My country
The theme: My country
The aim: to check their knowledge, to develop speaking and reading abilities, to speak about our country
The form: competition
The visual aids: slides, pictures of our country, balloons,
Outline of the competition
I Org. moment
Teacher: Good-day, dear teachers and pupils! We are glad to see you. Today we have got the competition which is called “My country”.
We have two commands. They are: “Friendship” and “Baiterek”. There are 5 pupils in every team. I team`s captain is Aigerim will introduce the members of her team. II team`s captain is Aibek. He will introduce his command.
Now I want to introduce you with our rounds.
I round- Find the pictures
II round-video
III round-Say the words correctly
IV round-Say the idioms
V round-famous people
So, let`s greet with our judges. They are the teachers of English.
Teacher: I round is “Find the pictures.” Look at the interactive board. There are some pictures. You must find them.
1 picture (Duman center)
2 picture ( Baiterek)
3 picture (Khan shatir)
4 picture (Big Ben)
5 picture (Tower of London)
6 picture (Piramidar)
7 picture (Mega)
The aim: to check their knowledge, to develop speaking and reading abilities, to speak about our country
The form: competition
The visual aids: slides, pictures of our country, balloons,
Outline of the competition
I Org. moment
Teacher: Good-day, dear teachers and pupils! We are glad to see you. Today we have got the competition which is called “My country”.
We have two commands. They are: “Friendship” and “Baiterek”. There are 5 pupils in every team. I team`s captain is Aigerim will introduce the members of her team. II team`s captain is Aibek. He will introduce his command.
Now I want to introduce you with our rounds.
I round- Find the pictures
II round-video
III round-Say the words correctly
IV round-Say the idioms
V round-famous people
So, let`s greet with our judges. They are the teachers of English.
Teacher: I round is “Find the pictures.” Look at the interactive board. There are some pictures. You must find them.
1 picture (Duman center)
2 picture ( Baiterek)
3 picture (Khan shatir)
4 picture (Big Ben)
5 picture (Tower of London)
6 picture (Piramidar)
7 picture (Mega)
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Learning English is fun
To check pupils ‘knowledge from English, Kazakh and Russian through playing games, doing different tasks To develop pupils’ reading, speaking and thinking abilities and enlarge their vocabulary.

Learning English is fun
To check pupils’knowledge from English, Kazakh and Russian through playing games, doing different tasks To develop pupils’ reading, speaking and thinking abilities and enlarge their vocabulary.

Young leaders
Маңғыстау облысы, Қарақия ауданы, Мұнайшы кенті, №7 орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Түешиева Меруерт

Who is quickly?
Қызылорда облысы, Қармақшы ауданы, А. Жанпейісов атындағы №105 қазақ орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Алтаева Индира Әбибуллақызы

Kazakhstan and Great Britain
Қызылорда қаласы, №187 М. Шоқай атындағы қазақ орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Егізбаева Сауле Әбутәліпқызы

Whois champion
Қызылорда облысы,Қазалы ауданы, Абай ауылы, Абай атындағы №90 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Қадырова Мира Қанибековна
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Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.
Қонақтар,тобындағы қолданушылар пікірін білдіре алмайды.