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Young leaders

03 маусым 2014, Сейсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme: "Young leaders"
The aims of the lesson: to enrich pupils' knowledge of the foreign language; to develop the pupils scope; to interest pupils to work in groups.
Visual aids: interactive board, pictures, CD and player etc.
The type of the lesson: competition lesson
Method of teaching: question - answer, multiple choice, matching
The procedure of the lesson:
Teacher: Good morning dear teachers and guests. Dear pupils we have an unusual lesson today. We work in groups. Our pupils divided into four groups. They are called:
“Patriotic persons”
“New generations”
“Funny friends”
“ Children of the sun”.
Today’s our competition has 5 rounds:
1. Introduction
2. Kokpar (grammar tests)
3. Zhorga
4. Who said more?
5. Captain’s compete
- Well, let me introduce the member of juries:
- Let’s start the first round. The 1st round is “Introduction”. There are each team should introduce their team in 3 minutes.
- The 2nd round is “Kokpar”. To the each team we give grammar tests. You should do this test in five minutes.

1. Put the verb in Past Continuous
She ___ wearing a blue dress.
a) was
b) were
c) is
2. Put the verb in Past Perfect Tense
He had ___ the watch
a) saw
b) seen
c) see
3. Choose the correct answer
I need to buy ___
a) a bread
b) a lot of bread
c) breads
4. I stayed at home and ____ football.
a) watch
b) to watch
c) watched
5. Put the correct article.
I go to ____school in __ morning, so I get up early.
a) a, the
b) at, the
c) -, the

6. Put the modal verb
They ___ know it.
a) can
b) must
c) may
7. Choose the right form
I ___ just ___ my homework
a) have finished
b) had finished
c) don’t finished
8. Sorry, I ___ one of your glasses.
a) broke
b) had broken
c) have broken
9. Find odd one out
a) watch
b) think
c) pizza
10. Change the sentence in negative (-) form
I watched TV yesterday
a) I didn’t watch TV yesterday
b) I don’t watch TV yesterday
c) I have not watch TV yesterday

- The 3rd round is “Zhorga” There are four themes: music, sport, history and custom. Every theme has three questions. You can choice one of these box is which you like.
Music 10 20 30
Sport 10 20 30
History 10 20 30
Custom 10 20 30

10 - Listen to music
20 - Parody
30 - Who are the author is hymn of our country? (N. Nazarbaev. Zh. Nazhimedenov. Sh. Kaldaiakov)

10 - Who is this? Which team he plays? (Bekham, Los Angles Glasea)
20 - Olimpic champion of heavy athletics in Kazakhstan? (Iliya Ilyin)
30 - When will start winter Asian Olympic games in this year and where? (January, Almaty)
10 - What country’s flag is this? (The USA)
20 - whaen did the capital transfer from Almaty to Astana? (1997)
30 - What mighty river of the USA? (Mississippi, Colorado, Missouri)

10 - Tell Kazakh customs about young baby
20 - Find. What kind of games is this? (Audaryspak)
30 - Young boys and girls are participants in this game. The girl on the horse does her best to gallop from the young man but as soon as the boy tries to overtake her she lashes him whip. If – up to a certain place – the boy fails to overtake her, she would “reward” him with whipping again. If he is a success he earns a kiss. What kind of game is this? (Kyz kuu)
- The next round “Who said more?”. You should find words of this word schoolchildren. Who does more words takes the points?

- The last round is “Captain’s compete”. Every captains should answer the questions in one minutes.
1. How many players are there in a football team? 11
2. What was Sherlock Holmes’s professions? Detective
3. What colour is the sky? Blue
4. When is the Independence Day Of Kazakhstan? On 16th of December
5. What is the 1st month of the year? January
6. What is the state language of Kazakhstan? Kazakh
7. What is seven plus eight? 15
8. In which city is “Baterek” situated? Astana
9. How many days are there in a week? 7
10. What cheese made from? Milk
11. How many states are there in the USA? 50
12. Who wrote “Abai zholy”? M. Auezov
13. What is the name of the 1st Kazakh national cosmonaut? T. Aubakirov
14. Give the opposite of the word “poor”. Rich
15. What is the name of our President? N. Nazarbaev

- Dear juries, please, conclude all points of rounds. If juries to come a conclusion, make winners public, please.
- Dear teacher, guests and pupils thank you for your attention. The lesson is over. See you soon. Good bye!
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