
-At first I divide you into 2 groups. Girls are “Beautiful girls” and boys are “Bikers”
-All “Beautiful girls” go to the 1st table, all “Bikers” go to the 2nd table Write down your names on the cards you have.(Приложение1)
II. Warm up
1. Pronunciation practice
Listen to the poem “Children and the Clock”
Song “Tick-tock”
Clock: Tick-tock, tick-tock
Now it’s ten o’clock
Ten o’clock, ten o’clock
And what do you do, children
When it’s ten o’clock
Children: We are at the English lesson
When it’s ten o’clock
(слайд 2)
2. Revision of time (слайд 3) It’s + minutes + past/to + hours
The first task is to write the clock times
9.00, 9.05, 8.55, 9.15, 8.45
answers: 1)It’s nine o’clock, 2)It’s five past nine. 3.It’s five to nine. 4. It’s a quarter past nine. 5. It’s a quarter to nine
III. Presentation of the new theme
What colour is your cat?
(слайд 4)
1. New words: : brown, orange, black, violet, green, blue, beige, yellow, grey, pink, white, red
a. Listen to the words and try to guess the meaning of the word
b. Repeat after me
2. The 2nd task is to paint the pictures
3. Pronunciation practice and speaking
Ex. 3 p.63
a.Listen to the teacher
b.Repeat after teacher
-What colour is your cat?
-It’s black and white
c.Talk to your friend about clothes, hair. Ex. 4 p.63
-What colour is Colin’s T-shirt?
-It’s __________
4. Ex. 5 p.64
a.Listen to the teacher
b.Repeat after teacher
-What colour are its eyes?
-They’re brown
c.Talk to your friend about trainers, jeans, trousers and shoes. Ex. 6 p.64
-What colour are Omar’s trousers?
-They’re ______
5. The next task is to describe your picture using colours.
Her name’s _____
She’s _____
She’s from ________
Her hair is ________
Her blouse is________
Her trousers are ______
Her jeans are ________
(слайд 9)
IV. Feedback
Answer the question What did you do at the lesson?
Answer the question and mark
“Shopping with Barby” (Slides)
What does Barby want to buy?
V. Hometask
ex. 9 p. 64
VI. Giving marks

What time is it?
purpose of the teaching: presentation of the new materials about time presentation of the question “What time is it?” and answering it. Presentation of the words: half, quarter, past, to, clock, minutes.

Ағылшын тілінде тақпақтар (Стихотворений на английском)
Seasons. Autumn is yellow, Winter is white, Spring is green, Summer is bright. Spring Spring is here, Summer is near, Grass is green, So nice and clean. Winter, spring, summer, fall - I like spring best of all.

What colour is your cat?
Атырау қаласы, Дамбы селосы Амангелді атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Сұлтанова Қарлығаш Өтегенқызы

A really busy day
Ақтөбе облысы, Шалқар ауданы ГКС - 12 орта мектебі ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Тілеумағанбетова Ә. С

The magic world of English language
The magic world of English language Кеулімжаева Базаркүл Елеуқызы Шалқар қаласы, №2 мектеп-гимназия
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